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7.2 PVP Revamp: More Feedback


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Queuing in a group: 
For the first few days I played pvp in 7.2 I ran in an 8 man premade or a close to capacity ops group. My record was about 50 wins and 3 losses. To no great surprise, taking advantage of the 8 man group stacks the deck quite a bit in your favor. I only played for 4 days or so, but I only saw maybe one other close to full premade in that time that went up against my premade (playing on SF btw so population is bigger and there seems to be upwards of 5 matches going on at once). Those games were the most fun, otherwise most of the games are boring...at least for me, it's not fun just stomping randoms imo.
Ppl now are starting to understand that if you want to win it helps if you group with other competent players. I've actually seen players on fleet asking about pvp guilds and how to join one. So in that aspect I think what bioware has set out to do in fixing pvp is actually working. The players I group with have also gone from only being interested in farming, to actually doing objectives. Again another successful move by bioware.
I do believe that an 8 man premade is overkill. You could easily accomplish the goals set out to improve pvp by limiting the groups to 4 maximum. Control what you can control, and players who've gone out of their way to make friends or start a group should hold an advantage imo. Again the need for a pvp guild ect is only going to improve the community and the skill level floor imo. Conversley, queuing solo is also a choice, and those players should have a bit better odds than going against a full 8 man group. Breaking up two 8 man premades also gives the matchmaking a chance to pair those two groups against eachother for some fun matches, which is what ideally should be happening. 
My biggest wishlist item for bioware in regards to pvp would be cross server queuing. I've seen ppl mention that the current servers aren't capable of such a thing but with the game engine moving to 64 bit and a lot of server functions being moved to the cloud, is that a possibility in the future? It would help with pops and also give a larger pool of premades to be matched against eachother for far more fun and engaging matches. 
Queuing Solo: 
As I mentioned the 8 man premade groups aren't all that fun imo, so I've been queuing predominantly solo the last week. My win rate on dps toons is legit around 50 - 60%, it really could go either way depending on your group. I seem to be able to carry a team much more with a full mit tank. Guarding objectives, running the ball, and genrrally just not dying very often can sway the battle quite a bit. I'm around an 80% win rate solo queued as a full mit tank 😂
I've seen premades a few times but I honestly don't think that I've come up against a full 8 man more than once or twice. It was definitely painful but I don't really see a massive issue with a premade farming ppl out of queue for example. On SF the population seems to be pretty strong and I knew of an 8 man premade queueing while I was online and I never came across them, I wasn't dodging either. Of course my attitude of taking an ass kicking and moving on to the next match isn't shared with all players, but as I said I honestly can't see a big issue with premades besides them being toned down slightly. A 4 man premade was plenty to farm a random group of 8 unsuspecting objective players pre 7.2, it definitely didn't need to be on steroids. 
Arenas: I've only played a handful as I've never been all that interested the smaller scale death match style pvp. I didn't have issues with unbalanced teams and the matches I played were pretty competitive and fun. Small sample size on this tho from me. 
I like where the developers heads are at overall regarding pvp. It's not perfect right now and tweaks need to be made, but I do like the attempts they've made to rejuvenate the pvp community. Treating ranked arenas like end game pvp was and has been the wrong decision for years and the community as a whole has suffered to the point where its basically not existent. That's why you see so many solo players complaining about premades. Bioware has pushed the solo game experience and its caused the mmo/grouping aspect of the game to suffer. 7.2 was a step in the right direction 
To any solo players reading this who have issues with premades, I'd recommend putting the toon you pvp on or a seperate toon in a guild who can help you improve your skill in pvp, or possibly help some players who are becoming more interested in pvp by imparting your knowledge onto them. Again control what you can control. 
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