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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's the point of combat styles if the weapons aren't displayed during cutscenes?


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I'm playing Jedi Knight with Shadow as the 1st combat style, a class which uses a double-bladed weapon, and due to that I'm now "graced" with carrying no weapon whatsoever during cutscenes while still hearing weapon sounds.


Are now all cutscenes ****ed because they were tailored to a class that wasn't able to use double-bladed weapons before this haphazard change with combat styles?




True Bioware "quality".

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I'm playing Jedi Knight with Shadow as the 1st combat style, a class which uses a double-bladed weapon, and due to that I'm now "graced" with carrying no weapon whatsoever during cutscenes while still hearing weapon sounds.


Are now all cutscenes ****ed because they were tailored to a class that wasn't able to use double-bladed weapons before this haphazard change with combat styles?




True Bioware "quality".


To be fair, they frequently did not work even before that :rak_01:. For whatever reason, BW would have agents and troopers using blasters for cutscenes instead of their actual weapons. Sometimes the blaster wouldn't work and they'd be firing invisible guns. Same with force users, you'd get a scene with them trying to look menacing and they'd be holding an invisible lightsaber making noise.

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So, are you suggesting that the only purpose for combat styles is the weapon display in cutscenes? I thought the 'point' of combat styles had more to do with actual gameplay. 🤔


Correct display of weapons during cutscenes is one of the points of combat styles, because why else would you now allow class combinations that weren't possible before if those new combinations don't have working cutscenes?

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Correct display of weapons during cutscenes is one of the points of combat styles, because why else would you now allow class combinations that weren't possible before if those new combinations don't have working cutscenes?

The *main* point is to allow us to play story X with a style that originally belonged to story Y's class, and even to cross between factions (e.g. play Sniper style on a Trooper, or Juggernaut style on a Consular).


That said, correct display of weapons in cutscenes isn't a *point* of combat styles - it's not what styles are *for* - but it is a *requirement* of the style system. That is, the non-display is a *bug*.

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