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Question about 60 days non recurring sub and cartel coins


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Paid for the game time on this site yesterday and still havent gotten my CC, i have read that i can take up to 1-3 days before i get my cartel coins, i have already created a ticket since it has been over a day and customer service dont respond on Saturdays and Sundays. Just in case i takes over 3 days for them to respond and me not getting those coins.

But my question is and i cant wrap my head around it, do i get 1000 CC in total right away or 500 now and the rest after 30 days past?


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60 day one-time is my usual way of subbing.  You get half the coins when you sub, and then half the next month.

I just doublechecked and it was still working that way.  Subbed on a monday, got 525 coins for the sub on the same day.  Should get the other 525 next month.

You subbed on a non-banking day, that might be difference.  Check again tomorrow.

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Interesting, I do get the first 525 CC about 30 days after I bought the 60 days and then again one or two days before the 60 days run out. The email about getting the coins often helps as a reminder to add the next 60 days. Always thought that makes sense as there are options to call back the sub payment through your bank and if the coins already went out, someone with not so good intentions could just use the coins and send the stuff to another account before then getting back their money. The first account is getting banned of course but if they get their money back they have lost nothing but a throwaway account and gained CC for free. Although doing this with the same credit card and stuff certainly will get you flagged at some point.

Though if the coins are actually supposed to be given during the first days of a sub then at some point things got out of sync for me I probably should ask CS to look into it, even though in the end 60 days still come with 2x 525 coins for me too. Is there any official statement when the coins are supposed to go out?


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