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Map to Nowhere... Bugged?


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I'm getting stuck in the progression of the story on Manaan.

While on the mission "Map to Nowhere" I return to Commander Qrukk after fnding the second encrypted transmission, Qrukk gives me one line of dialogue, I respond, then cutscene just hangs. Nothing happens.


*I have pursued the Manaan storyline imperial side on 3 characters.*

This has happened to 3 characters (operative, assassin, powertech). Below are the things I have tried to troubleshoot

1) all 3 choice responses - cutscene continues to hang

2) switching instances, planets, going to stronghold, personal ship

3) reset mission (have to scan 5 datapads, infiltrate command center, etc.) - cutscene hangs at the same spot

4) reset, quit SWTOR entirely, relog


Additional note: There is no indicator on maps when returning to Qrukk (purple highlights).

EDIT: clarified 3 characters are the only 3 imperial characters I have run 7.1 quests so far.


UPDATE: Verfiication of local files through Steam fixed this issue. (got hung up on another cutscene: main story while on Onderon)

Edited by Funky_Munky
Verification of local files via STEAM fixed this issue.
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