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Credit Transfer limits to SV


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18 minutes ago, frizzydude said:

I would be impartial to a game-wide wipe of credits. If you have > x amount, after x date they will be removed from game. BUT that will piss off a lot of end game raiders and force them to leave. 

Credits currently do have the same value, it's the items that the value has changed.

If they did that, I think you’d see a majority long term players quit. It would be a very risky move for Broadsword to do something like this so late in the games life. I’m pretty sure EA would never agree as it would eat into their projected revenue from subs & cartel store.

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27 minutes ago, Dylanof said:

The value of the credits is what is at issue here.

You are thinking that 1 credit on SS has the exact same value as it has on SV it doesn't.

10,000 credits on SS buys the same number of Companion gifts as on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000 credits send the same number of companions off on missions on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000 credits buys the same number of character perks on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

10,000,000 credits does the same amount of repair on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000,000 unlocks the same number of Stronghold doors on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000,000 provides a guild to purchase the same number of guild Perks, provide the same generous repair credits and guild summons on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus


The same goes with all sources of credits, the same activities on whatever server you are on give the same credits.


As far as the game is , the value of a credit is the same regardless of the server you are on.


The only place there is a difference is on the player run trade network. this is a an OPTIONAL area of the game that is not needed to play the game.

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2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If they did that, I think you’d see a majority long term players quit. It would be a very risky move for Broadsword to do something like this so late in the games life. I’m pretty sure EA would never agree as it would eat into their projected revenue from subs & cartel store.

Yeah I absolutely agree. I just suggested that as it would solve ALL credit issues at once.

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1 minute ago, FrontLineFodder said:

10,000 credits on SS buys the same number of Companion gifts as on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000 credits send the same number of companions off on missions on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000 credits buys the same number of character perks on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

10,000,000 credits does the same amount of repair on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000,000 unlocks the same number of Stronghold doors on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000,000 provides a guild to purchase the same number of guild Perks, provide the same generous repair credits and guild summons on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus


The same goes with all sources of credits, the same activities on whatever server you are on give the same credits.


As far as the game is , the value of a credit is the same regardless of the server you are on.


The only place there is a difference is on the player run trade network. this is a an OPTIONAL area of the game that is not needed to play the game.

^^  This 100%

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23 minutes ago, Dylanof said:

What im saying is that the credits on SS are of lesser value due to inflation and bloat that has built up over the decade.


1 credit on SS is of much lesser value that it is on SV. if they were to offer equal real value for the credits would you be happy with that ? it would remove x amount of of the older economies repairing them to a slight degree while offering you equal value in this non inflated economy ?

The only way they could do that is adding a brand new currency to the game that would convert credits into it. 

But I still don’t think you get how rich some players in this game are. The mega rich would still be mega rich after a conversion. I know people who’ve 100 billion credits in their legacy bank, 4.25 billion credits on 100 characters & then more credits stored in personal Guild Bank vaults. One guy I know has close to 300 billion credits spread around. 

Even if they work out that 1 credit on SV is the same value as 10, 100, 1000 or even 10,000 credits on SF or SV, the conversion will still mean the mega rich stay mega rich.

At this point, there’s no mechanism to remove enough of those credits from the mega rich players. There is no tax or fee system or fair conversion that they can implement that will have any impact on those players. And any fee’s or taxes they add as credit sinks will always harshly impact new or returning player the most. 

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9 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

10,000 credits on SS buys the same number of Companion gifts as on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000 credits send the same number of companions off on missions on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000 credits buys the same number of character perks on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

10,000,000 credits does the same amount of repair on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000,000 unlocks the same number of Stronghold doors on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000,000 provides a guild to purchase the same number of guild Perks, provide the same generous repair credits and guild summons on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus


The same goes with all sources of credits, the same activities on whatever server you are on give the same credits.


As far as the game is , the value of a credit is the same regardless of the server you are on.


The only place there is a difference is on the player run trade network. this is a an OPTIONAL area of the game that is not needed to play the game.

Pretty good argument 👍

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2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

At this point, there’s no mechanism to remove enough of those credits from the mega rich players. There is no tax or fee system or fair conversion that they can implement that will have any impact on those players. And any fee’s or taxes they add as credit sinks will always harshly impact new or returning player the most. 

