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Enhance Probablitiy of Certain Drops Please


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Hi everybody,

I have been playing almost daily since launch, there were breaks for work/holiday trip reasons, but I have yet to find me a Czerka Crate-o-Matic. I have been farming for it back when rumors said it was more likely to drop in a certain cellar in the Black Hole area. Nothing. Same for the Desler mount supposedly dropping on CZ-198. I have been consistently killing that sales assistent 10000 times over.

Nothing. I have been late with the "X marks the spot" achievement and keep digging for Dreadseed armor pieces. I have spent probably 100 hours on this and just cannot find the dreadseed boots.

Maybe it is supposed to be like this, but for me it is more fun to watch my clothes in the washer than keep trying to get those achievements. Maybe you can increase the chance of a drop from 0.000000001% to 0.000001%? 

Thank you very much for reading this and maybe even consider doing something about it.

Cheers, JP

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The problem is this is entirely optional content and it's supposed to be a rare drop. That's what makes it exciting. Also iirc it's not bound even after use so if you know somebody with one they can trade it to you, you use it, then give it back. I don't know if they changed it, but I remember some of my friends getting theirs that way (unless I hallucinated the whole thing)

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