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I suck in PvP


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I'm Level 50 Bounty Hunter with Arsenal spec. I feel im useless in pvp I always end up dying where ever I am, if I go in group 3-4 people jump me and kills me under 2 sec. I met a Sith Warrior that stunned me and I died under the stun had determination on cd ofc but wouldnt matter if I would have knocked him away he would just jump right back at me.


I met a a dude with a knife no idea what class, he jump on me and took 9k damage in 2 seconds and I died. I have no idea what I do wrong my attacks arent even that strong I do max 2k crits and im getting ownd by lowbies all the time.


Also my spells tend to bug, everytime I use Thermal Sensor Override and Unload afterwards my character dont do nothing, the animation goes off but nothing else so I need to wait for thermal sensor override to go away to use my attacks again, same with On the Trail dont resets my electro dart.


I feel we need something more, a stun on 4seconds is not enough atleast 8seconds is a must or ability to run and cast attacks. I always tend to pick the wrong class in mmorpgs. In WoW I had an elemental shaman which sucked as elemental got trained everytime, I feel the same as a bounty hunter, Mostly its probably me thats just bad but it feels like all other classes have the ability to survive or kill me.


Im up for any tips.

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Melee is not your friend, if an assassin or operative gets the jump on you and all things are somewhat equal (gear/skill) you will more then likely lose in a 1v1. Your best bet to win is use your shield, jet boost to get distance and your electro dart. But you cannot let one sit on you and expect to win. Unless they are just bad. It's the nature of a ranged class, we must learn to kite and keep distance. Your heals are good to use if you can get them off so don't neglect them. Good luck, every class has frustrating moments and handicaps so just keep working on kiting those pesky melee players.
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I feel yah OP, I'm only lvl 30 but I'm on this board every day looking for an excuse to reroll. Our sole job in pvp is to nuke and hope to god no one notices us. We can't 1v1 melees or most ranged classes since snipers/gunslingers and sorcs/sages can burst harder and faster.


That said, I do top 3 damage every match and I know I'm being useful, the playstyle is just boring and you can't finish people off when they run. I wish I had gone Powertech, they seem to have a lot more fun.

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Yea, the more i play this class the more disappointed i am with the PVP side. Suppose to kite, but we dont have the movement speed to kite. Our cast times are way too long to really get anything off without having someone on top of you. We die to easy to melee. Burst attacks? What burst attacks?. If the op is 50 and he is struggling against lowbies who have less skills, then yea this class needs alot of work for pvp. Imagine when those other melee classes have their full set of skills at 50.


Hopefully,this will be fix. Just really disappointed with this class so far. Picked it because I like to pvp, but it seems really useless at this point. :(

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I know no one wants to hear this but this is how I've learned to enjoy the class in pvp..... Heals...as in I am not a healer but picked up some healing talents and can off heal when I need to, like the hutt ball carrier or whenever I see a team mate needing some heals, it breaks up the tracer missile munatony. And makes the pvp a little more enjoyable. That being said I have a level 20 maurader I am leveling simply because it's more fun in pvp to me personally. But it has it's down side too. As in un responsive ui issues and being squishy so I die much more then on my BH. I play the BH as the ultimate assist king, with the ability to pour on crazy damage and then to drop heals when needed. Kinda jack of all trades.....
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Howdy folks. I'm a rank 40 valor Arsenal BH. I wanted to hope in and address a few things to help you guys that are struggling with the class a bit.


I feel im useless in pvp I always end up dying where ever I am, if I go in group 3-4 people jump me and kills me under 2 sec.


Your positioning is flawed, then. You should be abusing pillars and high ground as a BH. People are starting to catch on to the amount of burst damage we can deal while left alone, so you should expect to get focused a bit at times. You need to adapt and find places that you can easily shake melee off of you. For example, in the opening stages of Huttball, I take the far right/left and head up the side ramp. Melee need to use the RNG wind blasters to get up to me or waste a gap-closer, in which I can respond with a talented Rocket Punch or Jet Boost.


I met a Sith Warrior that stunned me and I died under the stun had determination on cd ofc but wouldnt matter if I would have knocked him away he would just jump right back at me.


Here is my thought process when I get charged by a Sith Warrior: is he holding one or two lightsabers? If two, the fight will generally be easier if you have your cooldowns up. Marauders can deal a good amount of damage, but they can't take it like Juggernauts can. Juggernauts don't deal as much damage, but they can surely take a beating and lock you down.


The first thing good Sith Warriors will generally do is use their anti-knockback ability. I generally save my electro-dart for this occasion. Once its down, knock them off your high ground. Assuming they blew their charge to get up to you, they will be stuck for a while and forced to take your damage or blow a big defensive CD.


