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Augment Slot Components - What am I doing wrong.


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Prior to the patch I believe I was able to deconstruct assembly components and get an augment slot component and a few raw materials of the same level.

Now it seems they are just returning a few raw materials. In short, I can't produce any augment slot components.

Am I doing something wrong?

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I think there is a bug where if your Deconstructing anything that had been in your legacy storage it won't give you the Assembly component kits. when I'm looking for those I make sure I'm crafting new components and leave them in my inventory for deconstruction.

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19 hours ago, Toraak said:

I think there is a bug where if your Deconstructing anything that had been in your legacy storage it won't give you the Assembly component kits. when I'm looking for those I make sure I'm crafting new components and leave them in my inventory for deconstruction.

It's not super difficult to justify saying that it isn't a bug - all the shared materials inventory can know is how many there are, and definitely not who made them - they might easily all have been made by a different character, none of whom is one of yours, for example.

However, you can work around the problem.  Take the stack out of the shared inventory slot and then make one more.  Remember to wait until your companion finishes the crafting and drops the new assembly component into your inventory.  It merges with the stack and makes the whole stack count as crafted by this character's crew.  Proceed to immediately deconstruct them...

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