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7.2 The End Of SWTOR PVP


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Unsubbing and eventually uninstalling as well due to ranked being removed. There's no reason to be a subscriber anymore, not even if you play regs. Apparently BioWare doesn't even care about profit anymore. Sounds like a sinking ship.
Numerous players have given their feedback both on the forums and in-game, but it all falls on deaf ears. I warned you this was coming BioWare, but you just won't listen. I even gave you a solution to the problems Musco addressed regarding ranked, but here we are. Unsubscribed.

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I personaly think warzones are way worse than arenas now. I've already faced 6man premades in 8x8,which makes everything really boring.But I'm actually having a good time in arenas,even tho fighting against more skilled players,I didnt face a full premade yet,which is a good thing. 

But ye,apparently,the changes made the pvp way worse than it was b4.


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18 minutes ago, Ikya said:

unsubbed also but may stay if i can find a way to enjoy pvp without being farmed like a vegetable, if it takes rolling a stealther and afking through dailies so be it... not gonna feed all the premades

Give it a few weeks. Right now you have a lot of Ranked players expressing their displeasure at Bioware's decision to get rid of Ranked by making everyone else miserable. Eventually they will get tired of it and things will settle back down or they will leave.

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25 minutes ago, DWho said:

Give it a few weeks. Right now you have a lot of Ranked players expressing their displeasure at Bioware's decision to get rid of Ranked by making everyone else miserable. Eventually they will get tired of it and things will settle back down or they will leave.

maybe. but just trying to parse musco's word salad on the pvp revamp, it sure looks like BW is trying to make life hard on ppl who don't group up. fwiw, grouping up in a trinity ratio of 1:1:2 is how the game was designed to work, and if that ever happens, it would make balancing a much easier chore. it's a pipe dream, but the point still stands that they've designed this to make rewards better for grping and life harder for soloing.

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52 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

maybe. but just trying to parse musco's word salad on the pvp revamp, it sure looks like BW is trying to make life hard on ppl who don't group up. fwiw, grouping up in a trinity ratio of 1:1:2 is how the game was designed to work, and if that ever happens, it would make balancing a much easier chore. it's a pipe dream, but the point still stands that they've designed this to make rewards better for grping and life harder for soloing.

Back with 7.0's launch, I would have agreed with you. It launched with a seriously rigid, anti-solo play gearing system that restricted non-group players to the worst gear (so bad in fact they had to apply a penalty to the 306 gear from 6.0 to force people to stop using it). With 7.2 they took a major step back from that position. Whether it was planned, the result of complaints, or the game population plummeting, we'll never know. The new system is still slow, but at least there exists a way now for solo players to work their way into the better gear without having to play game modes they may not like. I've always been of the opinion that what keeps players playing is wants, not needs, and 7.0 made it impossible to get beyond the lowest tier of gear for a large part of the player base.

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12 hours ago, DWho said:

Back with 7.0's launch, I would have agreed with you.

7.2 explicitly gives better rewards for players who group up. I wasn't speculating. I was trying to be subtle.

obviously, grping also makes coordination better and ensures proper role balance for your team.

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