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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Season "Stories" should fit the character for conversation choices


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By making the conversation choices for all characters across the spectrum, somehow they have managed to not be in character for many of the "responses" in the latest incarnation of Seasonal companions. The companion in question has an interesting backstory, however, none of the responses to his story really make sense for a number of our characters. For example: 



Amity Deserted from Republic Troopers. A patriotic type of Havoc squad certainly would not approve of Amity's actions. Think what Elara or M1-4x would say.

Or, an Empire-aligned Imperial agent.


It is revealed that his former commanding officer was revealing information to Imperial intelligence. Our character IS Imperial intelligence. So... they'd chalk that up as a win, and not seek the destruction of the former commander, rather they would possibly seek extradiction of same to Imperial "refuge" - much like the decision a LS makes on Oricon which causes a former republic soldier to "desert" to the Imperial side.

So, for BIOWARE, which prides yourself on "story"-driven content ..... I am expecting better.

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kotfe erased a lot of those considerations. Why are any of your republic aligned companions still working for you after you announce you're rejoining the empire, or vice versa? uh, it makes no sense. Some of them send you an email but none of them say "I'm not working for you anymore" even to the extent of Aygo who says that and gives you a replacement (who has never said anything in the actual story) but he stays on base anyway. 

This would have been a great plothole in like the SoR era, but nowadays it's completely meaningless. Your companions have far too many paradoxes to work through without concerning themselves with why you're meditating with a NotSelonian republic deserter.  

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This game was supposed to be the chosen one... Instead we got another of EA's cashgrabs... Such a pity they are holding bioware hostage. Hopefully the studio will score some hits with ME4 down the line or I believe this might be the final nail in the coffin for this beloved studio.

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