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7.3.1a?? Small Patch, down more than 4 hours??


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5 minutes ago, felleto said:

I did say I understand people's frustrations. It's just a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind o scenario.

I completely agree with you. They should test their patches and updates more before releasing. 

Honestly, people would likely cope much better if when they went over their ETA they provided updates as to what is going wrong, what has to be done to fix it, and then provided regular updates as the progress through the various steps needed to get the servers back up. In my experience hourly minor status updates don't require a significant time investment, but make the customer feel as though the issue is important and is actively being addressed. 

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4 minutes ago, felleto said:

I will have to politely disagree with this assessment. Let's remember the patch has been live for... what... 1 week? 

The effort they are making to fix these bugs in such a short time span is interesting and I hope it's something we see more often going forward. Of course, this will mean more downtime if all the bugs that plague the game are to be fixed. They will just have to find the right balance as to when to perform these downtimes but I, PERSONALLY, would rather they fix the bugs than ignore then and release buggy patch after buggy patch. 

Well, the dev team is getting cut in half (80 cut down to ~40) and being sent to Broadsword (who has 10-25 employees, depending on whichever website you believe), so probably going to see more of this happen.

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I think if all the bugs get squashed in this prolonged hotfix, it'll well be worth the wait. I have my doubts though, and I personally think many will go unfixed; there were many bugs reported on various things, and there were no responses to these posts from the team, nor any inclusion of these topics in the patch notes. Not expecting miracles or special attention for any particular bugs, but it'll affect people wanting to play the game when armors they've paid for with cash have broken shapes, severe clipping that didn't exist before this recent patch, and ones from long before it. There are many things that have been broken for a long time, and they aren't getting fixed. We'll see how the time was spent when the game comes back online.

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1 minute ago, BipolarWeasel said:

I don't believe they have any control yet.  The servers haven't fully moved over to their control. Only two have moved to the cloud and off of EA's servers and the domains for the websites are still owned by EA/Bioware.


So I see you haven't played GTA: Online or used FiveM / RedM. 

Seriously though, it probably has something to do with the fact that not all the servers are moved to the cloud.   I'm willing to bet either the servers on the EA servers or the Cloud servers are the ones creating the issue. 

So why on earth would they only move 2 servers knowing it would potentially be an issue.   Simple clone the servers and test moving them to the cloud first ... then move them all at once, that would make more sense than creating your own additional issues by partially doing something.


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4 minutes ago, BipolarWeasel said:

I don't believe they have any control yet.  The servers haven't fully moved over to their control. Only two have moved to the cloud and off of EA's servers and the domains for the websites are still owned by EA/Bioware.


So I see you haven't played GTA: Online or used FiveM / RedM. 

Seriously though, it probably has something to do with the fact that not all the servers are moved to the cloud.   I'm willing to bet either the servers on the EA servers or the Cloud servers are the ones creating the issue. 

Aaaand, they are up again.

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6 minutes ago, Sshakh said:

I think we would be less offended if we were at least warned about the delay


2 minutes ago, jyork said:

This is precisely the point.   Simple communication with the community is merited.  An update by a staff member saying we are sorry ... we expect the server to be up at XX time now due to an unforeseen issue .... Ignoring it when you post an estimated time and its far passed is not acceptable.


We were given notice.  Either you don't pay attention to dev posts or you just ignored what was posted.  Fortunately the waiting is over and servers were just announced as being available again.

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Just now, jyork said:

So why on earth would they only move 2 servers knowing it would potentially be an issue.   Simple clone the servers and test moving them to the cloud first ... then move them all at once, that would make more sense than creating your own additional issues by partially doing something.


Your guess is as good as mine.   You and I agree on how we would go about doing this transition, but who knows if the left hand is talking to the right hand, per say.   Also it is possible that they didn't forsee this causing any issues since essentially this is the same code just on different servers.  Issue could be that the calls being made in the code could be set to a LOCAL server, which wouldn't work for the servers in the cloud.  Which means quick fixing of code to make calls from the clouds servers to the EA servers.
I mean, if NASA can burn up a Mars Rover because someone forgot to convert Imperial to Metric, I can see something like this happening.

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2 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:



We were given notice.  Either you don't pay attention to dev posts or you just ignored what was posted.  Fortunately the waiting is over and servers were just announced as being available again.

Thanks thanks to you I saw this information

I didn’t know that Twitter, a website and a launcher are not enough for this and now i need to look for topics.

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