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[HD] Dimach's Random PvP (Clips & Commentary) [Heals/DPS]


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I am interested in how you priorize your stats for pvp :)








That's how I think about it. I have been considering getting Alacrity to the cap for faster casts but that's mostly due to trying to combat FF on either me or a party member. However I do think that through FF it's just not possible in any way to avoid a death. Mind you, I am not 50 yet and still facing lvl 50s with pvp gear and high expertise.


Would love to hear more thoughts about focusing on stats for pvp healing.

Other then that, my specc looks exacty the same so far - not sure about the pt 31 ae heal. It seems very situational to me. Considering spending that somewhere else instead.


I am also confused about if dots actually do interrupt from capping when they tick. The instant dot doesn't seem to get stealther out of stealth or interrupt from capping while the casted one seems to be more reliable.


Crit & Surge. Alacrity is garbage or its just depending on your style of play I guess... cause theres always that one person that disagrees with me.


Your dot does interrupt and the 31 aoe pt heal doesnt feel too great in some situations id rather have the more utility from telekinetics but that being sad you most likely will only need it against good premades.

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Crit & Surge. Alacrity is garbage or its just depending on your style of play I guess... cause theres always that one person that disagrees with me.


Your dot does interrupt and the 31 aoe pt heal doesnt feel too great in some situations id rather have the more utility from telekinetics but that being sad you most likely will only need it against good premades.


Thanks :)

Alacrity, I know others say the same as you. I don't necessarily disagree, it just feels like less time to be interrupted or pushed back while casting during a heated battle.

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and lastly posting a definition with your burn is really cute I like that.




There's always a "pro player" that feels the need to show up in threads like this and tell everybody how terrible the OP is. However, even being so insightful and infallible in their knowledge of the game play in question, they never actually contribute. Cute


Hello good sir! I would much appreciate that before you post a reply trying to, unneeedingly so, bash me down you would actually read what I wrote.


This match is insanely bad, I'm not commenting on your gameplay at all

I appreciate what you are doing for this community, and mostly the new players, but lets clarify one thing - so none goes under any other impression.


Your conclusion from my post is, well, unfounded... This is supposed to be a place of discussion and as such I wanted to bring forth a point to be noted, because basically - a lot of new players goes to the forum and sees this, how can it be cruel, bad or downright "trolling" of me to raise an opposite point to the OP's in a, I repeat and I hate myself and this forum for having to do so, forum?!


The fact that Dimach streams most of the time he is playing contradicts what you are trying to imply here. There are a lot of people posting videos of them getting 10+ medals and totally wrecking the opposite team just showcasing. I think many people like these videos, can wake some interest in a certain build and if they want to continue to watch can check the stream.. bad match or not I appreciate a lot what Dimach brings to the board discussing builds, sharing videos and most importantly what he brings to the community as a whole.


Thank you for being one of few replies that manage to get your point across without "beating down on the lonely guy" , much appreciated and thumbs up to you, sir. I've explained myself above already, I feel like that's not something I should need to do though considering how very straight forward I was in my post. It is quite clear that Dimarch (spelling?) is unable to take critisism, which rings true to most people nowadays but in no way does that make me a bad person, for pointing out a very serious flaw, something that could in fact be damaging to newer players wanting to get some "pointers how to heal"


I'm not implying anything. As I said, I wasn't commenting Dimarchs gameplay as an individual, as his skills are bad or good has nothing to do with the actual point I was trying to raise but seemed to be lost as soon as forum realized it was critisism?...


The opposition aside, what exactly should he be doing differently? How are you healing at "higher levels in PvP" that isn't shown here?


I'm sad to say that the video seems to dislike me as I can't make it play again (yes for any one searching for things to bash me and thread down with for no appearent reason - I did see it).. Tried several different browsers, hm.


So you're asking what in this video is incorrect behaviour for a healer?


- Damage dealt is completely useless, Dimarch spends his time dealing damage more so than healing - while this is a pug this behaviour will never ever fly versus good players.


- "But dealing damage and healing in the same time must be a good thing, one might argue i contribute more like that!"


Good point, this, but also a very invalid such. The ocassional and very, very, very rare ocassion calls for damage but disregard this completely.


* Global cooldowns triggered by using damage abiltiies, smuggler/shadow (and sith counterparts) can show up at anytime and you've effectively silenced yourself for 1.5 sec.


* The way damage was dealt in this video was by actually not even trying to kite but instead staying close to opponents, which is the biggest no no in the world as a sage. Not at all because you will die, in fact you're quite hard to kill with all the healing and the force armor, but rather because you have one of the most amazing support abilities in the game - rescue. Staying close to allies renders that spell completely useless and doing such a thing to an incredible spell like that, please don't.


* Like it or not, as a healing sage you have decided to be the support of the team. Your damage dealt in between the time you have to actually heal is marginal, at best. It will, in most scenarios, not turn the tide of a fight. Instead of wasting time dealing mediocre damage you should be focusing your team, when your team is doing good you have something amazing in your arsenal, its called an interrupt - yes thats right people, you have the abillity to cancel someone's spell, on a 12 second cooldown with a range of 30m.


