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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Targetting the Poor - AGAIN


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I have expressed my opinion on the Quick travel taxes targetting the new or alts which don't have much money.

Once again since 7.3 I noticed the following change which is targetting the newbies.

COMPANION GIFTS sold on the fleets.

For a few years it has been the lowest price gift was 20 credits, and 60 credits for the next tier.

This has just been raised 10x the amount!  They are now 200 credits and 600 credits EACH.

The more expensive ones are the same: 5,000 credits and 10,000 credits each.

Who does it hurt? New characters. Trying to raise influence with their very first companion, or new companions gained in KOTFE, KOTET.

BAD MOVE, BIOWARE.  You really are driving this game into the ground.

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I am completely on board with pointing out BW's failures and poor decisions, but this is actually not one of them.  Tier 1 and 2 green gifts from gift vendors have been 200 and 600 credits for years.

Dulfy's guides have not been updated in years.  The main site is no longer even accessible and has to be viewed through the internet archive.  Here is Dulfy's Companion Influence guide.  Scroll down to Companion Gifts and you will see that tier 1 and 2 gifts cost 200 and 600 credits back then, as well.


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Even if it was a recent change, nobody buys Tier 1 and 2 gifts anyway. You get countless of those through questing and conquest, and they are completely worthless. Furthermore, leveling companion influence is unnecessary for playing through the story. It's an endgame activity, so new characters are again unaffected.

It's also worth noting that the people white-knighting for new players have all been active for years. I've never seen actual new players complain about quick travel tax, trade tax or any other imagined problem.

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22 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Even if it was a recent change, nobody buys Tier 1 and 2 gifts anyway.

I purchase Tier 1 gifts.

I don't recall which patch lowered Tier 1 green gifts from 200 to 20 credits each and Tier 2 green gifts from 600 to 60 credits each but it happened since 7.0.  Obviously the OP noticed BioWare reverted these back to their original credit values.  I do not see any mention of this change in 7.3 patch notes and I do not recall any patch notes mentioning when the cost was lowered either.

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2 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:

I purchase Tier 1 gifts.

Why would you though. Leveling a companion from 1 to 50 just with purple gifts costs a bit over 6 million credits. That's peanuts in today's economy.

Tier 1 and 2 gifts were useful back when not everybody had millions of credits readily available. They are viable for raising the influence level to 20, and it's cheaper than buying the purple gifts. But it also takes a lot more time.

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2 hours ago, Whykara said:

Why would you though. Leveling a companion from 1 to 50 just with purple gifts costs a bit over 6 million credits. That's peanuts in today's economy.

Tier 1 and 2 gifts were useful back when not everybody had millions of credits readily available. They are viable for raising the influence level to 20, and it's cheaper than buying the purple gifts. But it also takes a lot more time.

Agreed. It's stupid easy to do. You can level a new companion from 1 to 50 in literally like 20 minutes.

Ya just buy stacks that come 100 or 200 of the purples from the GTN and your done in no time.

Granted it's a little annoying to have to stand there clicking for 20 minutes, but it's easy and fast.

6 million credits is nothing these days.  I can make that selling 1 War Supplies I craft.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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20 hours ago, Whykara said:

That's peanuts in today's economy.

Do you mean in today's economy where everything a new player does that involves credits is taxed keeping them from acquiring those $millions?


17 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

6 million credits is nothing these days.  I can make that selling 1 War Supplies I craft.

Have you done that since last Tuesday and seen the wonderful new tax that is being taken out?

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1 hour ago, Ramahar said:

Do you mean in today's economy where everything a new player does that involves credits is taxed keeping them from acquiring those $millions?

Really? It is strange, i never required P2P transactions or avoid GTN tax to make my billions, So having those taxed makes no difference. QT tax..... sure is garbage, problem with it is an annoyance and ridiculouse expensive for new players, but only for the firsts planets; a player that kept playing and is already looking for millions is already past the QT tax being significant (again, still a stupid tax).

New players makes good credits selling anything they don't use:

* Extra things from Seasons: millions of credits, even on dead servers; i already tested ALL servers.

* Crafting Mats: If they plan on crafting they can keep them, but unless rapidly doing multiple characters crafter, you always get extra mats you don't need now that you can sell to make your firsts millions.

* Lvl 75+gear, dissaenbling gives you jawa scrap/junk. Get those --> exchange for mats --> sell mats in GTN --> get rich.

* Too lazy? No problem, buy a Cartel pack (or 3)  with complementary CCs and sell for a lot.

Number of newly taxed P2P transaction required: ZERO


Back to Companion Gifts:

Tier 1 being 200 each, means you can get 100 of those for 20k or 200 for 40k. 40k should be nothing after the first chapter of class story. So you can go even further if you want with tier 2.

That's it, good investment and provides a nice kickstart for your comps. You can worry about purples after you finish the story and have more credits.


Word of advice: For giving 100s of gifts, place the gift in a keybind. Your mouse will thank you.

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On 6/19/2023 at 10:06 AM, Shayddow said:

I have expressed my opinion on the Quick travel taxes targetting the new or alts which don't have much money.

Once again since 7.3 I noticed the following change which is targetting the newbies.

COMPANION GIFTS sold on the fleets.

For a few years it has been the lowest price gift was 20 credits, and 60 credits for the next tier.

This has just been raised 10x the amount!  They are now 200 credits and 600 credits EACH.

The more expensive ones are the same: 5,000 credits and 10,000 credits each.

Who does it hurt? New characters. Trying to raise influence with their very first companion, or new companions gained in KOTFE, KOTET.

BAD MOVE, BIOWARE.  You really are driving this game into the ground.

Let me help.

Companion leveling is monetized.

EA never intended for people to easily level Comps for free, and is reinvigorating the push into cash purchases.

I expect Character perks, in particular, to go sky-high, because every new character becomes a potential cash cow.

Jackie, would you like to weigh in on this?

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