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Securing the guildship and assets on a break


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While I love the game I'd like to have an occassional break from it for financial and general mental health reasons.  As a guildleader to a few small guilds some of which I have been the main person unlocking the guildship I'd like to be able to unsub without having to disband the guild or lose control of the guild assets built up.  Please can you look at the possibility of facilitating this.  Its not ideal to have to kick the entire guild just to do this and I know some guilds have trusted members who can hold the fort but this is not always the case and it would be nice to recognise this.

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4 hours ago, hillerbees said:

While I love the game I'd like to have an occassional break from it for financial and general mental health reasons.  As a guildleader to a few small guilds some of which I have been the main person unlocking the guildship I'd like to be able to unsub without having to disband the guild or lose control of the guild assets built up.  Please can you look at the possibility of facilitating this.  Its not ideal to have to kick the entire guild just to do this and I know some guilds have trusted members who can hold the fort but this is not always the case and it would be nice to recognise this.

The guild belongs to its members:  The GM is just entitled to make certain decisions on its behalf.

The GM position is a responsibility, not a right.

If you can't fulfill the bare minimum responsibilities of a GM (meaning logging onto the GM character at least once every four weeks), you need to be replaced (either by actively promoting someone to take the GM position or letting the game do this on its own) so the guild isn't left leaderless.

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6 hours ago, Ominovin said:

The guild belongs to its members:  The GM is just entitled to make certain decisions on its behalf.

While I agree with you, not all “guilds” are the same.


  • create an alt account
  • add a character from the alt as a member
  • transfer guildmaster to the alt account. This will downgrade the guild to FTP
  • unsub/let your sub expire
  • transfer guildmaster to your main
  • continue logging in to prevent the guild leader role from transferring 

you still need to log in every few weeks, but you can let your sub lapse

be nice and send a guild mail to the members to update them on what’s happening 


enjoy your SWTOR break

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Just be certain you understand the changes you'll see when your guilds go FTP:  https://help.ea.com/en/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-free-to-play-faqs/

  • In particular, re-setting of customized ranks may leave your entire guild bank open to any member who spent Cartel Coins on Bank access at some point.



Free-to-play guilds

What is a Free-to-Play Guild?

When we introduced the Free-to-Play option, we wanted to be careful to preserve the social experience provided by guilds in Star Wars: The Old Republic, regardless of whether a player is a Subscriber, a former Subscriber or a new Free-to-Play player.

To do this, we made Free-to-Play guilds available as an option for non-Subscribers who would like to enjoy a more social environment.  

Free-to-Play guilds offer all the social aspects of guild membership familiar to our players, but they do also have a smaller number of features available to them.

Players who would like to create or join a Free-to-Play guild should be aware of the following:

  • Members of Free-to-Play guilds may not choose when their Guild Tag is displayed.
  • Guild leaders of Free-to-Play guilds may not personalize Guild Rank Names or alter the default rank permissions for their Guild members.
  • Guild members (including the guild leader) may not access the guild bank unless they choose to spend Cartel Coins to unlock access.

As a Guild Leader, if I switch to Free-to-Play, what will change?

The most important thing for you to be aware of as a guild leader is that only Subscribers may be guild leaders of Subscriber Guilds in Star Wars: The Old Republic.  If you plan to become a Preferred player, you should prepare your guild for the transition by passing your leadership on to a guild member that plans to remain a Subscriber.  

If you do not do this prior to your account status changing, the system will automatically pass guild leadership on to the highest ranked active Subscriber in your guild once your account changes to Preferred. You will remain a member of your guild and will have Preferred player access to guild features.

As a guild member, if I move from a Subscriber to the Free-to-Play option, what will change?

If you are not the leader of your guild, then choosing to switch to the Preferred option will not affect the status of your guild. However, you will have limited access to certain guild features. Please be aware that Cartel Coins can be spent to expand Free-to-Play features, including unlocking guild bank access.

If my guild becomes a Free-to-Play guild, what will happen to the items in our guild bank?

The items in your guild bank remain as before, and will be accessible to all guild members who have used Cartel Coins to unlock guild bank access for their character(s), and who have the correct rank to withdraw items according to the permissions set by the guild leader.

How can I tell whether I belong to a Subscriber or Free-to-Play guild?

If you are a member of a Free-to-Play guild, you will see a message informing you of this on your guild window. Press  to open your guild window at any time. If you have bound your  key to another action, you can press  to open the social window, and click on the Guild tab there instead.

If one of our guild members becomes a Subscriber, will our guild become a Subscriber guild?

If the guild leader becomes a Subscriber, then yes, the guild will be automatically become a Subscriber Guild. However, this does not apply if other guild officers or members become a Subscriber.



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