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Backstory for my Sith Warrior


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This is a WIP of a backstory, I have been thinking about the backstory of my Sith Warrior ever since I first played the main story. I am on my newest playthrough and I wanted to give her a backstory.


Born eight years before the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, Dive Physto was born on Makem Te. She was discovered to be Force Sensitive at three years old and trained at the Sith Academy on the planet of Thule. Even before she could swing a sword, she knew that she was different than her peers. She was powerful in the Force, and later on with the blade. She knew that her anger gave her strength. She eventually drew the attention of one teacher from the Korriban Academy, Overseer Tremel, he followed her training with great interest. She then became bloodthirsty, she wanted nothing less than the eradication of the Jedi and the Republic. Right before the year of her trials, she approached by Overseer Tremel to begin her trials over, she then arrived on Korriban to complete her training. She was born to be Sith.

Edited by kyledll
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3 hours ago, kyledll said:

This is a WIP of a backstory, I have been thinking about the backstory of my Sith Warrior ever since I first played the main story. I am on my newest playthrough and I wanted to give him a backstory.


Born a few years before the Treaty of Coruscant was signed,

About  eight or nine, in fact, maybe as few as seven, but definitely more than I'd be comfortable calling "a few".  The ToC was signed about ten years before the player character starts at level 1, and the SW is probably *not* just an adolescent (by our Earthly standards), so at least 18 or 19.

3 hours ago, kyledll said:

Dive Physto was born on Dromund Kaas.

The player character's arrival on DK after Korriban+Fleet speaks against this.

3 hours ago, kyledll said:

She was discovered to be Force Sensitive at three years old and trained at the Sith Academy on the planet.

Which planet?

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