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G.A.M.E Analysis Module Amount bugged in Inventory


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49 minutes ago, Meona said:

 currently my character has "30" of these modules but they don't actually exist they just appear in my inventory as a number. Unable to exchange them etc. 

hmm,  i haven't encountered this  issue yet ....  Quick questions please:

  1.  Did you acquire the  'G.A.M.E. modules'  from  Galactic Seasons  reward  'claim' ?  Or did you get them from random LOOT ?
  2.  Did  you have the new companion  'PH4-LNX'  called out  at the time of  claiming or looting the modules?
  3.  Did you  do quick  soft relog  yet and see if they were still in your inventory  bugged?
  4.  What planet/zone  were you  at  when the modules bugged into your inventory?
  5.  What is the  counter of  those  'G.A.M.E. modules'  listed at  within your  inventory-->currency  tab?
  6.  Have you already  gotten the  new  'PH4-LNX'  companion  aboard your personal ship yet?  (after completing  her 1st  quest mission)
  7.  If the answer to #6  is  "yes" ,  have you already tried  click/talking to her aboard your personal ship yet?
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I found PH4-LNX on my personal star ship after the first mission was completed and turned them in with her just like I did with the underworld rep on nar shaddaa. (very similar cutscene with differing amounts to turn in) They will convert to clickable reputation in your regular inventory.

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5 hours ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

They will convert to clickable reputation in your regular inventory.

i don't think that's what the OP  is talking about  , but  then again  it's difficult to know  unless/until  they  reply  to my questions ^

i suppose it's possible when they said the word  "modules"  they meant  Reputation clickable items  and  maybe they just don't know how (or didn't notice) to right-click  'use' them?

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To answer your questions:

1. Did you acquire the  'G.A.M.E. modules'  from  Galactic Seasons  reward  'claim' ?  Or did you get them from random LOOT ?

I believe it was from Galactic Seasons Rewards mainly I did get a few from looting but I was able to turn them in for the clickable reputation

2. Did  you have the new companion  'PH4-LNX'  called out  at the time of  claiming or looting the modules?

No I was on my ship which seems to be the only place you can turn in your modules for reputation.

3. Did you  do quick  soft relog  yet and see if they were still in your inventory  bugged?

Yes, I relogged a few times to see if it would clear itself but it still remains at the "30/200 (I think that's the max you can have) even though I don't actually have 30 since I redeemed them all.

4. What planet/zone  were you  at  when the modules bugged into your inventory?

On personal ship (Smuggler if that helps)

5. What is the  counter of  those  'G.A.M.E. modules'  listed at  within your  inventory-->currency  tab?

30/200. I can tell its bugged because I did a flashpoint and got 4 modules so the total went to 34 but I can only redeem the 4, the counter doesn't go below 30.

6. Have you already  gotten the  new  'PH4-LNX'  companion  aboard your personal ship yet?  (after completing  her 1st  quest mission)

Yes, I believe that is the only way to turn in your modules for rep, the droid has to be on your ship for you to talk to them.

7. If the answer to #6  is  "yes" ,  have you already tried  click/talking to her aboard your personal ship yet?

Yup, since I was able to technically redeem those "30" for rep and successfully use the rep items. The counter just doesn't go below 30 in my inventory. 

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I redeemed more GS rewards and got some more modules (went from 30/200 -> 40/200). I was now able to re-deem them all including the bugged 30. Seems that after earning more from the Galactic Seasons tab (Not looting this time) fixed the bugged ones in my inventory and allowed me to redeem them. 

Nevertheless, hopefully it doesn't bug up again. Just wanted to bring it to peoples attention just in case it has happened to anyone else. 

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12 minutes ago, Meona said:


I redeemed more GS rewards and got some more modules (went from 30/200 -> 40/200). I was now able to re-deem them all including the bugged 30. Seems that after earning more from the Galactic Seasons tab (Not looting this time) fixed the bugged ones in my inventory and allowed me to redeem them. 

Nevertheless, hopefully it doesn't bug up again. Just wanted to bring it to peoples attention just in case it has happened to anyone else. 

hmm  very odd indeed  and thanks for the UPDATE too!

My original guess was that perhaps you had a  de-sync  (from the server) but now after reading your answers to my questions ^^  i'm sorta stumped ...

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1 hour ago, Oeconomicus said:

The modules can be found in the currency tab and can be spend by talking to the droid on the ship to get reputation items.

No bug here, just a different way to go.

Not sure if you read the entire  thread yet , but i already told the  OP  that very thing  above ^   ... However, it seems like something else  has occurred to them?

It's also possible  i'm misunderstanding the OP  though.

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That's the thing I tried spending them at the droid but they wouldn't come out of the currency tab. 

It seemed to fix itself after earning more from the Galactic Seasons tab but before that I was unable to exchange. Nevertheless, It was bugged for a bit. 

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