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Shroud of a Memory -- ZO-OM underperforming and getting terrain bugs like Ruins o Nul


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I have completed this quest many times now, and have done it since 7.0. I have been kicked into walls and have been unable to move, and when I can, my character dies, similar to some of the effects seen in Ruins of Nul.


Also, Zo-om does not always follow from area to area and severely underperforms on healing. There is one gold starred boss that keeps killing me and summoning more and more adds and Zo-om is off doing nothing.


I think that this report reflects two issues.


1. Something has happened since 7.0 which makes the terrain and walls more "porous" so that players can get kicked into them. I.e., getting kicked into no where land on Ruins of Nul Malgus fight, getting caught in red grass outside that fight. And, based on this experience, getting kicked into walls and being killed when you finally get to move. In the Shroud of Memory, it occured in the first and second areas when using "checking out ability".


2. Zo-om gets lost, does not follow, and then underperforms on healing through the mission.


Thank you.

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