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Is rolling Sentinel over Guardian worth the dps increase?


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Hey all,


I've been playing my guardian now for a while and I keep being told that I should just roll a sentinel if I plan to only dps. Is rerolling a sentinel worth the dps increase seeing as I only plan to dps and pvp. Any thoughts? It would be a shame since I really do prefer the single saber look.

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If you only ever want to DPS and never want to tank, then yeah go Sentinel. Devs may say it'll be even but right now nothing matches Watchman Sentinel in single target sustained DPS.


But honestly, just play what you enjoy. If you like the single saber iconic look then stick with it. You can still get groups just fine, people will want/expect/prefer you to tank though since as a Guardian you can tank and there are a shortage of tanks as is the case in MMOs.

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