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Move "Iron Beast" out of the Heroic area


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Please move the mission "Iron Beast" out of the Heroic area so that Solo Story players can complete it. As it is now it is near impossible for Solo Players in basic Green gear to complete this mission. I no longer even try and just skip the whole Mission line.

Putting a Solo Story Mission inside of a Heroic area was truly a bad idea and needs to be changed.

Edited by denavin
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2 hours ago, denavin said:

I'm wearing the best Green Garbage I am allowed to have.

you know that the adeptice gear and weapons are 10 time's stronger then any green garbage gear you can wearing.

my level 15 toon is 10 time's stronger then any player that is using the green garbage on the same level.

since the mods's you need to put to are much higher and stronger then any green garbage.

i not know how long you are playing this game all but really this is basic knowledge there is if you ask any player in the chat there all tell the same that the adeptice gear and weapons are the best there are.

and for you recor you can get then also from the npc's on the fleet the adeptve gear and weapon.


this is now one of the big reasons the story line missions need to become harder again like there have been in the past since people are not learning the basic thing about gearing up at all and think it most become easy with green garbage gear always.

Edited by Spikanor
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1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

It's not an ideal solution, but you can roll a stealth combat style and avoid most of the fights.

but first your class most have stealth also.

and still who is running still crap green gear when there run a 7.2 contant in the first place.

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On 8/5/2023 at 3:12 PM, denavin said:

Please move the mission "Iron Beast" out of the Heroic area so that Solo Story players can complete it. As it is now it is near impossible for Solo Players in basic Green gear to complete this mission. I no longer even try and just skip the whole Mission line.

Putting a Solo Story Mission inside of a Heroic area was truly a bad idea and needs to be changed.

Get yourself a stealth spec as your second combat choice, it's going to make your life a lot easier in the open world and group content. If you come across a tough area, CC the elite and pull the mobs away from the area, preferably LOS them so they all come at you as a group. 

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21 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Get yourself a stealth spec as your second combat choice, it's going to make your life a lot easier in the open world and group content.

first you need to have that option to use stealth since not all the combat style's have a stealth option and i think most of the class have that not at all in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

first you need to have that option to use stealth since not all the combat style's have a stealth option and i think most of the class have that not at all in the first place.

Every poster on the forums has a sub, and every sub can choose 2 combat styles.  Force users have shadow/sins for stealth, tech have scoundrel/operatives for stealth.

I've been maining stealth toons for years, so adding a stealth style to all my non-stealth toons was the first thing I did. 

It's not something that should be needed, especially for players who don't like the stealthy combat styles, but it is an option for every sub.

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On 8/5/2023 at 7:08 PM, Spikanor said:

then upgrade your gear and use adeptive gear and weapons with mods then your problem has been fix by only upgrading your gear.

You forget that there are no mods for green gear.  Blue/purples are most easily gotten from group content.  The last update did make it possible for pure solo players to get blues, but only after a lot of dull, boring grinding.

So yes, there will be plenty of casual players, some with limited time for grinding, that just want to do the storyline and that are in basic green conquest gear.  THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE TO UPGRADE THAT FOR STORY CONTENT.

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20 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

first you need to have that option to use stealth since not all the combat style's have a stealth option and i think most of the class have that not at all in the first place.

Can't post on the forums without a sub genius. lol The caveat being if you recently canceled your sub and haven't cleared your cookies or logged off the forums.  You really should learn some basics prior to posting and correcting most everyone.

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25 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

You forget that there are no mods for green gear.  Blue/purples are most easily gotten from group content.  The last update did make it possible for pure solo players to get blues, but only after a lot of dull, boring grinding.

who tells you need to grind for it.

you know there is a mod vendor also on the fleet that sells then sure there are not better then the craft one's but its still much better then the basic green basic gear you get from story missions.

and if we talk here about the new gear for level 80 then maybe you need to start to put some effort in it since thats maybe why the developers have done it so that players start to put some effort in the new gearing system.


17 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Can't post on the forums without a sub genius. lol The caveat being if you recently canceled your sub and haven't cleared your cookies or logged off the forums.  You really should learn some basics prior to posting and correcting most everyone.

do you know how the forum accounts works genius.

you know that the forum accounts always automatic logs you out after 6 month's (i think it was) after you first login so if you sub has end and you still not got the automatic logout from the system then you can still use the forum its not my fault the developers use that type system.

and its not only me but a lot of other players know also really good how the forum account system work that you not have to be sub to post on the forum so long you not get automatic log out by the system after some time.

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5 minutes ago, Spikanor said:


and if we talk here about the new gear for level 80 then maybe you need to start to put some effort in it since thats maybe why the developers have done it so that players start to put some effort in the new gearing system.


The post is about a level 80 planet, and a level 80 story quest.

Why would you talk about sub-80 gearing in it?

