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GTN items expiring in SELL window are not actually expiring or being reflected in SELL window


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For my example, I have 3 items that were on GTN, then expired in my SELL window, their DURATION is currently showing as -6m -5s (which doesn't update in real-time* btw, but does update  if you switch to BUY window and back, but it still doesn't update while watching the DURATION text). In the BUY window, my 3 items are still showing, and I was able to buy 1 of them (losing 25% value in the process, grr!), and now only 2 remain in the BUY window. I Cancel the other 2 items, they drop from my SELL window and show up in my CLAIM window, I claim them, but they're still showing in the BUY window.

I tried the same experiment with 3 other items, got the exact same results except when I switched back to the BUY window after claiming 1 of my 3 items.  I then tried buying 1 of my 2 remaining items (the BUY window said 2 were available), the ITEM PURCHASE window showed the 2 items, but I couldn't purchase them as the PURCHASE button was disabled.

I then tried a 3rd time, after closing and restarting the GTN window, and it's now working fine. However, I'm still showing items in my SELL window with negative DURATION (some are currently showing -154m -12s). Canceling and reselling seems to be working fine, but I'll bet you lunch that this is going to get borked again overnight, just like on all my other crafter toons. 😛

* This is likely a bug, but maybe not. I'm basing this on the BUY window updating in real-time as items are posted/bought on GTN, so that panel DOES have real-time updating, it's just not consistent nor always correct.

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