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So BW did something very quietly to the GL-13 in a recent Patch...


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Original GL-13 Blaster


New since Patch GL-13 Blaster

I mean.. I get it. It looks more like the Glie-44 now:

But I was under the impression that "CM items" do not change after release. Or maybe that's just an "unwritten/unspoken" policy.  Either way even if this is the "originally intended" look and weapons are being "fixed"/altered in the background than why have we still received no updates on weapons whose bits disappear in cutscenes? (Many of which are Platinum items)

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2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

A couple of pistols used to do it, although I haven't seen anyone complaining, as such, recently.  The one that immediately springs to mind is Provenance.

Never had that weapon, so can't say for sure. But it woulden't surprise me if there are bugs with weapons, it might just not be that widespread of a problem, depending on how many players have bugged weapons and reports it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad I didn't spend money on this. I would be pissed off they changed an original design weapon to look like something from the Disney Contracted Universe. I would want my money back. I'm still angry about it but not as much as I would be if I spent real money on it. It's also strange they would do this instead of just releasing another pistol. They are very different from each other.

Stop pulling crap from Disney Star Wars, BioWare! If you're going to do this, just release a separate weapon at least. Don't overwrite your own designs. Leave your original stuff alone.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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