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Add a Vendor that sells Unobtainable Gear


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I'm really sick of seeing all these NPCs walking around with gear that is completely inaccessible to the players, but look so cool. Darth Baras's armor without the overcompensating shoulderpieces and mask without the wizard hat that we the players get stuck with. The mask that the Mysterious Sith Lord uses. The armor variant of the Battlemaster Weaponmaster armor. The versions of armor on females that exposes their midriff, but is covered on NPCs, I want the covered version too. The upgraded version of the Mandalorian Hunter armor with a jetpack, shoulder guards, and helmet with the longer...prongs I guess they're called? All those Imperial Trooper Armor sets. Variants of armor we players have access to, but the NPCs have version with the hood down that we don't. The list is lengthy, but you get my point. Put the vendor on fleet, and have them charge 200k per piece and make each piece bound to legacy. Also, there should be another vendor that sells all the discontinued weapons as well for the same price, also bound to legacy.

Edited by IramUnleashed
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