If they didn't use charge to get up to you, you were not paying enough attention. You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times.


I met a a dude with a knife no idea what class, he jump on me and took 9k damage in 2 seconds and I died. I have no idea what I do wrong my attacks arent even that strong I do max 2k crits and im getting ownd by lowbies all the time.


They are Operatives/Scoundrels. The trick with them is you need to catch them before they open on you. As a BH, you have one of the most powerful anti-stealth tools in the game: stealth scan. Throw this down, and you won't have trouble with pesky stealth-openers. Keybind this to a key and use it as much as possible when you are going to start blowing people to bits.


Also my spells tend to bug, everytime I use Thermal Sensor Override and Unload afterwards my character dont do nothing, the animation goes off but nothing else so I need to wait for thermal sensor override to go away to use my attacks again, same with On the Trail dont resets my electro dart.


I haven't noticed it with TSO, but I have with Unload. It's just a bug (the game just released after all). If that happens, immediately stop casting and move on. No use casting a no-damage ability. On the Trail won't work in Warzones because it requires a companion to use.


I feel we need something more, a stun on 4seconds is not enough atleast 8seconds is a must or ability to run and cast attacks. I always tend to pick the wrong class in mmorpgs. In WoW I had an elemental shaman which sucked as elemental got trained everytime, I feel the same as a bounty hunter, Mostly its probably me thats just bad but it feels like all other classes have the ability to survive or kill me.


I don't mean to be rude, but this is really a "learn-to-play" issue. Being able to survive is a trait of a good bounty hunter. You can't use your CCs just so you can spam tracer missile - you need to pick your battles, position correctly and plan out your next move at every moment. This is not the "wrong" class. Mercs like Werden (which I HIGHLY suggest you read his sticky at the top of the Merc forum) and I have found a lot of success with the class. It just takes a lot of getting used to.


The biggest problem I can see right now is that, from your post, you just don't know what you are up against. How can you properly anticipate a battle with an enemy you know nothing about? I am sure if you just did a bit more research, watch a few streams from other classes and continued to practice, you would be in much better shape.

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i completely agree,this is a problem with mercenaries,powertech are doing pretty well,our damage is just pathetic,we have to cast our main ability and barely crit 3k at level 50 with champion gear,when scoundrels operatives sith assassin shadows can insta deal to you 7k damage,we have a single stun and an AOE knockback,i feel like the class (only the mercenary) need some tweaking,for istance some sort of jet escape tool,(like the heroic leap of the warrior of WoW),powertechs have an assault move with the jetpack,why cant we have an escape tool?
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JollyRogers said it all pretty much. I am level 27 BH Merc with level 24 Valor and I do just fine. Only issues I have is when a Counselor/Inquisitor are fighting me and vanish away after I put a whooping on them.


Under normal circumstances like Huttball by the time someone notices me I have already put 2 to 3 tracers into them and a railshot is coming up next, followed by an explosive dart, unload, jet boost, tracer, tracer, dead. Don't expect to stay alive if you are rushing into a group, I stay up on the cat walks and launch DFA then pick out a squishy target. I aim for stragglers. I also like to jet boost melee into the acid pits/fire. I don't have amazing gear, just the level 20 PVP stuff and some randoms I have found from questing/commendations.


This unfortunately sounds like a L2P type of post . :(

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i completely agree,this is a problem with mercenaries,powertech are doing pretty well,our damage is just pathetic,we have to cast our main ability and barely crit 3k at level 50 with champion gear,when scoundrels operatives sith assassin shadows can insta deal to you 7k damage,we have a single stun and an AOE knockback,i feel like the class (only the mercenary) need some tweaking,for istance some sort of jet escape tool,(like the heroic leap of the warrior of WoW),powertechs have an assault move with the jetpack,why cant we have an escape tool?


Sorry but this is not true, our damage is in a good place. Maybe the fact that TM is such a go to ability is the problem. I hate spam abilities and it lends itself to just that. I would prefer a jump back style ability, that being said a talented jet boost is pretty powerful, but the rocket punch doesn't give much room to work with as far as making separation. Heroic leap was not an escape tool, it was a cap closer but I get your drift. It would be more like a hunters disengage, but once again jet boost works similar to this. Plus you have the slow debuffs and the electro dart....


@the OP do you keybind or click your abilities. SWTOR has no macros and I couldn't imagine how painful pvp would be if I was a clicker. I'm not saying you are but a lot of people upset with pvp in SWTOR are clickers. I mean plenty ppl that bind have been disgruntled too but I don't think it's as frustrating as it is for clickers....