If their healer goes out of position even a bit and you can extend forward and cancel out on of his heals you will do so much more damage then by damaging the DPS that said healer is healing. Force lift, force stun, knockback.



So many harassive tools that can be used offensively, but instead of aiding the team what's being done here is some healing and more damage, which is not your role, it is not the Seer - if you still feel like you want to play a Seer like an hybrid, as said, let your team know that your healing will be subpar at best because you'll do both.


Oh, and on an end note I'd like to point out that you never, ever, ever, ever, ever want to be close to enemies as a support. Your job is to support, heal, interrupt. This means that you should always stick in the background (he's doing some great LoS kiting in here so you get the idea of that) - but usually you prefer to have your team in front of you, like a line of defense so to speak, a good team makes sure their positioning revolves around their healer, putting him slightly behind in the center of things - you will, everytime in every game, be the focus of your enemies. You are the target they want to kill first, and trust me if 5 dps dives you with equal gear there's no healer in the world that can compensate for such damage output, you will die. In seconds.That's why not letting them get to you is the only way to guarantee that you will survive and as you live - is able to put out invaluable heals for your team.


So key words?


Distance, distance.. distance...


Only time you should be in their range is by approaching to interrupt or to force lift/stun. And make damn sure you're not putting yourself at risk because the healer is, without a doubt, the actual carry and the most important part of any team. A damage dealer can not turn the tide of a battle, you can. You will, too, if you live long enough!







So! Super long post, you absolutely do not have to read this, obviously I'm not going to to some TL: DR though. Endnote? I was in no way hating and I'm embarassed about the way my post was received in this thread, but then again coming to forums nowadays is not so much about discussion as it is about someone showing off it seems.



Dimarch, thank you for your good work and a great thread, but but but but but, relax and realize that this isnt your game, its ours, this isnt your thread, its ours. A forum is just about what happened here - (when subtracting your insults from the equation, that is)




Have a good day! Cheers

Edited by AdamLKvist
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It's nice to get some additional input. I just would like to add that doing damage as a full healer is situational. While I agree that in certain situations it's very detrimental to cast damaging spells and running the risk of a) lose force and b) lose a GCD in other situations it might help turn the tide if that runner can be finished off by you while your melees are still at the objective to fight off additional attackers.


A good healer does a lot of healing, a great healer finds time and the right moments to do damage, cc and heals.

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Thank you for being one of few replies that manage to get your point across without "beating down on the lonely guy" , much appreciated and thumbs up to you, sir. I've explained myself above already, I feel like that's not something I should need to do though considering how very straight forward I was in my post. It is quite clear that Dimarch (spelling?) is unable to take critisism, which rings true to most people nowadays but in no way does that make me a bad person, for pointing out a very serious flaw, something that could in fact be damaging to newer players wanting to get some "pointers how to heal"



I think - as in many cases people might have misunderstood what you you were referring to? Eventually everyone will find their own flavor on how to play. That is also the beauty of the game. It is sort of the same as with the different builds - I am using an unconventional one. There are, and always will be different approaches. Not really saying what is right or wrong at one certain point. Sometime as a healer being in the middle of everything can also cause it to be harder to get targeted.


I think you are right with distance.. However in this video he does not need to. Dimach has recorded and showed lots of difference builds on request. I think part of your post can be misinterpreted? as just criticism and not constructive. You however provide it in this last post which would of been a better first post imo. But I think you corrected everything with your second post and cleared everything out. Props!


As with everything on internet these days you just have to be overly explanatory. Sad but true :)

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There's a thread called "Anchorhead best PvP server hands down" bla bla. I hope for your sake this isnt the kind of competition that thread speaks of :)


I believe all the hatred has spewed from this right here. The OP never claimed anything of sort Adam, but you seem to have attributed w/e happened in that thread to this one.

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I believe all the hatred has spewed from this right here. The OP never claimed anything of sort Adam, but you seem to have attributed w/e happened in that thread to this one.


I didn't post in that thread nor did I read all of it, it was merely a fun observation - but I realize it might've read in a way not intended. But but but, we all have the occasional pug matches where one team simply is too strong, lets not read into it!



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well I'm glad this is all cool but anyway seeing how 50 brackets are coming out my next few videos will be hardcore premades with mostly communication so everyone can listen on into the rage... Don't know my current position for our guild since they don't know if I should heal or DPS yet.


After tuesday I'll be recording again and you should expect some videos.

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well I'm glad this is all cool but anyway seeing how 50 brackets are coming out my next few videos will be hardcore premades with mostly communication so everyone can listen on into the rage... Don't know my current position for our guild since they don't know if I should heal or DPS yet.


After tuesday I'll be recording again and you should expect some videos.


Gotta wait another week now though. :rolleyes:

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