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Reclaimed Treasure


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I am trying to put the tablets in the necessary slots and in the right sequence, but when I try to be transported to the secret chamber, it doesn't work. At this moment I have collected every quest item which I have to collect.

Martha Machiels

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4 hours ago, msCX said:

I am trying to put the tablets in the necessary slots and in the right sequence, but when I try to be transported to the secret chamber, it doesn't work. At this moment I have collected every quest item which I have to collect.

See this recent same topic thread when you can:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925562-reclaimed-treasure-still-cannot-proceed/  ...and try to read thru  every post in that thread.

If  that doesn't shed some light , let us know here in your thread and we'll go from there ok?

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Reclaimed Treasure has not worked for close to 5 years and BW has their heads too far up their collective butts to fix it.... I even had a customer service rep aka GM try it with my character and they also could not get it to work.... that was 4 years ago... BUT BW STILL WILL NOT DO SH... CRAP TO FIX IT.

I have several characters that CANNOT finish it

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