Edit: I don't think clickers pvp now that I think about it, or do they?

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Funny thing is I tend to click except for my 1-4 bindings. I am not "tryharding" though and I still do plenty good haha.



Sorry but this is not true, our damage is in a good place. Maybe the fact that TM is such a go to ability is the problem. I hate spam abilities and it lends itself to just that. I would prefer a jump back style ability, that being said a talented jet boost is pretty powerful, but the rocket punch doesn't give much room to work with as far as making separation. Heroic leap was not an escape tool, it was a cap closer but I get your drift. It would be more like a hunters disengage, but once again jet boost works similar to this. Plus you have the slow debuffs and the electro dart....


@the OP do you keybind or click your abilities. SWTOR has no macros and I couldn't imagine how painful pvp would be if I was a clicker. I'm not saying you are but a lot of people upset with pvp in SWTOR are clickers. I mean plenty ppl that bind have been disgruntled too but I don't think it's as frustrating as it is for clickers....


Edit: I don't think clickers pvp now that I think about it, or do they?

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I have to agree that Merc dmg at lvl 50 is somwhat meh arround 3K and we all know that other classes have greater burst and crits . Obviously there are some problems for pvp on mercenary arsenal . i guess it is this way : get used at class a lot or reroll another class for pvp . somthing is making mercs - arsenal in pvp to be kinda slow and not that bursty . Also positioning and pre-kiting if possible are vital .


Somthing still don`t know what exactly must be done for mercenary to be a little bit more competitive in pvp . I just don`t get it why our dps is kinda less bursty .



I will test more pvp and if this class is bad i will consider leveling another class only for pvp . with leveling only with pvp.

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he is right,mercenaries are not that bad on pvp but following the class description we should be with less escapable tools but with an insane firepower,but critting 3k with level 50 gear with a tracer missile is just meh,a sniper can pull out 7 k in an instant,and operatives can kill you in 4 seconds


overall we might need another CC or more raw power,because we are doing Slighly more damage then powertechs and we are giving up a lot of survivability and a lot of CCs

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not sure what game you guys are playing but BH's are OP imo...


Kiting melee becomes a lot easier with 2pc pvp set, I can pretty much mow anything down 1v1 except for vanguards/juggernauts. I can pop a trinket, tracer missle x3, heat seeking missle, rail shot, unload > dead.


Arsenal mercs are ion cannons that are supposed to hang back and abuse z-axis and knockbacks to keep everything at bay. If you're on the ground you're an easy target and wont live very long.

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Don't listen to a word from those people saying you need to learn to play. This class sucks so badly when it comes to damage in warzones it's untrue.


Let's break it down in English, against a sorcerer for example:


The sorcerer wears Light Armour

You wear Heavy Armour

He shoots lightning

You shoot missiles


Now, logically, you should both be able to do serious damage to each other. However, what actually happens, is he rips you a new one.


You fire off an electro dart, manage to get off maybe one tracer missile and he's back in action. Good news! Your tracer dart knocked about 10% of his health off! You're almost there! In the meantime he hits you with some force lightning, your health drops to about two thirds. Hmm, not good. Try and break line of sight, quick! Oh wait, you're crawling along like a snail, can't get there fast enough because he's busy turning your **** into a tesla coil. Idea 2, I'll use my jet pack to boost up to a walkway and escape like in the Star Wars movies! Oh wait, the jetpack I have on my back is purely for looks, it can't do anything awesome like that. Okay, now you're screwed because the only thing you have that you can fire on the move does about 4% damage to him. Welcome to Bounty Hunter hell.


The answer to your predicament is simple, my friend. Re-roll a different class, or hope Bioware realise what a monumental mistake they've made with the balance of the classes.

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im gonna have to go with this ^


if we are stuck with a bunch of activation timers we need either more damage or more mobility. give us a rocket boost to get to high places like SWs do or more slows like SIs have. slow skills + no damage + no mobility = worthless

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Don't listen to a word from those people saying you need to learn to play. This class sucks so badly when it comes to damage in warzones it's untrue.


Let's break it down in English, against a sorcerer for example:


The sorcerer wears Light Armour

You wear Heavy Armour

He shoots lightning

You shoot missiles


Now, logically, you should both be able to do serious damage to each other. However, what actually happens, is he rips you a new one.