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6 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

who tells you need to grind for it.

you know there is a mod vendor also on the fleet that sells then sure there are not better then the craft one's but its still much better then the basic green basic gear you get from story missions.

and if we talk here about the new gear for level 80 then maybe you need to start to put some effort in it since thats maybe why the developers have done it so that players start to put some effort in the new gearing system.


do you know how the forum accounts works genius.

you know that the forum accounts always automatic logs you out after 6 month's (i think it was) after you first login so if you sub has end and you still not got the automatic logout from the system then you can still use the forum its not my fault the developers use that type system.

Provide some verification and not your assumption, because that's never been the way it's worked on my end. Same thing you're assuming that someone doesn't have access to a second combat style.  

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Just now, LD_Little_Dragon said:

The post is about a level 80 planet, and a level 80 story quest.

Why would you talk about sub-80 gearing in it?

then why using cheap crapy story gear you get from rewards when all players know there are the worst of the worst and on a level 80 planet where the enemy's are level 80 is using that type of gear really worse.

then is here also my question for you.

why most the new contant we get become super easy since some people not wane put some effort in gearing up if things get to hard for then by using crap story gear only.


3 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Provide some verification and not your assumption, because that's never been the way it's worked on my end. Same thing you're assuming that someone doesn't have access to a second combat style.

do you see he has a second combat style or wane use it since there are people that not wane have a second combat style.

and if he has a second combat style why not use it in the first place and come to the forum to complain about it.

maybe he has choose the wrong combat style that has no stealth skill in the first place.

and really do you think this is the first time developers have done something like this its notting new its more old since some other missions there are close to the world boss on most maps and do you hear people complain about that the world boss is to close to that mission.

if you have done the corresent bonus serie's then you know what i mean by it since 1 off the place you need to go is super close to the world boss area there and thats the only way to reach it also.

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12 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

then why using cheap crapy story gear you get from rewards when all players know there are the worst of the worst and on a level 80 planet where the enemy's are level 80 is using that type of gear really worse.

then is here also my question for you.

why most the new contant we get become super easy since some people not wane put some effort in gearing up if things get to hard for then by using crap story gear only.


do you see he has a second combat style or wane use it since there are people that not wane have a second combat style.

and if he has a second combat style why not use it in the first place and come to the forum to complain about it.

maybe he has choose the wrong combat style that has no stealth skill in the first place.

and really do you think this is the first time developers have done something like this its notting new its more old since some other missions there are close to the world boss on most maps and do you hear people complain about that the world boss is to close to that mission.

if you have done the corresent bonus serie's then you know what i mean by it since 1 off the place you need to go is super close to the world boss area there and thats the only way to reach it also.

It was general advice not pertaining to any specific character the individual is using. I'll spell it out if for you, if on that character a second combat choice has already been made and that is not stealth, then for future reference make a different choice. Anyone not choosing a stealth class for their second option is making their gaming experience unnecessarily more arduous.

At this point, you're only here to argue with people, which reading your recent posts, which are littered everywhere on recent topics, that is your modus operandi. Still awaiting the information from you pertaining to how accounts work on the forums. 

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13 minutes ago, Pirana said:

At this point, you're only here to argue with people, which reading your recent posts, which are littered everywhere on recent topics, that is your modus operandi. Still awaiting the information from you pertaining to how accounts work on the forums. 

so far i know from somebody that has post it on the forum some years ago he told that after you sub has end that you can still use the forum and post on till the system logs you out automatic or you login again by some functions on the site.


21 minutes ago, Pirana said:

It was general advice not pertaining to any specific character the individual is using. I'll spell it out if for you, if on that character a second combat choice has already been made and that is not stealth, then for future reference make a different choice. Anyone not choosing a stealth class for their second option is making their gaming experience unnecessarily more arduous.

its also my general advice from gearing up to something better.

i am not telling he most upgrade his gear at all its still his choose but if he is complaining about he cant beat it with basic green crap gear then upgrade it and if he not wane put effort in to it then its his choose also to not do it but then he most not start complaining that it most become easyer since he cant compleet it with crapy gear and not wane put some effort in to it.

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16 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

so far i know from somebody that has post it on the forum some years ago he told that after you sub has end that you can still use the forum and post on till the system logs you out automatic or you login again by some functions on the site.


its also my general advice from gearing up to something better.

i am not telling he most upgrade his gear at all its still his choose but if he is complaining about he cant beat it with basic green crap gear then upgrade it and if he not wane put effort in to it then its his choose also to not do it but then he most not start complaining that it most become easyer since he cant compleet it with crapy gear and not wane put some effort in to it.

I'm telling you from first hand experience, your previous assumption is not how this works when it comes to the use of forum accounts. I'm not getting this information from someone that has stated something, so once again, unless you can provide proof, it's your assumption, and I'm sure you're familiar with the adage regarding assumptions. 