Yeah that is very true. The sinks don't affect the people that have billions of credits. Only hurts new and returning players or the lower class player.

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16 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Please don’t condescend to me. If you want my continued interaction in your thread (which you specifically asked for), then be respectful.

I'm not condescending you.

Here is an experiment look at the price of the same item on each server the value of the item is different. the value of the credits are different.

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2 minutes ago, Dylanof said:

I'm not condescending you.

Here is an experiment look at the price of the same item on each server the value of the item is different. the value of the credits are different.

The value of the items are different. The credit value is the same

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17 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

10,000 credits on SS buys the same number of Companion gifts as on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000 credits send the same number of companions off on missions on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000 credits buys the same number of character perks on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

10,000,000 credits does the same amount of repair on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

100,000,000 unlocks the same number of Stronghold doors on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus

1,000,000,000 provides a guild to purchase the same number of guild Perks, provide the same generous repair credits and guild summons on Satele Shan as Sae Vizla, Star Forge, The Leviathan, Tulak Hord and Darth Magus


The same goes with all sources of credits, the same activities on whatever server you are on give the same credits.


As far as the game is , the value of a credit is the same regardless of the server you are on.


The only place there is a difference is on the player run trade network. this is a an OPTIONAL area of the game that is not needed to play the game.

So the credit value of services in the service economy has not changed but the value of the player driven economy GTN etc has inflated and there for devalued the value of the credit on SS. 


1 credit on SS is valued much less then SV.


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2 minutes ago, Dylanof said:

I'm not condescending you.

Here is an experiment look at the price of the same item on each server the value of the item is different. the value of the credits are different.

I did that yesterday on this thread for an augment (don't recall which one) (something all players may want to equip for playing the game.

To buy one of the GTN it was 100X the credit cost, but to sell items the price was commensurate and OEM was 1/10th the cost of the Augment on either server.

However, To Craft it, it would take the identical amount of time to send your crew off to do the resource gathering, it would take you the identical amount of time to craft items, deconstruct them, you have the identical amount of chance to learn the schematic in order to get one yourself. this is regardless of what server you are on.

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26 minutes ago, frizzydude said:

Yeah certainly we need a lot more than PVPers.


The problem I see with this, is the majority of people that post of forums, are the casual gamers. I'm chatting to fellow PVErs in discord now, and none of them use the forums. So BS will make their decision based on the majority of forum posts, not what the community actually wants or needs. 

Yeah, I don’t actually mean the majority of posters on the forums 😉. I mean total player base. Making business decisions based purely on only a few forum posters posts is not the way to do it. 

But it would really help your fellow pvers & swtor players alike if they actually spoke up more on the forums instead of just on discord. The more voices that BS hears, the more likely they’ll do something. Look how quickly they reacted to posts about the Xmas specials because there was a loud push back on the forums. 

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5 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Yeah, I don’t actually mean the majority of posters on the forums 😉. I mean total player base. Making business decisions based purely on only a few forum posters posts is not the way to do it. 

But it would really help your fellow pvers & swtor players alike if they actually spoke up more on the forums instead of just on discord. The more voices that BS hears, the more likely they’ll do something. Look how quickly they reacted to posts about the Xmas specials because there was a loud push back on the forums. 

Yeah for sure. I'm actively trying to get them to post, and they are starting

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Here is a suggestion I made months ago when they started looking at revamping the GTN.


Don't make it per server, allow items to be sold across all the servers, there is no seperate player economy, they are all one.

on The Leviathan you have access to buy the same crafting materials from players on Star Forge.

Credits get transferred between servers, just like character transfers. but unlike character transfers they are TAXED.

increase the economy by adding more buyers and sellers than any one server can provide

reduce credits across the economies of ALL servers while doing so.

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6 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

I did that yesterday on this thread for an augment (don't recall which one) (something all players may want to equip for playing the game.

To buy one of the GTN it was 100X the credit cost, but to sell items the price was commensurate and OEM was 1/10th the cost of the Augment on either server.

However, To Craft it, it would take the identical amount of time to send your crew off to do the resource gathering, it would take you the identical amount of time to craft items, deconstruct them, you have the identical amount of chance to learn the schematic in order to get one yourself. this is regardless of what server you are on.

