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Please give us brackets. I am sick of fighting high level toons.


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As a level 12 sorc, I have joined 5 bg's just today so I can get some gaming in. Just a note, I do have another sorc level 27 on another server. But thats not the problem.


BW, I truely feel very useless in warzones at my level. Most of the matches played, there were well over 6-8 level 50's and the rest were above level 30. One of the games had a level 12 maurader. We literally looked for each other to fight as we can't hold up against the chaotic and destructive nature of higher level players.


I was also apart of the beta. It was assumed that there were soft brackets in place that will at least try to put you into brackets of people around your level. And it was also agreed that because beta had so little people, it is why there were such a mix of extreme level differences. Ok thats fine we got that, and we accepted that soft brackets would work when the game released.


But I bought this game 4 days after it came out. And already there are people 50's etc. And then others in their 30's plus. And both of my servers I am on is full during peak hours. And in my area alone there is roughly 150 around. I am not saying all of them pvp, but i am sure its more then enough people queuing around my level where this supposed soft bracket would work. I actually asked in general chat if people are pvping. there was about 15+ people said yes they were. And that is not including the people that are already in a match, or people who felt that they didn't need to answer me. Again 15 is more then enough to get a huttball going with maybe 1 higher level. My overall experience has been in many warzones where there are way more higher levels then there are low levels.


Now as a level 12 sorc i have my two heals, my break stun, 3 offensive moves, whirlwind, reckless, overload, and electocute. No run speed, no aoe ability, none of my dots (madness spec'd), no talents that really increases my damage throughput besides force lighting on the first tier. Lets also mention, I got some black talon orange pieces and then the rest blues. I am also crafting my own mods through artifce to increase my stats.


Now out off all of that I am recking pve with ease. I mean I am really taking my time with pve to get the best of the best. And even though its overkill i am sticking to the rpg elements of the game and getting/making what i can. I don't want to just level fast and have nothing to do.


I do love me some pvp, but my current stats/gear/level/etc is nothing compared to a level 30-50 character. Now still keep in mind that almost ALL my games had more level 30+ then 29- level toons. I get destroyed. By the time i get maybe two lightning strikes (casting because i don't even have wraith yet) and maybe a shock or part of force lightning I am dead. And don't expect to run away. Bottom line is bolster is not enough.


I am not complaining that yes you have to start somewhere, and that you are gonna die. I am not looking for a perfect win streak with no deaths. But I feel like I have no serious contribution to my team. I am nothing but a free kill. I literally see people drop what they doing and target me. I love the challenge but there is nothing bolster is gonna do to help you have a fighting chance.


I believe this issue is just as bad as afk'ers. Because again it's 7vs8+1 free kill. I can't carry the ball. My heals are crap, And I can't even keep up with my team. I literally have nothing that gives me staying power, and that says yes bolster will make it balanced and even against higher level toons.


I am sorry for the rant. And I know people will agree, and disagree. But to actually bring this into perspective it is NOT fun to join a warzone and be completely useless because there are way more higher level toons then lower. I would rather wait for a warzone with brackets then to keep joining warzones where we were suppose to get some type of soft bracket, but stuck with 70-95% of the people are 30+ and 80% of that is above level 40.


I bought the game because I believed in you and your past work. I loved kotor, and what better way to pvp in the star wars universe. Please BW, I hope you listen and give us brackets.


I will agree it may take longer for games to be created with brackets. But I am sure many people would rather have brackets and be useful, then be in a fast pvp que and be useless. There are definitely exceptions, but really the game is played to have fun and it is not fun playing against higher levels and you can't really compete.


I apologize to anyone that feel like I am just a whiner. But enough is enough and something has to be said in hopes this issue is fixed as a GAME should NOT be fustrating and no fun. Yes both can co-exist and I would be ok with that. But right now the pvp is no fun at all.

Edited by SithVenom
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You said Bliz in your second to last paragraph, btw, lol. But, I do feel your pain. Getting pain-trained by bored 50s isn't even remotely fun.


lmfao i am sorry. Wow.


I think BW is currently monitoring forums to find feedback. And at least from beta, if topics were brought up a lot and actually had valid points, then they would put it as a high priority. I have done my part and said what I had to say. It isn't for a bunch of players to pass judgement because they feel that they are devs. No, this is an attempt to address to the devs the issues at hand.


Let's also point out that game designers design games in hopes that everything they put in is not of a waste. That is time/money consuming. These people are already away from their families for extended periods of time. So I think its quite hard to swallow that they would allow pvp to be opened for you at level 10, but don't care about it because its well level 10. Why would you waste resources and effort? Why not just open it up at level 30-50?


Please if you got something against what I am saying at least do your best to make sense and not just give terrible excuses for why you disagree.

Edited by SithVenom
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Your level 12, nobody cares what you have to say when your a noob level.


Come back when your least 30-50, goodbye.


I think I care less about the person who cannot properly form sentences than he who crafts a well spoken complaint; even if he is only level twelve.