Pertaining to your last statement, you've already provided your advice regarding the green gear that is being used, why you felt it necessary to come in and make assumptions by quoting me wasn't puzzling at all, I expected it after reading your previous posts on the forums, nonetheless... You assumed first, that the person doesn't have access to a second spec, then when that assumption didn't fly, you changed it to the person may not have chosen a stealth spec, those goalposts keep moving. So again, at this point, you're only here to argue. You offered your advice when it comes to the green gear the person admitted to using, and I offered a common method of pulling, in addition the use of a stealth spec.

None of this should be hard to figure out.

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4 hours ago, Spikanor said:

then why using cheap crapy story gear you get from rewards when all players know there are the worst of the worst and on a level 80 planet where the enemy's are level 80 is using that type of gear really worse.

Do you really not understand how gearing works at level 80?

The green conquest gear was (until the recent update) the ONLY gear available for non-group players.

I'm not talking about myself, I'm not a casual player.  I've been max geared for months, but I'm also intelligent enough to know that there are  large numbers of players who are used to doing the storyline without having to resort to group-content or convoluted and time-consuming methods of gearing just to do the basic storyline. 

There is no reason, besides spite, to insist that every player must be geared for hard mode content simply to do the basic storyline.

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1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Do you really not understand how gearing works at level 80?

i know how to new gearing system works since i was also against it in the first place since its only usefull for some type players and that most of the normal players never can get a higher gear rating anymore since there use no mods at all anymore for crafting so the players that run opps more can get the upgrade material much easyer then other most other players.

so yea i know how the new gearing system works.

the only thing is i am not using the new gearing system at all since its stupid to use it since its limit to some players again i keep using the lvl 75 craft mods so i have no problem with the new gearing system at all.


1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I'm not talking about myself, I'm not a casual player.  I've been max geared for months, but I'm also intelligent enough to know that there are  large numbers of players who are used to doing the storyline without having to resort to group-content or convoluted and time-consuming methods of gearing just to do the basic storyline. 

i give no crap how other players wane play the story line at all from my part there play it without gear at all its there problem.

what my problem is more that i hate people that are going to complain on the forum that things need to become more easyer since there cant defeat it or have problems with it in there crapy story line gear so that the game needs to become easyer for then more since there not wane put any effort in upgrading there gear thats something what go's to far for me since the game and most of all the story line missions have all become to easy all since in the past you need to put effort in your gear if you wane compleet the story line.

and maybe the developers are now forcing people to use the new gearing system by doing things like this to place a strong monster in the heroic area.

its the same reason there have done with the 7.0 expension story to give the players 2 mill exp as reward so that there jump from lvl 75 to 80 in a instant for only the new gearing system.

and on the side note also i have not start playing the new story line missions at all since the 7.0 expension update since i hate that stupid exp reward and to spent that 1 hour of new story contant what has become a big shame for the expension and was also the reason why 7.0 expension was the bigst fail expension there was.

1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

There is no reason, besides spite, to insist that every player must be geared for hard mode content simply to do the basic storyline.

is it not the same there have done in the 7.0 expension to force players to become lvl 80 in a instant with the 2mill exp reward so there can do that also with the gearing part to force players to use the new gearing system by doing something like this.

lucky i have not start that mission yet and have wait for it if it was something good and worth my time what it was not it seems.

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I'm in a one man guild. So I don't raid. My gear is 322 green. The suitability of a SOLO player in this Heroic zone is "0". A SOLO STORY MODE mission should not ever be in a HEROIC zone PERIOD.

So what is so hard to understand about that.

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12 hours ago, denavin said:

I'm in a one man guild. So I don't raid. My gear is 322 green. The suitability of a SOLO player in this Heroic zone is "0". A SOLO STORY MODE mission should not ever be in a HEROIC zone PERIOD.

So what is so hard to understand about that.

I agree with you.

That said since they removed the DRMs it's easier to upgrade your conquest gear now.  The base is 324 and really cheap.   Then it's just conquest comms and some credits needed to push those to 336.  It's not as good as the blue/purple 336, but still much better than 322 green.

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12 hours ago, denavin said:

I'm in a one man guild. So I don't raid. My gear is 322 green. The suitability of a SOLO player in this Heroic zone is "0". A SOLO STORY MODE mission should not ever be in a HEROIC zone PERIOD.

So what is so hard to understand about that.

i am also in a solo guild but my gear is much weaker then yours since i use the purple craft lvl 75 mods so its getting me a little exsiteding to see how really strong that monsters is with my own eye's but i not wane waste one of my lvl 80 chars to start with the 7.0 expension story mission at all also so its now hard to make a good choose.

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14 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I agree with you.

That said since they removed the DRMs it's easier to upgrade your conquest gear now.  The base is 324 and really cheap.   Then it's just conquest comms and some credits needed to push those to 336.  It's not as good as the blue/purple 336, but still much better than 322 green.

Only problem with this suggestions is the 32 characters I have. I can outfit one that way but not all of them.

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