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Suggestions to the hyperinflation

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This isent an easy fix, and some people will get mad. But i really believe the majority would love it. once we come through the inflation.


My suggestions: Add a 15-30 days wait time, before it can get sold on GTN. This will not affect sales, people will just have to wait a bit more, giving the economy a time window to fall down, lets say they choose to take a break, then remembers to come back to check the item they had waiting, a 50% chance they come back to the game, and they might aswell subscribe again. And so on.

Adding a 15% - 25% swinging tax% on GTN sales, depending on economy trend.

Increase the GTN auction bid, from 1billion to 100billion. Will make some items more expensive, but right now the problem is people have more supply than the demand, e.g. some people proberly have 10b - 500b laying around, but each item only costs 1b to under 1b.


Other suggestions and might be critizied the most, but will be most efficient and safe the economy completely, and still makes the developers and publishers money.. The idea is to split currency, make a GTN market for cartel points and make a GTN market for Credits, which makes it harder to exploit, to help non-subscribers, make it a bit easier for them to aquire cartel points, so they get compensated from the change. give them a monthly limit of how many points they can collect, make them earn uneven points making them end on a uneven points, lets say this makes the chance higher for them to earn 1300 points, and they then need 100 for the cheapers armour, it encouraging them to buy points, for that last 100.


Another solution could be adding a steady 25% sell tax, and a 25% buy tax in the GTN, the 50% from each sale, will remove credits from the game, that people couldnt even use in a life-time.

also adding a community influenced npc vendor, that you can donate credits to for a special mount.

Lets say you can donate 1billion, and this npc vendor has a meter showing how much the whole community have donated. when that meter gets forfilled, it unlocks something cool, that we in co-op did together as a community.

Bottom line is, that this also removes credits from the game, we couldnt use in a life-time.


I would like to hear peoples thoughts and feel free to add a suggestion to my idea, i might have overlocked an important factor, but i had to speak my mind, cause this game has so much more potential than a game like World of Warcraft ever had in my opinion.

Edited by AtlasMLO
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Ok so first of all, there is a tax on the GTN, what you proposes just means no one would sell through the GTN anymore. People will simply trade like they already do for anything above 1b. So your idea wouldn't work unless they stop players from trading money and that would get a thundering reaction.
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You cant just take 1 thing out of a context, and critizise it.

Its easy to see you havent even read my post.

I work as an economist for the danish government, im pretty sure i know what im doing.


Q&A Reply:

Q: Ok so first of all, there is a tax on the GTN, what you proposes just means no one would sell through the GTN anymore.

A: Tax not high enough, and they could add tax on trades aswell. They should do whatever is necessary to fix it. And they shouldnt worry too much about people getting mad. part of the process of healing.


Q:So your idea wouldn't work unless they stop players from trading money and that would get a thundering reaction.

A: Actually read my post.

Edited by AtlasMLO
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your idea is not going to work at all


since if you need to wait 15-30 day's before you can sell the item on the GTN again then people sell then in the trade chat on the fleet more so you move the problem more.


increace the tax will also not going to work at all since you have guild perks that reduce is more so its also not going to help at all.


any idea people are suggestion about it is not going to work at all.


the problem from it was thanks to the big mistake's there have done in the past with it.

first there make skills free to get so you not need credits any more to buy then.

and there icrease also the credits reward for a long time on all the missions.


if the developers remove a lot off options like buying new skills with credits like it was in the past then you get not this type off problems.

the more there make free the less we can spent credits on it.

and the more credits there are staying in the game and not get spent at all.

its the same with the tax guild perks that was also something wrong to have since you make it only worse.


thats why a lot off people know that there is more a golden rule that developers most never ever mess with the in the game money at all and increase it or lower the options to spent it.

but the developers from this game have mess a lot with it and have remove the options like buying skills with credits and adding GTN tax free guild perk and increace the credits reward from missions.

3 big mistake's there have make and this is the big mess with it.

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Ok so you want a point by point critic of why your idea wouldn't work.

People will never accept to wait that long, especially since you sometimes buy things for other people, ie. I will not wait one month to give someone a birthday gift if I bought something specifically for a precise date.

A swinging tax would absolutely makes people furious, which is not the goal, also it would create speculation, which wouldn't be good.

Increasing the possibility to put objects for more than 1B on the GTN is good, which is something several people have asked for.

Two GTN will allows a lot of speculations, which means the devs wouldn't do it.

For the vendor idea, I'm not opposed to it but most people wouldn't take part so only a few would donate.

Also putting a tax on trade... you realize some people do money giveaway and things like that? It would also penalize them. Or getting money from your GM to unlock SH rooms.


Also the devs are supposed to care about people getting mad because it means people will leave the game. What you propose would just create a mess. If you're an economist then you should remember not every country has the same view on money so what could work in your country wouldn't fly in others.

Edited by LittleEwina
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not forget to also add this.

that developers from any game at all cant controle there game economy.

the only thing the developers can do is make the game economy worse and worse by chance things like we have see in the 6.0 expension update with there credit reward boost from missions how worse the game economy has become from it.

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not forget to also add this.

that developers from any game at all cant controle there game economy.

the only thing the developers can do is make the game economy worse and worse by chance things like we have see in the 6.0 expension update with there credit reward boost from missions how worse the game economy has become from it.


True, with all the money all the players received from "Missions: Story time" (old conquest objective) you could have almost bought a Destruction Incarnate sale raid.


Really that was the problem. Login rewards did nothing to the economy.

Edited by ZUHFB
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True, with all the money all the players received from "Missions: Story time" (old conquest objective) you could have almost bought a Destruction Incarnate sale raid.


