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Kem's Space Barbie Thread


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I am SO EXCITED that images have finally been enabled on the forums, so naturally I'm immediately starting a thread to share my outfitting shenanigans. 'Space barbie' is one of my favourite aspects of this game and I get such a kick out of creating outfits to suit my various characters' roles, personalities, and circumstances.

Without further ado, I'm gonna get things rolling with my main JK, Caspian, and his first sixteen outfits from before the outfit cap was raised. Descriptions ranging from ‘specific purpose/planet’ to ‘I just think it’s neat’ are under the spoiler below.


1. Cas’ standard Jedi robes for when he’s out and about, doing Jedi things. Easy to move in with enough armour to handle standard combat scenarios. Tatooine outfit.

2. Cold weather gear. Cas isn’t usually a cape person but he needed to have some layers as well as heavy duty boots for all that snow. Hoth/Ilum outfit.

3. ‘Battlemaster’ outfit. He wears this for the really critical combat-heavy missions, and the ones where it’s very much ‘succeed or die trying’. It becomes a mental armour as much as physical. Corellia outfit.

4. ‘Dark Jedi’ outfit. More an aesthetic choice on my part than his, showing how he becomes touched by the dark side later in his class story - still armoured, and yet looking oddly vulnerable with the wide, low collar. He wore this to face the Emperor on Dromund Kaas.

5. Casual Jedi wear, for going out where little combat is expected. Coruscant/Taris outfit.

6. A comfortable general outfit that doesn’t scream Jedi so much, good for exploring and hands-on missions. Belsavis outfit.

7. A more ‘undercover’ look, for when it’s not convenient for Cas to be immediately recognised as a Jedi, and/or he’s getting his hands dirty with more ‘operative’ type missions. Iokath/Star Fortress outfit.

8. I just really liked the jacket and putting all these different outfit pieces together. Balmorra outfit.

9. ‘Fugitive’ outfit. Cas’ first new clothes in five years, picked up on Asylum. I deliberately went for something muted, almost cobbled together, no longer an indication of his status as a Jedi - just man who’s lost and struggling. Even after the Alliance gains traction, Cas continues to wear this around the base, an act of defiance against the power being thrust on him again.

10. ‘Alliance Commander’ outfit. More noticeably Jedi-esque despite him not being an official Jedi anymore, still armoured and good for getting out in the field for regular combat missions.

11. ‘Gala’ outfit. Fancy, elegant, for those few occasions when he actually wants to go to a party. Zakuul party crashing outfit.

12. ‘Eternal Throne’ outfit. As soon as I saw this chestpiece I knew it was perfect for this occasion. The ensemble is meant to evoke the burden of what he’s doing, the reluctance with which he’s claiming the throne - heavy, layered, regal yet cumbersome.

13. Cas’ most comfortable and casual outfit, for just hanging around the ship or Alliance base, or visiting locales where combat is unlikely.

14. I initially got him to level 80 just so I could have this chestpiece, and I’m so glad it gave him a reason to wear his thigh high boots. Aesthetically one of my favourites. Specifically Rakata Prime/Ruins of Nul outfit.

15. I just wanted an excuse to wear this really cool coat. Manaan outfit.

16. I wanted a new outfit for the latest story update, so similar to the above - ended up being Manaan, but darker and heavier, which is what I was going for to match the story.





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And here's my other main lad, my light side SW Khel. Again, some descriptions under the spoiler.


1. ‘Servant’ outfit, and what I think of as ‘classic’ Khel. Recreated and improved from his first incarnation waaaay back when the game first started. General wear for multiple scenarios.

2. Comfy, casual robes for wearing about the ship/apartment/etc. Tatooine outfit.

3. I saw gold and went ‘I NEED’. Belsavis outfit.

4. Cold weather gear. Khel is a desert boy, he hates snow and being cold. Hoth/Ilum outfit.

5. Favourite battle armour, for when he knows there’s gonna be a lot of combat and wants to look dramatic when he’s fighting.

6. Darker combat gear, good for grimmer scenarios and looking particularly Imperial. Ziost outfit.

7. Formal battle gear, for when he really wants to make an impression and embody the glory of the Empire. Corellia outfit.

8. I just liked the strict black and silver combo with a single splash of colour on the sash. Iokath outfit.

9. Casual wear for non-combat settings, good for going to the cantina.

10. ‘Resort’ outfit, dressing up for fancy occasions and gatherings (and when he wants to get Quinn’s attention). Makeb outfit.

11. ‘Diplomat’ outfit, for elegant and formal occasions where he’s a proper representative of the Empire. Voss outfit.

12. More loungewear, he probably wears this when he’s on vacation.

13. ‘Utility’ outfit, for when he needs to blend in a bit and not look quite so obviously Sith-y while he’s getting his hands dirty. Mek-Sha outfit.

14. Another less ostentatious, more plainclothes/practical outfit for general wear. Yavin outfit.

15. Khel’s attempt at a pirate/mercenary look. He’s really not very good at looking NOT like an Imperial. Rishi outfit.

16. A freer-feeling exploration ensemble, good for outdoors. Ossus outfit.





Edited by KianSri
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