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General Suggestions


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1. I think it would be nice to have some kind of "Achievement Shop", where you can spend your achievement points on cosmetics and stuff

2. Please bring back the dark side/light side tokens, because some of those armors look REALLY fricking cool, and I got super excited when I saw them, only to find out I can't earn them anymore. If not then can you at least make them purchasable with credits? Like 1 mil per or something like that

3. Add an "Iron man" mode or something similar. It would prevent you from selling and buying things from the gtn. It could also make the player have to get their abilities at the trainer again, I just really liked that, maybe I'm weird

4. Add an option to gear your companion again, because that seems like a really cool mechanic, but again, make it an option, not mandatory

5. Let users without a ship see the galaxy map because it's nice to see what level your planet is even before you can travel to other ones sometimes

6. Add a global unlock to the legacy system that lets any of your new characters instantly unlock all quick travel points. Make it require legacy level 50, and the 3 quick travel cooldown unlocks. It would be nice because once you've reached legacy level 50, chances are you've done a whole lot of exploring already and walking across the planet just isn't interesting anymore

7. It would be really nice if you could make the collections system able to give you normal armor as well, but just for the outfitter, make sure it doesn't have any stats (for obvious reasons)

8. It would be cool to ba able to quick travel from spaceports and space stations

Edited by SurviveForceUser
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2 hours ago, SurviveForceUser said:

2. Please bring back the dark side/light side tokens, because some of those armors look REALLY fricking cool, and I got super excited when I saw them, only to find out I can't earn them anymore. If not then can you at least make them purchasable with credits? Like 1 mil per or something like that

you cant get then for credits since thats something there have ask all and here is the thread with the replay from it.

thread link: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/914684-itemization-in-70/page/13/

and quote from it:


Will the DvL items be available for credits instead of tokens?


  • No - DvL items will remain available for tokens. We will add back in the ability to acquire tokens in a future update via the DvL bosses.

there is also no information at all when the dark vs light system is coming back and also in what version this way since there have told us notting about it since 2 years ago.

so its better to think its never comming back at all since its all 2 years ago since the last time we got information about it.

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57 minutes ago, turbomagnus said:

If my memory is certain, part of the reason the DvL system was removed (and would need a massive if not complete overhaul before it could be brought back) involved people who were misusing it to prevent other people from being able to gain rewards.

[citation needed]

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16 hours ago, Spikanor said:

you cant get then for credits since thats something there have ask all and here is the thread with the replay from it.

thread link: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/914684-itemization-in-70/page/13/

and quote from it:

there is also no information at all when the dark vs light system is coming back and also in what version this way since there have told us notting about it since 2 years ago.

so its better to think its never comming back at all since its all 2 years ago since the last time we got information about it.

Ah, ok, thanks!

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12 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

[citation needed]

Let's see if I can find anything, it's been a few years.

...Yeah, here's something about the problem; from a player, though, not from a Dev, but I think it was part of the reason that DvL was pulled IIRC...

On 12/4/2021 at 9:46 PM, MystyqeofXev said:

Lately many of us (Empire side) have been chasing down the last D v L bosses we need to complete the achievement. We've had some complications (players deliberately despawning the bosses), but we're working around that.

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10 minutes ago, turbomagnus said:

Let's see if I can find anything, it's been a few years.

...Yeah, here's something about the problem; from a player, though, not from a Dev, but I think it was part of the reason that DvL was pulled IIRC...

Why would people do this?! It literally gains them nothing, in fact, if they helped defeat the boss they might even get MORE tokens

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14 hours ago, turbomagnus said:

If my memory is certain, part of the reason the DvL system was removed (and would need a massive if not complete overhaul before it could be brought back) involved people who were misusing it to prevent other people from being able to gain rewards.

the reason the Dark vs light system was remove in 7.0 was that there also remove the renown system also since both of then are link with each other.

since each time you level up with the renown system you get a light or dark side token it depenst what for side you are on and what has won the war also thats why there remove the dark vs light system also in 7.0

Edited by Spikanor
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