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Subscription discount for arsenal mercenaries.


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Since we are kicked off every group and not allowed to have any good gear, it is not fair to make us pay the fee payed by the overpowered classes or force us to play classes we don't like.

We underperform because we are the foster children mommy BW don't love, so would be adequate to not take as much money from us as you take from your BELOVED lethality operatives and marauders!

I don't understand WHY, even if i followed the so-called "guides" WORD BY WORD , i still cannot do any decent damage ( 25k + ) while an operative with THREE knife skills does 75 k damage !!! This is outrageous!

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How about we just get a proper class rebalance so that the difference between high and low is not so great. And i don't mean adjusted for the top 1% of players for each spec, but one balanced for the majority of players of each spec.
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