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Did I mess up Torian's Romance?


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I think I failed to complete Torian's romance before moving on to Kotfe by jumping the gun and going into chapters before finishing his final conversations after BH story closure - I romanced him, did all the flirts, but I think I missed out on the last 2-3 conversations with him because I moved straight to the chapters after Corellia, forgetting to talk to my Comps.

In C1 - The Hunt, usually if you romanced a Comp you can tell Valks you experienced love as well, I didn't get that option - so I think it's not counting my BH as in a romance, despite having kissed the boy several times.

Can Fem!BH start Torian's Romance in Kotfe? Am I FUBAR?

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I've always disliked that yu have to almost always pick the /flirt actin or you lose out too, i feel for ya, Torian is cute although he does send one email that made me go 🤨, well one line in one email, regarding Vette... but other then that lol

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