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However I think EVERYONE has a voice about a flawed system regardless of their level. Im 42 currently but I don't like getting swamped by 50's anymore then I like beating up on level 12s. Brackets (and not just a 50 bracket) are a must and should have been put in a long time ago. If people race to 50 and have no one to queue up with why should low levels be penalized for that.


Bolster none bracket PvP is both fail and just plain out lazy design. Any REAL PvPer that played DAOC RvR or arena WoW will agree.

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You post was well written, cogent, detailed and perhaps too long for the average gamer attention span.


Warhammer Online did bolstering and bracketing well, BW devs should play that for a few hours and see what it's like to actually contribute to the fight when you aren't an ultra-twinked L50 uber-pwn whatever. Fully geared chars near the bracket lvl cap DO have an advantage in WHO PvP - just not a godlike advantage. That is why lots of players would fill the queues even if they weren't invincible and uber-geared, they at least had a chance to affect the battle, to feel like they weren't a 'free kill'. IMO the PVP experience was pretty good.


It has to be easier to fix up a PvP experience when there are examples/templates to follow right?

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You post was well written, cogent, detailed and perhaps too long for the average gamer attention span.


Warhammer Online did bolstering and bracketing well, BW devs should play that for a few hours and see what it's like to actually contribute to the fight when you aren't an ultra-twinked L50 uber-pwn whatever. Fully geared chars near the bracket lvl cap DO have an advantage in WHO PvP - just not a godlike advantage. That is why lots of players would fill the queues even if they weren't invincible and uber-geared, they at least had a chance to affect the battle, to feel like they weren't a 'free kill'. IMO the PVP experience was pretty good.


It has to be easier to fix up a PvP experience when there are examples/templates to follow right?


Champions online had bolster too. I never played warhammer. but for champions it was 10 levels per bracket, and everyone was bolsted to the highest level of that bracket. I t worked great.

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I think BW is currently monitoring forums to find feedback. And at least from beta, if topics were brought up a lot and actually had valid points, then they would put it as a high priority.


I so hope this is true. Honestly the people that will be playing this game for 5+ years are mostly not 50 now and probably not going to be 50 for some time. Usually the people that grind to 50 in a week migrate to another mmo with in a year. BW is killing their own long term stability by letting 50s ROFLStomping people 30+ levels below them.


I like the game and think over all its a good game considering it just launched but BW is killing themselves by not putting 50s in their own pvp matches, no matter if it took 1 minute to fire of 1 hour to fire.


Great post, I hope there are 100k more threads started just like this so BW will do something for the the majority of the player base in stead of catering to the 1% power games. Ignore the id10ts that enjoy spewing nonsensical negative text on forms.

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Bolster needs improvement, not replacement. It's THE best possible system in place of any level-based theme park MMO right now.


All it needs is for...


  • Sprint to be level 10
  • Tank ACs to get guard, taunt, and tank ability at 10
  • Increase bolster effects as much as 30% on lower levels, especially sub-20
  • Require 50s (or from 48+) to bolster down unless they've some expertise or all blue gear
  • Cap expertise in warzones
  • Introduce an optional 50s only queue that drops bolster effects and expertise cap



There, you go. All done. Seriously, Bolster is better than brackets in every aspect. All it needs is tweaking.

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Champions online had bolster too. I never played warhammer. but for champions it was 10 levels per bracket, and everyone was bolsted to the highest level of that bracket. I t worked great.


You sure they did that? Meh, doesn't matter, it was a terrible game. The most horribly implemented combat I've seen in any modern MMO, hands down.

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Bolster needs improvement, not replacement. It's THE best possible system in place of any level-based theme park MMO right now.


All it needs is for...

  • Sprint to be level 10
  • Tank ACs to get guard, taunt, and tank ability at 10
  • Increase bolster effects as much as 30% on lower levels, especially sub-20
  • Require 50s (or from 48+) to bolster down unless they've some expertise or all blue gear
  • Cap expertise in warzones
  • Introduce an optional 50s only queue that drops bolster effects and expertise cap


There, you go. All done. Seriously, Bolster is better than brackets in every aspect. All it needs is tweaking.


You have very nice points. And I wouldn't mind a mix of bracket bolster. But I personally think its a waste to even get the best of the best gear, if bolstering going to make everyone on the same playing field. Maybe if they added an arena or rated warzone without bolster then that would work. But I think it kills the whole reason of have gear and other perks for just playing and completing more things.


I guess I am old fashion and would like the strong seperated from the weak. But don't penalize the strong too much by decreasing their hardwork.



But to be fair, both would do just fine as long as I feel useful.

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You sure they did that? Meh, doesn't matter, it was a terrible game. The most horribly implemented combat I've seen in any modern MMO, hands down.


Hey I liked that game. But then again i find most games fun in some way or another. Anyways yeah it had bolster. I think it was the complex nature of having free form that caused uproar as people would just get the best of the best moves and change out every month or so for the new fotm moves/spells.

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