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The Emperor doomsday

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Has anyone playing a sorcerer beaten the Emperor in the doomsday storyline?  I have tried many times but can not beat him he kills me every time is there a trick to beat him lol I have armor weapons I bought or I would consider just starting over but at lvl 62 it would be hard lol  HELP!!!!

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On 3/28/2024 at 8:41 PM, Lord_Jedi_Axe said:

Has anyone playing a sorcerer beaten the Emperor in the doomsday storyline?  I have tried many times but can not beat him he kills me every time is there a trick to beat him lol I have armor weapons I bought or I would consider just starting over but at lvl 62 it would be hard lol  HELP!!!!

I know this is a late response, but this is the Jedi Knight story final boss right, the one where you have to bring T-7? If it is you have to interrupt his cast before he insta death pushes you. Interrupt skill for sorcerer is called Jolt, so find that, and either keybind it or put it somewhere you can click it quickly.

Edited by DragoslavRadanov
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If you can't interrupt then run circles to avoid the blasts and save your heal pots till you really nee them, if you can keep heals on yourself /bubble that also would help too


I'm assuming since you're asking about sorc killing the emperor you are using sorc skills on a knight?

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