Really that was the problem. Login rewards did nothing to the economy.


the credit boost was not the only problem why we have hyperinflation its more thanks to a serie's off big mistake's there have make that has curse it more.


first there make it so that learning new skills are for free so you not have to pay credits any more for it.

so there remove one big option more to make sure you get not a hyperinflation when there are to much credits in the game.


second there have boost the credits reward a lot from the conquest's, story line missions,bonus missions,side missions and heroic missions.


that are the 2 bigst mistake's there have done.


each game has there own thing where developers most not chance anything from it since its only making things worse and unbelance in the end.


i know some game's where developers also are starting to mess with things where there most stay away from it since its only becoming worse and bad for the game if there do things like that.


in the end about hyperinflation problem in SWTOR is not going away and only become's worse and worse in the end.

since we deal with the worse effect's from the wrong choose from the developers there have make in the past years and notting can be done any more to fix it.

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Ok so first of all, there is a tax on the GTN, what you proposes just means no one would sell through the GTN anymore. People will simply trade like they already do for anything above 1b. So your idea wouldn't work unless they stop players from trading money and that would get a thundering reaction.


^+1, yup, exactly. Also, prices go down when there are more items on the GTN, not less..

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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  • 1 month later...
The only real solution would be to remove the trade feature altogether. Sure it's useful for giving someone a stim etc while in an Op but handing off something to someone is not the issue. What is happening with the "hyperinflation" issue is that players are misusing a feature in the game to sell items over their intended price of the GTN cap. Not just to skirt it's taxation. The GTN was set up with parameters so the Devs could control it. "Trades" the way they are is mearly a way around that. The same thing happened when the Devs efficiently removed the COD system from the mailboxes. So in order to "control" prices they have to FORCE them through the GTN because there's no other method. Then of course in order to compromise Trades removal the cap on the GTN would need to be raised a bit. With the way things are going prices of items are soon going to be over the character limit (and I mean soon) where Trades as they are now are going to fall into shark infested waters full of scammers. I'm sure in some cases (more then I'd imagine probably) it already has. Edited by TyrFoge
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Setting the Trade credit limit to 1M and 1item at a time.

Raising the GTN sell limit to 4.5B*.


It might be already too late to save the economy but at least this will force sellers back to the GTN and pay the tax.


*There need to be a warning to notice people when retrieving credits from a successful sale will exceed the 4.5B personal credit limit.

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My suggestions: Add a 15-30 days wait time, before it can get sold on GTN. This will not affect sales, people will just have to wait a bit more, giving the economy a time window to fall down, lets say they choose to take a break, then remembers to come back to check the item they had waiting, a 50% chance they come back to the game, and they might aswell subscribe again. And so on.

Adding a 15% - 25% swinging tax% on GTN sales, depending on economy trend.

These two taken together mean that nobody would sell *anything* on the GTN. Not Cartel Market items, not top-tier 6.X Augments, not pretty much anything at all.


That would make this part completely irrelevant.

Increase the GTN auction bid, from 1billion to 100billion. Will make some items more expensive, but right now the problem is people have more supply than the demand, e.g. some people proberly have 10b - 500b laying around, but each item only costs 1b to under 1b.

There's a hard limit of 4 294 967 295 (4.29 billion) credits in a character's wallet, imposed by the 32-bit storage for your character's wallet.

Other suggestions and might be critizied the most, but will be most efficient and safe the economy completely, and still makes the developers and publishers money.. The idea is to split currency, make a GTN market for cartel points and make a GTN market for Credits, which makes it harder to exploit, to help non-subscribers, make it a bit easier for them to aquire cartel points, so they get compensated from the change. give them a monthly limit of how many points they can collect, make them earn uneven points making them end on a uneven points, lets say this makes the chance higher for them to earn 1300 points, and they then need 100 for the cheapers armour, it encouraging them to buy points, for that last 100.

So, that's one GTN where I can sell my items for your Cartel Coins (or spend my Cartel Coins for your item), and one which works more or less like the current GTN?

Another solution could be adding a steady 25% sell tax, and a 25% buy tax in the GTN, the 50% from each sale, will remove credits from the game, that people couldnt even use in a life-time.

No. Without another thing, it would remove all sales of expensive items, and probably cheap ones as well, from the GTN and transfer them onto the trade window.


If they *also* put the same thing on the trade window... The reactions would be *ugly*.


I work as an economist for the danish government, im pretty sure i know what im doing.

MMORPG economies have some features that real-world economies just plain don't have, and those things change the dynamics of hyperinflation.


In the real world, hyperinflation is *driven* by a lack of confidence in the value of the money, and the government's reaction to that causes an overabundance of money, and that overabundance reinforces that lack of confidence in the money. In the real world, ordinary human activity doesn't create money out of nowhere.


In an MMORPG's player-to-player economy, the existence of an overabundance of money (gold, credits, whatever) causes prices to go up (there's more money available and there aren't more player-to-player things to buy with it ==> prices go up). In MMORPGs, lots of things that players do can create money out of nowhere. (Kill monster, it craps money into your pocket. Sell (to a vendor) the other junk the monster was carrying, the vendor gives you money from his/her/its unbounded supply. Finish a mission/quest, get money and more junk you can sell. And so on.) For a stable economy, those things have to be balanced by things for the players to buy. (Ability training - no longer paid-for in SWTOR - removing modifications from gear - much less costly than in the past, gear repairs, etc.)


That balance is currently very broken in SWTOR, so much so that in my opinion, it is too badly broken for anyone to fix it without doing really stupid things to the game.

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