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Actually, I have and i did enjoy them. but since SWTOR does not have arena we can not offer a truly quantitative evaluation. What we can compare is open world and BX v WZ. We can though make a reasonable assumption on a comparison of WoW arena to what SWTOR would be in a similar set up. Thus we can make postulate that since SWTOR requires more skill in its form of combat both solo and in groups that in an arena form of team combat it would require more skill. Now since i judge the skill requirement as an important feature of pvp i can offer my opinion that SWOTR pvp is better than WoW's. Of course you could have a different theory on what the biases is for good pvp and thus a different opinion. However, I think most people would agree that comparing FPS pvp to MMO pvp is not a fair evaluation.


I beg to differ. SWTOR Combat is a joke, unresponsive and clunky and there we have the famous ability delay, death of all competetive gameplay.

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I find riskless PVP bland. I want real penalties for losing. You don't know about my type of PvP though. The games I play are brutal, not kid stuff.


any chance you played POTBS? Now that has some high risk to the pvp. Still remember the guild that saved up for months to build the top merchant ship only to have a fool sail it though a red circle without any escort then QQ all over the forums because some pirates jumped him in some sloops and there went 2 months of a guilds work down the drain. Shame that there are not more PvP centric games out there. I know their is eve but i just can not get into eve although it is a great game.

Edited by Baaddare
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This statement is adorable.


Do you hunt the most dangerous game or something?


Hunting for dangerous games would be pointless, because only 1 really exists. Every game since than has watered down PVP so bad it means very little. I play an MMO where basically the community completely polices itself. If you annoy me, I can kill you and loot all of your equipment. All you could do is hide, you literally wouldn't be able to play.


Like I said it's brutal. Losing SUCKS, but winning is very rewarding.

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I beg to differ. SWTOR Combat is a joke, unresponsive and clunky and there we have the famous ability delay, death of all competetive gameplay.


well lets see the unresponsive/cluncky ability delayfor those that suffer from it. is beign fixed in the patch so thats not an issue. Since the combat is SWTOR is not a simple few skill rotation and requires peopel to constantly be aware of what is going on around them to adjust the skills they are using I would say that it is more skill based than say the macro combat of set rotations in a game like WoW

Edited by Baaddare
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You clearly haven´t played any competetive Arena yet, so dont talk about it


^ This. WoW's arena and RBG PvP is pure brilliance. Sure, it relies on gear, but when everyone you face has similar gear, it evens out and it becomes a match of real skill.



P.S. stop mystifying macros. They're not magic 'I WIN' buttons.

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well lets see the unresponsive/cluncky ability delayfor those that suffer from it. is beign fixed in the patch so thats not an issue. Since the combat is SWTOR is not a simple few skill rotation I would say that it is more skill based than say the macro combat of a game like WoW



We will see how Bioware is handling the problem with the ability delay.


Skill rotation might work on 1200 elo, but nobody cares what happens at this elo. Go watch some Streams on Own3d.tv or similar from true high elo playes and then tell me again its skill rotation. You need to adapt to the situation asap and macros dont play for you, they can just help you with let´s say as a rogue the handling of weapon changing for different poisons.

There is no gamebreaking macro or smth, especially after they changed the /castsequenz thing.



Or explain what do you mean with skill rotation. Like preparing the Enemy for a full Shadowdance as a rogue?

Edited by Kserberus
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^ This. WoW's arena and RBG PvP is pure brilliance. Sure, it relies on gear, but when everyone you face has similar gear, it evens out and it becomes a match of real skill.



P.S. stop mystifying macros. They're not magic 'I WIN' buttons.


I would agree macros are not mystifying in fact that the issue with them and a game like wow very little skill required to hit a macro that will always produced the same rotation.


Yes if the lvls and gear are exactly the same the combat evens out. However, a game where a lower lvl in inferior gear can beat a higher lvl in better gear by using any and all of their powers as opposed to a set rotation on a macro seems to show a great requirement on skill than on gear and lvls.

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We will see how Bioware is handling the problem with the ability delay.


