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As a new player, some of the older content needs to be overhauled. Specifically the parts where you end the quest.

Those such as Athiss or Hammer Station, as examples. Instead of just completing the quest automatically, like nearly all the other later Flashpoints you encounter, these you have to go to the Fleet each time, and skip through a cutscene, before you get your reward. And it's just so beyond pointless this late in the game. I can understand having them there to go into the Flashpoints,  but they need to be adjusted so they auto-complete like all the others.

Which leads me to the one that brought me here. Black Talon.
I'm really tired of getting this via the Activity Finder when doing the weekly Flashpoints.
And at the very end, someone decides it's funny to select Dromund Kaas. Or they legitimately have to go to Kaas per continuing the story quest.

Either way, this should be a personal choice. Not a group decision based on an RNG roll. I rarely go to Dromund Kaas anymore, because I don't need to on this character.

Yet every time I'm forced onto the Black Talon randomly, 8/10 I'm ending up on Dromund Kaas and having to take time to go to the Fleet. Or else back to the planet I originally queued from.
This needs to be updated to allow me to return to previous area.

Instead of making it an RP dialogue choice, it should be a Previous Location option to select, the way others work. (Such as Hammer Station)

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Purging no, but giving alternative option to end mission dialog by holo from quest window instead running back to console/NPC would be nice. If dialog doesn't have any physical  part (ex. you hit NPC, get or give item etc.) we should have option to make call via holo and do talking instead running back half of map and than run another half of map for next objective.

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10 hours ago, YshtolaRhul said:

As a new player, some of the older content needs to be overhauled. Specifically the parts where you end the quest.

Those such as Athiss or Hammer Station, as examples. Instead of just completing the quest automatically, like nearly all the other later Flashpoints you encounter, these you have to go to the Fleet each time, and skip through a cutscene, before you get your reward. And it's just so beyond pointless this late in the game. I can understand having them there to go into the Flashpoints,  but they need to be adjusted so they auto-complete like all the others.

Which leads me to the one that brought me here. Black Talon.
I'm really tired of getting this via the Activity Finder when doing the weekly Flashpoints.
And at the very end, someone decides it's funny to select Dromund Kaas. Or they legitimately have to go to Kaas per continuing the story quest.

Either way, this should be a personal choice. Not a group decision based on an RNG roll. I rarely go to Dromund Kaas anymore, because I don't need to on this character.

Yet every time I'm forced onto the Black Talon randomly, 8/10 I'm ending up on Dromund Kaas and having to take time to go to the Fleet. Or else back to the planet I originally queued from.
This needs to be updated to allow me to return to previous area.

Instead of making it an RP dialogue choice, it should be a Previous Location option to select, the way others work. (Such as Hammer Station)

Athiss defiantly needs a quick travel option to return to the fleet after beating the boss, Hammer Station is fine since there is a door that allows you to escape the instance, if you beat the turrets like you're suppose to😘

I completely agree with your Black Talon RNG point. Though not gonna lie... I've totally hit the DK option just to be a troll.

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Playing the game at launch was great because flashpoints felt big and a major part of the story. Most players now don't even know ur supposed to do black talon/esseles after the starter planet and the choices u get to make in those fps are great, really got me hooked on the game. Wish they'd actually do a better job of feeding these fps to new players so they could experience them how they are supposed to and not be just a mindless run through with ppl yelling at u to spacebar.

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20 hours ago, chaharbagh said:

I disagree. Purging content should not be a desire.

I never said purge anything.

This is about dumb decisions Bioware made in the past, and that should have since been corrected.

With the amount of times Athiss or Hammer Station pop on the Group Finder for Flashpoints, and you're required to have them as an option, you need to be able to complete the quest instantly, like all of the later flashpoints. Instead of being forced to go back to the Fleet and the terminal, to skip through the same boring conversations with Malgus that most have probably seen hundreds of times by this point.

19 hours ago, Landerhow said:

we should have option to make call via holo and do talking instead running back half of map and than run another half of map for next objective.

I would rather see a flag in place.

If you've seen the dialogue from these terminals in the Dropship area of the Fleet, then you should get the quest complete option. Maybe a toggle in the Settings in case you feel a pang of nostalgia and want to see Darth Malgus' brief spiel at the end of them. But that should be optional. And tbh, none of what he says is relevant or meaningful at all beyond the first time. And truthfully? It's not even all that relevant then to begin with. It's just a bit of fluff.

9 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Wish they'd actually do a better job of feeding these fps to new players so they could experience them how they are supposed to and not be just a mindless run through with ppl yelling at u to spacebar.

I mean, I get it. This is how stuff is run, when the game is designed that way. Same thing happens in ESO.

Only reason it doesn't happen in XIV is because those have blocks to prevent you skipping trash fights. And not a huge number of story scenes built into the actual dungeons.

Personally, I don't mind using spacebar to skip. You're dragging down everyone either to be a troll or just because you're slow to process what's going on in cutscenes. And that shouldn't be a thing in Veteran or Master Mode.

As one person said not long after I'd begun playing about some others in a FP I was in. If you want to see the story, use Story Mode and solo them with your Companion. Or take a friend or group of friends along. Don't expect to watch Story content while in Veteran mode, when people are just there for the rewards.

And I do have friends who would play them solo, but the few times I tried (literally just Boarding Party and Foundry, it was because I wasn't aware you had to remove the one quest that is given to you, in order to allow you to queue up via GF in Veteran mode, instead of Story. And I gotta be honest...Story Mode with just a companion, was a boring ass slog. Everything felt like it was too much of a damage sponge for my character, even over-leveled as I was.

And that pretty much flipped the switch that, I would not be doing any more Flashpoints solo in this game. It was terminally unfun in those two. Like the scaling was still off and not truly appropriate for a solo player, who was forced to rely on a Heal companion.

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On 12/15/2023 at 8:37 AM, ytrenor said:

Make the solo story mission available again for Athiss and Hammer Station, with all the the cutscenes/conversations (like Taral V, Directive 7, etc), but skip them when these FP are acquired through GF and the Activities/Solo tab.

Eh, no. I don't think you should skip them out of the GF.
Solo story missions were garbage. As I pointed out above, they are a horrible slog with just a companion.
Unless they are going to rework all story modes to make enemies less damage sponge-y

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