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Symbiote Rakling drops

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Greetings and salutations,


I'd like to suggest/plead/unapologetically beg for the Symbiote Rakling to be added to the story mode Eyeless drop table at the current rate it's at on veteran mode, and the drop to be guaranteed in veteran mode.  I'm a daily player for years now, and I've seen the pet drop twice ever.  This is a pet required for the event achievements and Lord of the Raklings title, yet it's ridiculously gatekept by the current drop setup.  Hardly anyone will run veteran mode at this point, and there's almost no chance it will even drop if you can fill a group to run it.  As always, I thank you for your time and efforts.

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Posted (edited)

I once ran approximately 25 characters through on SM and HM. I saw it drop once on HM. Because of rolling on loot being taken out of the game, people who didn't even want or care about it couldn't pass on the pet, increasing the chance of getting it ever so slightly. 

That was admittedly a crazy thing to do, and I since stopped joining groups for Eyeless. There really is no way to get the drop short of random, extremely unlikely chance. 

Edited by arunav
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I believe it can be traded within the group should someone actually be willing to do so.  I've personally offered an obscene amount of credits for it up front should it drop for someone else in the group.  Needless to say, even that doesn't work.

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+1 for bump to the symbiote rakling drop rate increase.  I've been farming him for years.  I try to get in as many groups as I can each time the event comes up.  I generally see it drop once or twice in a given week in varying modes.  I've never been lucky enough to get it.  

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Yeah, I don't really care for the rak event anyway, but I've even run it probably upwards of 50 times in hard mode and seen it like once and it was for someone else. I've seen more Wings drop than I have this rakling pet.

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