So this is based on the item value being different, not the value of credits. If you're purely looking at a character trade / GTN situation, then yes you could say the value is less. But if you're looking at QT, speeder travel, legacy unlocks, guild unlocks, repairs, gear upgrades/modifications, then the value is exactly the same as every other server.

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7 minutes ago, Dylanof said:

So the credit value of services in the service economy has not changed but the value of the player driven economy GTN etc has inflated and there for devalued the value of the credit on SS. 


1 credit on SS is valued much less then SV.


And you’ve just hit the nail on the head. The player generated economy is the problem. And 99% of those items aren’t actually needed to play the game & progress. 

So the prices on the service economy is all that matters here, not the player generated economy for things like dyes or cosmetic gear. 

While ever those extreme credit sinks are in place to drain credits from the game, it’s not reasonable to put the player generated economy ahead of players needs regarding the service economy. 

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13 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

Here is a suggestion I made months ago when they started looking at revamping the GTN.


Don't make it per server, allow items to be sold across all the servers, there is no seperate player economy, they are all one.

on The Leviathan you have access to buy the same crafting materials from players on Star Forge.

Credits get transferred between servers, just like character transfers. but unlike character transfers they are TAXED.

increase the economy by adding more buyers and sellers than any one server can provide

reduce credits across the economies of ALL servers while doing so.

Not a bad idea per say. But I can see lots of technical hurdles & possible problems occurring with it. 

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1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And you’ve just hit the nail on the head. The player generated economy is the problem. And 99% of those items aren’t actually needed to play the game & progress. 

So the prices on the service economy is all that matters here, not the player generated economy for things like dyes or cosmetic gear. 

While ever those extreme credit sinks are in place to drain credits from the game, it’s not reasonable to put the player generated economy ahead of players needs regarding the service economy. 

This is a great way of putting it.


That leaves the question, Does BroadSword continue treating Shae Vizla as a APAC Regional server, or do they change there mind and relaunch it as a completely new reset economy (with no transfers whatsoever) to preserve the fresh economy.


(my argument is the player GTN prices will only stay low for a limited time, while players level up characters, once they have few drains on their credits, prices will go up again.)

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3 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Not a bad idea per say. But I can see lots of technical hurdles & possible problems occurring with it. 

This is where I actually thought they were headed when they remove seller names.

in terms of technical hurdles, I doubt it, it's not like it is the NASDAQ.

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4 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

That leaves the question, Does BroadSword continue treating Shae Vizla as a APAC Regional server, or do they change there mind and relaunch it as a completely new reset economy (with no transfers whatsoever) to preserve the fresh economy.

Not really a question anymore because that horse has left the gate when they said they are going to offer free transfers. Any deviation from that now will lose them more players. 

I think if they want to do a fresh server economy restart for people, they should open a specific server for that in the US or EU. Leave the SV server alone as a regional server & just open up transfers.

But that’s a different thread topic that really has nothing to do with SV or transfers to it.

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3 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Not really a question anymore because that horse has left the gate when they said they are going to offer free transfers. Any deviation from that now will lose them more players. 

I think if they want to do a fresh server economy restart for people, they should open a specific server for that in the US or EU. Leave the SV server alone as a regional server & just open up transfers.

yep, I completely agree, if they want a new isolated economy server, create one

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1 minute ago, FrontLineFodder said:

This is where I actually thought they were headed when they remove seller names.

in terms of technical hurdles, I doubt it, it's not like it is the NASDAQ.

That would need a central server setup for the trades to go to & from. Because even though the servers are in the cloud now, they are still physically in seperate geolocated regions. Problems would 100% arise if they tried cross server trades without a central server to run them from. But honestly, even though this is an intriguing thought bubble, it’s a bit off topic. 

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6 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And you’ve just hit the nail on the head. The player generated economy is the problem. And 99% of those items aren’t actually needed to play the game & progress. 

So the prices on the service economy is all that matters here, not the player generated economy for things like dyes or cosmetic gear. 

While ever those extreme credit sinks are in place to drain credits from the game, it’s not reasonable to put the player generated economy ahead of players needs regarding the service economy. 

So you are actually advocating for broadsword to wholesale raise prices across the board as credit sinks. because the value of a credit on the other servicers is much less and the other server needs to raise it's prices in parity with SV.

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