Skill rotation might work on 1200 elo, but nobody cares what happens at this elo. Go watch some Streams on Own3d.tv or similar from true high elo playes and then tell me again its skill rotation. You need to adapt to the situation asap and macros dont play for you, they can just help you with let´s say as a rogue the handling of weapon changing for different poisons.

There is no gamebreaking macro or smth, especially after they changed the /castsequenz thing.



Or explain what do you mean with skill rotation. Like preparing the Enemy for a full Shadowdance as a rogue?


assuming elo refers to halo again that is a FPS and I have already agreed FPS has better pvp than an MMO. However as i ahve stated i do not think it is a fair comparison of FPS to MMO. Let alone a pvp centric game to a pve centric one. Eve and POTBS have the best pvp of the MMO's but they are pvp centric but even they do not compare to an FPS game.

Edited by Baaddare
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I would agree macros are not mystifying in fact that the issue with them and a game like wow very little skill required to hit a macro that will always produced the same rotation.


Yes if the lvls and gear are exactly the same the combat evens out. However, a game where a lower lvl in inferior gear can beat a higher lvl in better gear by using any and all of their powers as opposed to a set rotation on a macro seems to show a great requirement on skill than on gear and lvls.


Macros can't produce entire rotations. They are limited to 1 gcd, i.e., generally 1 significant ability.


When you introduce hyperbolic language into the mix, the discussion deteriorates and I pass out from the asinine ramblings that follow it.

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Stop lying dude, you can´t put whole spell rotations on a macro. And you want to tell me you have played high ranked competetive arena?


yes and guess what i have yet to ever see any class use a rotation of all their spells/skills in wow arena. Which is my point

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yes and guess what i have yet to ever see any class use a rotation of all their spells/skills in wow arena. Which is my point


Are you serious? As an MM hunter in WoW, I use EVERY SINGLE spell (combat spells, not random ones) in an arena match of 5 minutes at least once. Every single one.



You obviously don't have much knowledge of WoW, so don't rely on it as a cross reference for your arguments.

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Macros can't produce entire rotations. They are limited to 1 gcd, i.e., generally 1 significant ability.


When you introduce hyperbolic language into the mix, the discussion deteriorates and I pass out from the asinine ramblings that follow it.


actually i assumed you were good at wow pvp and arenas sorry for that. Apperently, you are not as I know rogues for example that have macros with a 5 attack/skill combination on them.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


goodbye to button smashing? lol iv found so many more games includinh aion that still takes more skill kill people than just smashing the 4-6 buttons only needed to kill someone here. lolz.


Balanced PvP? o dear lord......


Companions that do lots...of........bugging...


for me every game starts at level 1, this is no different. you can still now barely get involved in PvP until level 50 and that is not unlike any other mmo.


Character development is 50% of the time pretty alright and 50% of the time still boring as **** with boring skill trees and 50,000 skills that I just won't use in PVP.


Yeah storylines that matter? not really in the end they matter not, they are just enjoyment for levelling up. but some stories can be 'lol' too. My trooper has only been 'ambushed' 5-6 times now. IT shows there wasn't much creativity used on this side of it.

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Macros can't produce entire rotations. They are limited to 1 gcd, i.e., generally 1 significant ability.


When you introduce hyperbolic language into the mix, the discussion deteriorates and I pass out from the asinine ramblings that follow it.


It depends on the implementation. There are some games out there with really awful ones (Rift, for example) where you really can macro your entire rotation onto one button. Hell, even in WoW I went all though Wrath with a three-button rotation on my hunter (an opener, the main rotation, and kill shot) and topped DPS charts a least half the time. Most fights were "1 2 2 2 2 2 2 [keep spamming 2 until 3 lights up] 3".


Ideally, they'd work the way you describe. In practice, they rarely do.

Edited by imtrick
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They changed /castsequenz macros a long time ago


€: Yeah pve lacks a bit of in depth knowledge.. til you go to try serious progression with hardmodes and you really need every last dps but yeah its kinda roflmode on normal, especially arcane mages. A real shame, because in the beginning of cata it was just fine.

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