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Please Make Arcann's Customizations and Other Items Locked Behind the DvL Vendors Accessible Again


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Hello There!

This is just another kind reminder of the fact that the Dark vs. Light system went away over THREE YEARS ago and, although some people that were here during that era still have a few dark and light tokens saved up, countless players are left viewing the enticing items on the DvL vendor with no way to obtain them.

As seen in this thread and also this thread, players would very much like to access the awesome stuff housed on the DvL vendor on fleet.

Many folks are especially concerned with being able to obtain Arcann's dark and light customizations.  As it stands now, Arcann is the ONLY companion in the game that has ALL of their customization options gated behind a vendor with absolutely no way to currently gain the resources that are required for purchase. 

Please consider making these items available to players again in the near future - either by allowing them to be procured by credits or by providing us with a way to obtain DvL tokens yet again. @JackieKo ❤️

Thank you so very much!



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Adding my voice to this request!

Please Devs, at least just give us access to Arcann's customisations 🙏With Date Night released, now is the time to let us have the customisations again for even more variety and replayability.

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Please make Arcann's customizations available again! Purchasable with credits or whatever currency, NOT DvL tokens. Trying to get those tokens was a terrible experience.

Doesn't even need to be available in collections (though that would be very appreciated). It can be a new credit sink, if you're looking to implement more of those.

And while this isn't as important as making his customizations available again, please consider making a "Arcann Customization 3" in the future. I love everything about the design of his Zakuul prince robes, but sometimes I would like to give him a more plain outfit. It would really take the next step into showing a more relaxed side of him, like Date Night just showed.

Edited by cosmicchar
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