You fire off an electro dart, manage to get off maybe one tracer missile and he's back in action. Good news! Your tracer dart knocked about 10% of his health off! You're almost there! In the meantime he hits you with some force lightning, your health drops to about two thirds. Hmm, not good. Try and break line of sight, quick! Oh wait, you're crawling along like a snail, can't get there fast enough because he's busy turning your **** into a tesla coil. Idea 2, I'll use my jet pack to boost up to a walkway and escape like in the Star Wars movies! Oh wait, the jetpack I have on my back is purely for looks, it can't do anything awesome like that. Okay, now you're screwed because the only thing you have that you can fire on the move does about 4% damage to him. Welcome to Bounty Hunter hell.


The answer to your predicament is simple, my friend. Re-roll a different class, or hope Bioware realise what a monumental mistake they've made with the balance of the classes.





Imo, Jet Boost needs to release heat vs costing heat.


BH's arsenal should have 10 more yards of range. Half my cast get stomped by someone just running away. Our ranged slows are pretty much nonexistent.


I did warzones all day today with some friends. I would call out my tracer missile 1364 hits and 2100 crits on my targets. They would laugh at how bad my damage was.


Ran a few next to a power tech friend...he was making me look stupid in his damage output, his utility and his survivability.


But, here is the issue. Arsenal Mercs are like wow hunters. At low levels they are extremely powerful, but at level cap they pretty much suck. The issue with this is that the community will complain about arsenal mercs being op (low level people leveling) and the damage we already dont do, will get nerfed.


That is of course Bioware balances like the wow devs did. If they do what should be done, we will be fine...but the copious amounts of QQ coming in from the masses will most likely sway them in the wrong direction.


TLDR: I am rerolling my 50 Arsenal Merc..made a power tech.

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same for me,no point on using a class,with just 1cc 1 knockback,with our main ability that has to be casted and deals weak damage,and with pathetics defensive cooldowns


i have now a level 36 powertech


there difference on pvp is like day and night......

Edited by Gadrak
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I've been enjoying Merc quite a bit both on and off the battlefield. I'm Pyro specced and I feel like I've become a PvE beast, which makes me quite a celebrity when I group up.


I'm not really having any problems in PvP, aside from the 1v1 molestation I get every so often. My biggest problem is that I have to play PvP in a completely different way than I'd expect the "baddest bounty hunter on the block" to play. I spend most of my time on the fringes of battles, picking off players who are trying to escape the melee with their lives. That's where a vast majority of my kills come from. And honestly, it gives me that griefing feel that I require in PvP.


I often find myself regretting not rolling PT. My friend, who I PvP with quite often, is PT, and he does work. He literally will say "BRB LOL!", go into the scrum, kill four or five people, and come out with at least 50% of his life still in tact. While he's doing that, I'll light some people on fire, die once or twice, or pick off a few squishies.


Honestly, it just doesn't feel right. I know that there will always be some limitations because we are a pure range class, but I feel that even the other ranged classes have a huge advantage over Mercs in a firefight. I think my biggest problem would be the lack of high damage openers. Like others have said, I can crit for around 3k, but at the same time, I'm getting hit for double that.


I'm not asking for god-like powers. Obviously, every class should have their strengths and their weaknesses... but it feels like our weaknesses outweigh or strengths. I'm not entirely worried though. The game has only been out for two weeks, so I know that everybody is in store for some balancing. I'm just afraid that by the time they get around to balancing, I'll have lost interest in Merc and reroll as something else.

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I don't understand how everyone is complaining about our lack of ability in PvP. I just recently rolled a Merc as an alt and have been pvping a lot. I'm only level 14 and yet I still almost always do top 3 damage in a match have had many games going with 35+ kills and less then 5 deaths. After playing a sentinel this class seems so overpowered to me I don't see what you guys have to whine about.
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I don't understand how everyone is complaining about our lack of ability in PvP. I just recently rolled a Merc as an alt and have been pvping a lot. I'm only level 14 and yet I still almost always do top 3 damage in a match have had many games going with 35+ kills and less then 5 deaths. After playing a sentinel this class seems so overpowered to me I don't see what you guys have to whine about.


Mercs are powerful at early levels because tracer missiles hit like a truck when you get it


Unfortunately The damage output would not change since there is not an higher rank for that ability and around level 30 you are going to get outclassed since The damage Will be' always The same


Plus by spamming tracer on high ground you can kill a lot of distracted enemies but on The very moment a melee gets on you,ur dead


Powertech works on The opposite way,you are not going to do a lot before level 30


At that point


If you are pyro you have a lot of mobility,good survivability and insane close range damage


If you are AP The retractor blade and The bonus speed combined with a lower CD on grapple and The autocrit of a railshot with 60% Armor pen.


And If you are ST you are nearly immortal with a decent burst and 2 GAP closers



I managed to deal more damage then arsenal with every spec,and on 1v1 you are a beast.

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