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bloqué sur une alerte yavin 4


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bonjour je suis quelque peu embêté sur l'alerte "Le Dashade"  je dispose de tous les éléments a part le cristal car je me fais démonter par la roche raie géante avec ma franc tireuse lv 80. J'utilise un partenaire en mode soin et pourtant arrivé a la moitié de la barre de vie du mob il semble enragé et me met en pièces très rapidement. Si vous aviez des astuces ou conseils face à ce problème. En vous remerciant 

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I'd love to help, but my google translate doesn't fit my knowledge base. Can you explain further? Is this Ak'ghal Usar mission?



Video walk thru ---^

J'aimerais aider, mais ma traduction Google ne correspond pas à ma base de connaissances. Pouvez-vous expliquer davantage ?
Est-ce la mission Ak'ghal Usar ?


stuck on a yavin 4 alert hello I'm a little confused about the "Le Dashade" alert I have all the elements apart from the crystal because I'm being taken down by the giant ray rock with my lv 80 franc shooter. I use a partner in care mode and However, having reached half the mob's life bar, he seems enraged and tears me to pieces very quickly. If you have any tips or advice for this problem. Thanking you


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hello and thanks for your reply , i will try to put my problem in english. That is the quest for the companion akghal usar in the republic mod. I have all the items for the quest with my smuggler dps lv 80 and a companion heal but the elite bird seem to be in rage and kill me quickly. I don't understand because i've done some other elite more difficult finger in the nose but this big chicken is too angry for me lol !

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