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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Interactions with each other


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Oh you didn't offend me, :) I just don't choose the characters based on my sexuality. For example, I don't like Quinn, at all! He's got a great design, much handsomer than Torian IMO, but IF I had to choose between Quinn and Torian, Torian WINS hands down, and I don't find his design appealing.


I love my BH and the story immensely I have her with Theron, because they are both misfits who had to find where they belong.


I don't chose favorites based on my sexuality either. For example, i like a lot of female companions : LS Jaesa , Risha, Akaavi Spar, Shae Vizla, Master Ranos, Major Anri, Darth Krovos.


When it comes to males, i'm not interested in the way they look, but in their personality and character. The ones i like the most are : Talos Drellik ( because he's so smart), Theron, because he's a very resourceful guy , Darth Rivix ( wits and pleasant personality), Zenith ( for his surviving skills and loyalty to both Balmorra and the Jedi Consular ) and Torian ( his sense of honor and agreeable character).


But to get back to the topic, would be cool to have a conversation between Guss Tuno and Nadia/Kira, LS Jaesa and Kira, Talos Drellik and Tharan Cedrax .

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I was there 20000 years ago when Bioware's game were known for this amazing writing feature in Baldur's Gate and KOTOR.

Ahh old real Bioware, Rest in Peace:(


Last year I played ME3 for the first time, via legendary edition. It's widely regarded as the worst game in the series and one of BW's worst games period. It came out around the same time as this game, and whatever you think of the story and endings (I loved it), the companion interactions are amazing. After playing this game for so long and getting used to its mediocrity, it was a shock to come back to a Bioware that remembered all the little character touches. After that I played Jade Empire and DAO, and again, found amazing characters and storyline (and meh combat but we can't have everything).


The vanilla 1-50 storyline of this game ranks up there with Mass Effect, Dragon Age and the rest of them. The rest of the game, post RotHC, might as well have made by some other, talentless hacks calling themselves Bioware. So, picking between who lives, Torian and Vette? I could not care less. Picking who lives and dies on a sub-optimal run of ME2's suicide mission, now that was tough, because the choices mattered.

Edited by Ardrossan
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