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Do you think the SWToR companion storylines will ever expand deep enough for...


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...us to see Kira Carsen become a Jedi Master like her mentors Kiwiiks and the Hero of Tython?


Honestly, no. At best, we will get some more development in the relationship with Lana Beniko, but that will be all. Why? Because " this game doesn't produce enough money and the VA are expensive".

I'm sorry.

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Honestly, no. At best, we will get some more development in the relationship with Lana Beniko, but that will be all. Why? Because " this game doesn't produce enough money and the VA are expensive".

I'm sorry.


Is this game in "life-support" mode now, waiting to be shut down?

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IMO ... I don't think it's quite so much as to how much revenue it's generating ... More like WHERE that cash is being directed. ( Not being reinvested into the game).


A Jedi Master? Hmmm .. Interesting. That could be a good "option". Another might be for her to "retire from the Jedi" (one of the conversations mentioned in passing dialogue in vanilla story) ...

I would personally like to see her getting close to the Smuggler (aka "Alliance commander") after her return in game. I know .. a Smuggler and a Jedi might seem a bit of a stretch.


So many good possibilities. Unfortunately, I'm afraid as it has been mentioned VA is down to a minimum in SWTOR these days. Companions in general, even "main characters" ... are pretty much done. Running the story in with FP's IMO is another cost savings item. This has also sparked several threads with a degree of controversy.

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