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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Politics of the Jedi Council / Dark Council


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I remember seeing a thread about this a long time ago but I can't find it anymore. I'm curious how the different characters we see on the JC / DC lean politically. Are they radicals? Reactionaries? Or middle of the road, status quo? This is interesting to know for RP purposes or writing fanfic, or just curiosity. I've started a few, give me some ideas and i'll fill it in.

Jedi Council

Satele Shan - Moderate

She had an illustrious past including a semi-secret love child, and a legendary bloodline but as the grandmaster of the order, she's the face of the Jedi in this era and has to keep balance between the radicals and the reactionaries, so she never does anything too wild and her beliefs are consistently orthodox with the Code, at least until KOTFE.

Jaric Kaedan - Reactionary

He's consistently scolding the PC or arguing with the radicals on the Council. He's also the guy who brought down the Dread Masters by himself, so he must be pretty tough, and seems to have a hardline stance against the Sith. 

Tol Braga - Radical

He found early success converting Sith to Jedi, including a Dark Council member, and thinks he can win the war by converting the Emperor. Very idealistic, which proves to be part of the reason Chapter 3 goes so badly for him. 

Dark Council

Darth Marr - Moderate

Again, he fills in a similar role as Satele despite his exact position not being analogous (Sphere of Defense of the Empire pre-KOTFE). He's a Sith that the others seem to respect but he never assumes direct control nor is involved in dumb power-seeking escapades. He's clearly not LS at all but he is Dark Smart

Darth Ravage - Reactionary

He's allied with Baras in an uncertain capacity and seems to be the only Dark Council member who actually likes Vitiate (as seen in the Nathema FP). He's not a traditionalist like Thanaton but he does have a Lawful Evil vibe of using the system to get what he wants, which fits with how he uses his Sphere of Diplomacy.

Darth Vowrawn - Radical

He's the only Sith to criticize Baras and support the Wrath and judging from dialogue seems to have a history of doing this and being unexpected in general, acting out of character of most Sith who are more ostentatious. He's not LS but also not a fan of Vitiate and seems more practical minded, which fits his Sphere of Logistics. 


Agree? Disagree? Lots of others left from both councils!

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