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Choppy motion and low framerate on planets since 7.4


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Eversince 7.4 deployment I get extremelly choppy motion on planets introduced after onslaught (especially Rhunuk, Ossus, Manaan-nighttime Mek-sha, Onderon)
Insome cases I also get low framereates [as in 20-30fps]. Before 7.4, motion and framerates were exceptional.
I have an i3 10100F, 16Gb DDR4, and an RTX 2060 Super 8Gb. Please dont try to waste my time with reinstallations and other useless things like "selecting the high performance cpu", etc
Also I tried deactivating ALL nametags as was suggested on an older post and things have not changed at all.
Keep in mind that even on Fleet with full population, I get better motion an framerates than alone on Ossus.

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13 hours ago, OwenBrooks said:

most causes of choppy motion is due to vsync , in the nvidia swtor profile or the global change it to fast and see if the issue disappears

Actually thats the 1st thing I tried, but it didnt resolve anything....

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10 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Also try turning down the shader quality & render distance of other players & the trees & grass. I know Onderon is especially sensitive to this with so many low & overhanging trees. 

looks like lowering shadow quality to low has almost solved the problem.
However, I'd like to know why has this happened. Why didn't I have that problem before 7.4?

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17 minutes ago, Kogull_x said:

looks like lowering shadow quality to low has almost solved the problem.
However, I'd like to know why has this happened. Why didn't I have that problem before 7.4?

7.4 had some kind of graphics update.  I remember getting a prompt that new graphics settings were available on the first character I logged into after my game client updated to 7.4.



Cinematic Lighting Update

Beginning in 7.4, we are activating a new character lighting tool for all cinematic content. Any cinematic content in the game currently - from class stories to world arcs to more recent expansions - will employ this new character lighting system. Some of the highlights of this system include using environment lighting for more accurate shadows, detailed self shadowing on characters, and more custom lighting control in cinematics


Source: https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/12523/game-update-7.4-chains-dark

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5 hours ago, Kogull_x said:

looks like lowering shadow quality to low has almost solved the problem.
However, I'd like to know why has this happened. Why didn't I have that problem before 7.4?

It’s definitely the new lighting changes in the game. They don’t just affect cinematic story. It’s also to allow the new dyes to look metallic. It’s like they’ve put a new shader layer over our characters. On my PC this looks like tiny little dots if you zoom right in on your character while you have the graphics settings to full. 

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