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Make 'Personal Comments' persist after log-out.


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You may have seen the button 'Personal Comment' when on the Who tab and maybe even fiddled with it once but never again. The feature is fairly simple, it allows you to set a comment that other players can see and read when they see your name on the who tab. This is an entirely unused avenue of communication that could be genuinely useful. From silly and friendly jokes and messages to advertizing crafting/content services, items for sale, looking for RP/what you roleplay as and so on. 

The problem is that these messages do not last past your next log-out. A player would have to resubmit the message every single time they log in and i think that contributes to the feature never being used. There may be game design considerations in never allowing them to be permanent, misuse and similar, but people say plenty of things they shouldn't as per the moderation rules, so i feel like it'd be simple enough to allow the Personal Comment messages to be lumped in to the same moderation effort, so when players report behavior they can refer to something stated in a player's personal comment if there's something problematic in it.

Simply an idea, having some kind of text-box feature that players can write what they like in and have that be viewable by other players would be useful, while personal comments are too short to allow for something like a character/player profile it is atleast a feature already in the game that can be used for something similar but more brief.

Submitted is an example of the comment feature not being used, the entire dark blue field to the right is where comments would be, mine is the single one on the page labeled as 'Test'. Ideally atleast a few would be visible on whatever well-populated planet you go to.

personal comment 3.png

personal comment 2.png

Edited by Revan-the-knight
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