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[HEROIC 4] THE ALCHEMY OF EVIL BUG - Generator side mission


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This bug has been repeatedly reoccurring for what ever reason. I am not sure if this is suppose to make this mission un-solable or not. Every video on line with people soloing this does not show the bug. In the section that you are suppose to repair the generators and bring the turrents up to get past the dread seed wall...  this happens.

I kill the first guy... then push the cells until the second guy spawns. I send my companion to fight the guy, i pick up a cell. i auto die from the cell exploding. i get kicked out of the area and forcibly brought back into the area. now becuase it kicks me out the area, all the mobs have respawned. For what ever reason.. no only have the respawned but there are now two full groups of the mobs sitting on top of each other and generators are down.

This eben happens if i stop and kill the repawning guy. If I have a cell any anything happens I auto die with 31356 damage.

These enemies are stacked.

If you notice in the corner the quest even screws up telling me to enter the jedi temple... rather than Fine lord Tagris.. I have to leave that area and walk past the gold guards that respawned just to get back to the Find Lord Tagriss. I don't even have Survive the Encounter.

So what I did was reset the quest and ran back in then screen grabbed the entire process of death.


then this is rezzing

This is some very wrong with the game. It needs to be addressed.

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How I a adding a part to of this becuase the entire fight wi8th the corrupted sithspawn experiment has lasted well over an hour.

Why did it last over an hour? Not becuase anything I can control. This is the WORSE way to design fights. Even when standing on the barrels. Its Random number generator to land on it and take damage. it literally healed to 80% more times than it took damage. Then, in the middle of the last round. It did the stun and fled before instantly respawning on me before I could hit any tentacles and drained me to death.  These are known issues that the devs have not fixed. They refuse to fix. I am feeling the more i do this entire scenario over and over that they simply do not care about the user experience. This fight needs to be redo and remove much of the randomness that is even occurring in large group as four players standing on blast cylinders get the same thing when they don't land exactly in the space it needs to to do the fight.


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