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Conquest Error in Interpreter's Retreat


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Server: Star Forge 

Character: Shyndyr

Was trying to catch up on story before 7.4 hits. Finished Old Wounds on 12/1/23 on my Jedi Knight, Syonar and was awarded around 36K conquest points.

Tried on my trooper Shyndyr on 12/2/23-12/3/23 and was awarded 0 conquest points, plus when opening the conquest screen in the Retreat. it was totally blank with an error that Conquest was Under Review. 

Also I could not travel to a stronghold from the Retreat, which I could do only 2 days ago.

Not sure what broke, but something did. Can you please look into this? For those who do conquest this is rather disheartening.

Thank you,

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Seeing the same bug on Star Forge, Empire side. The Guild Invasion tab also incorrectly says my guild doesn't have a ship. And I can confirm that defeating mobs there doesn't advance the Galactic Rampage Conquest objective. As others have said, everything looks fine elsewhere; it's apparently just a problem in Interpreter's Retreat.

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22 hours ago, MishaCantu said:

Tried on my trooper Shyndyr on 12/2/23-12/3/23 and was awarded 0 conquest points, plus when opening the conquest screen in the Retreat. it was totally blank with an error that Conquest was Under Review. 

Could not reproduce on Satele Shan server using Republic toon that already completed Old Wounds story content.  Guild Invasion tab of the Missions window shows the same values as it did prior to this toon traveling to Interpreters' Retreat zone on Voss.

22 hours ago, MishaCantu said:

Also I could not travel to a stronghold from the Retreat, which I could do only 2 days ago.

Also could not reproduce this on Satele Shan with the same Republic toon.  After the Republic toon arrived at Interpreters' Retreat on Voss using the galaxy map I traveled to my Nar Shaddaa stronghold and back to Interpreters' Retreat with no issue.

However I logged into an Imperial toon on Star Forge and was able to reproduce these two issues (Guild Invasion tabs shows no invasion and no guild ship even though my guild has a guild ship and did invade a planet this week.  Could not travel to Nar Shaddaa stronghold from Interpreters' Retreat).  However when I traveled back to Imperial fleet the info on the Guild Invasion tab returned to normal. 

At this point this issue looks to be server specific.  It will be interesting to see if this issue is resolved after servers go down for 7.4 patch on Tuesday.

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So, I did some more testing on Star Forge.

I completed Old Wounds on my smuggler, Kylyria, yesterday on 12/3/23. During the her time at the Retreat doing the chapter I received the same error.

However, I logged onto her today, 12/24/23, went to the retreat and the Conquest window is normal, and I could QT to my stronghold.

Then I started Old Wounds on another toon, Fedayk, a Jedi Knight. During the cutscene parts on Odessen the conquest window was fine. The same was true on fleet during the Malgus part. Everything was also fine on Voss. Lo and behold, everything also worked correctly when entering the Retreat. 

Conclusion: Evidently this has been stealth fixed, though I will try again on another character at some point this week. The issue seemed to be that guild flags weren't being read correctly or not at all in the Interpreter's Retreat. Whether this error was also linked to Old Wounds being active, I don't know. Let's hope it doesn't reoccur. 

I forgot to add that conquest points are also working now. I am getting credit for missions completed and mobs defeated. 



Edited by MishaCantu
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