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Dead Bug and Infinite Load Screens


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when you guys get back to the office, could we get an update on this situation?  It's been a whole year and still unresolved.  I mean, yeah we've had some bugs for years, but these particular two are pretty big and are not easily worked around like others are.  at the minimum it's slowed down prog for some people.  in some cases, some people have quit raiding or quit game altogether because of them.

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and the last time we heard anything was on aug 16th, months ago....   that's a pretty long time for a rather impactful bug.  the last thing we were told was that they can't replicate the issue.  if it helps, we would be willing to have someone on their team group with us and experience it in real time while they are monitoring the system.


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3 hours ago, Chryptyk said:

and the last time we heard anything was on aug 16th, .  the last thing we were told was that they can't replicate the issue. 

For reference , for others reading, here is that post --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924120-bug-we-keep-seeing-dead-people/?do=findComment&comment=9717008

3 hours ago, Chryptyk said:

  if it helps, we would be willing to have someone on their team group with us and experience it in real time while they are monitoring the system.

They won't (and aren't allowed) to do such things , on the LIVE servers.   Only on PTS.   However,  i'm sure they've been checking all  'server logs & prompts' , relating to any in-game tickets filed.

Another thing that could certainly help them (BioWare Devs)  is if any raiders are either 'streaming' or recording  and wouldn't mind sending them VIDEO  before/after the bug occurs.

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all a video would show is that everything is fine one minute and then the next, someone is experiencing dead bug.  the same people aren't always dead to everyone else.  that's why it so annoying, the randomness.  it's gotten to the point that healers will have to tell people who has dead bug before they run back to a boss, in the hopes they can figure out a way to die again and pray it fixes it.  and if someone is dead to a dps or tank, we just try to ignore it if possible.  all a video would show is that it is happening.  it serves no diagnostic value in this case.

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10 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

all a video would show is that everything is fine one minute and then the next, someone is experiencing dead bug. 

it serves no diagnostic value in this case.

Probably a wise idea to let the BioWare DEVS be the judge of any potential "value" .

10 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

  it's gotten to the point that healers will have to tell people who has dead bug before they run back to a boss,

As a Sage-healer myself, since 2011 beta , i've been simply telling any "deads"  to either do a fast relog and/or phase out of the instance and re-enter.  Everytime they do this, it fixes itself, since most likely it's some type of *de-sync*  between server & client.  ( hence why only some  people see them as  "dead" ) .

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38 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Probably a wise idea to let the BioWare DEVS be the judge of any potential "value" .

we could give them 8 or 16 videos (one from each member) and they could show the same thing or different things, depending on who is dead to whom.  RNG is fun?  all it would do is confirm the bug.  it wouldn't show why it is happening.  this isn't some exploit, bugged boss, or something like that, that a video shows when or how it is happening.  the randomness as to who is dead and to whom in their frames is why video is useless in this case.  each person could see different people with dead bug. 


38 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

As a Sage-healer myself, since 2011 beta , i've been simply telling any "deads"  to either do a fast relog and/or phase out of the instance and re-enter.  Everytime they do this, it fixes itself, since most likely it's some type of *de-sync*  between server & client.  ( hence why not  everyone sees the "dead" ) .

doing whatever we need to do to fix it is a huge waste of time in the long run and slows down progress.  imagine doing a timed run and you experience dead bug multiple times.  the time it takes to fix it very much matters.  ok, that's an extreme case.  but the point is it takes away time from pulls and trying to get clears or just to even finish things in a timely fashion.  most people don't have hours and hours of free time.  we raid on a schedule.  we have a limited amount of time.  so it eats away the useful time we have to do things.

infinite load screens are also a huge time sink in the long run for the same reasons.  can we fix it?  yes, but it slows us down a lot.  this is why these two bugs are very impactful to raiders.  and we would like some word about progress of it being fixed.

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1 hour ago, Chryptyk said:

 all it would do is confirm the bug. 

it wouldn't show why it is happening. 

Not exactly sure why you're choosing to argue with me about this but i'll just finish by saying:  As a former QA myself on another SW mmo , i can assure you that extra videos & screenshots never hurt anything to have.  Even if it may seem like they're redundant or "unnecessary" to players.

My best guess: It's just another case of dreaded *de-sync*  that plagues  lots of online games.  Which also might explain why BW devs  couldn't/haven't been able to initially reproduce the issue, since  a) they probably wouldn't experience it on their local test servers  and  b)  if it is de-sync related, it's not necessarily a bug in their game CODE persay.

Anyway, i suspect we won't hear anything substantial from BioWare about this particular topic though until maybe the game goes into '64-bit' mode.

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27 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

sadly, i suspect you may be right. 

it's just really frustrating when something so stupid cuts down on usuable raid time.

There's no clicky-choice of the 5 given on these new forums that seems appropriate lol , so i'll just say:  Yes i hear you and agree with you.

Can't wait to see how things go someday when i finally attempt  NiM's  timed run for cheevo. :cool:

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