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Solution for the Inflation


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In order to eliminate inflation, some radical measures could be applied, even if for a few weeks the forum will be crowded with negative feedback posts and topics like "Bye im out". From my experience, people say they leave, but they always come back after some time.

What I would do if I were in charge :


- all CM items would be Bound on Pickup, with no possibility to be sold, if people want nice things , they should buy CC and not credits from shady sites.

- eliminate hyperpacks to prevent doubles ( sets of armor, mounts and so on)

- limit the credits a player can have in their inventory and legacy bank to 100 mil

- limit the credits a guild can have to 1 bil

- change the requirements for guild creation, to stop people from creating empty guilds and stock credits

- immediately ban players who send/receive multiple mail posts with 100 mil credits attached .

- increase the credit cap for F2P and preferred status players to 10 mil, to give them a fair chance of purchasing materials or crafted items from GTN


I'm aware this will displease a lot of players, but the current situation is a dire one and some order has to be enforced, even at the cost of a few players leaving the game for good.

Sure, BioWare couldn't stop the influx of credits from credit sellers so they will shoot in their knee by stopping the influx of real money to the EA accounts via the Cartel Market :D Somehow I simply don't see this happening.

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Not quite. If there's a ban for receiving multiple mails with 100m in (and above all if it's automated)(1), then Z and his N buddies will each mail you 100m. If N exceeds the automatic-ban threshold, that's it, you're banned.


If it's not an automatic ban, how *would* it work? (That is, how would the ban be triggered?)


(1) Remember, this idea was in *your* post, not Z's.


It would have to trigger on the "acceptance" of the credits, not the receipt of an email. Return to sender, or leave it in your mailbox, would be fine, but as soon as you extract the money, it would go into effect.


Not that I condone that, or credit limits. I do, however, think that the cosmetic stuff, mounts, pets, dyes, etc, should be BoA at the very least.

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It would have to trigger on the "acceptance" of the credits, not the receipt of an email. Return to sender, or leave it in your mailbox, would be fine, but as soon as you extract the money, it would go into effect.


Not that I condone that, or credit limits. I do, however, think that the cosmetic stuff, mounts, pets, dyes, etc, should be BoA at the very least.

I agree. It would, as you say, have to trigger on that, but the proposal was written as "receive credits in mails" rather than "accept credits received in mails", which is why I said that it would be a bad idea.

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