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The wedding!


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Now if you can't get the money people on board with doing the Lana/ Commander wedding proper like, with a little quest, and cutscenes and what not. Then do it off screen, so it does happen! (Would still be very happy if there was to be an actuall wedding, in game)


Perhaps do a throw away line or two. Theron apologzing for taking your away from your honeymoon, or something. Maybe ingame mail, congratulating you. Or an angry ex, if applicable. Maybe an obsessive fan, who is not happy you got married. The jeweler asking if Lana liked the ring. Have a little fun with it.


And off course, if Lana and the Commander could at one point refer to each other as wife/ husband, as applicable, that would be cool too.

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Oh, i'd be up for that as well off course. I just wasn't aware things having progressed to that point for any of the other romancable characters.


the only diffrend is more with the class companions is that so far i know is that most off then get to that part more in the story line's from the class.


but if there can do that when you get then back like in knights of the eternal throne,knights of the fallen empire or onslaught part when some off then come return then its good.

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Now if you can't get the money people on board with doing the Lana/ Commander wedding proper like, with a little quest, and cutscenes and what not. Then do it off screen, so it does happen! (Would still be very happy if there was to be an actuall wedding, in game)


Perhaps do a throw away line or two. Theron apologzing for taking your away from your honeymoon, or something. Maybe ingame mail, congratulating you. Or an angry ex, if applicable. Maybe an obsessive fan, who is not happy you got married. The jeweler asking if Lana liked the ring. Have a little fun with it.


And off course, if Lana and the Commander could at one point refer to each other as wife/ husband, as applicable, that would be cool too.


I always liked the idea of entertaining something along this line. Another thing that has always bothered me with companions is the dialogue you get when you click on them. I always felt it should have changed up a bit if you were romancing them instead of still getting some of the grumpy one liners they casually say which would not be the case if they loved you.


I'm still waiting for my proposal from Arcann at least. Hopefully something is added as we get further into the wild space mission and Darth Nul stuff going on. I absolutely adore Theron and romanced him on some classes, but Arcann I am just soooo in love with. Sorry Arcann haters. It is what it is. My little jedi would follow him straight to the dark side. :p

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Oh, i'd be up for that as well off course. I just wasn't aware things having progressed to that point for any of the other romancable characters.


Of the "new" (post vanilla story) there's Theron, of course, as he reaches that at the same point as Lana.


Of the vanilla romances, off the top of my head, you can reach the marriage point - in the vanilla story - with Malavai Quinn, Vector, Corso Riggs, Torian Cadera, Doc, Felix Iresso, Kaliyo, Elara Dorne, Arik Jorgan ... and those are just the ones I remember.


You don't exactly get much of a ceremony with any of them, at least not that I'm aware of. I know there's a sort of ceremony with Doc and Corso Riggs but other than that I don't recall anything. Just, "Let's get married" .. "Ok!" .. *poof* married.

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You don't exactly get much of a ceremony with any of them, at least not that I'm aware of. I know there's a sort of ceremony with Doc and Corso Riggs but other than that I don't recall anything. Just, "Let's get married" .. "Ok!" .. *poof* married.

The Warrior and Vette go off-camera for their wedding, and come back after.

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This should exist for ALL companions, as well as some kind of basic repeatable date/hook up cut scene you can trigger whenever you want.


It is so insanely weird that your romanced/spouse companion just turns completely mute forever.

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  • 1 year later...

since broadsword is now in controle of the development from this game.

so i was thinking more to give this idea a new shot to see if there wane add something like this in the story element for the companions we have romance to the max level more to let something like this to happing.

and i wane add also this to it if the player not has fully romance the companion there automatic skip this part of contant.

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As there is no actual on screen wedding for any of the class story companions, I don't think there will ever be an on screen wedding for any of the post-class-story companions either (and honestly I don't think I want there to be, as I personally prefer to headcanon something which I think suits my specific characters), BUT it would be really nice if we could get some kind of actual on screen acknowledgement for at least Theron and Lana (I don't know if anyone else has a hanging engagement, but the two of them certainly do) that a wedding happened off screen or whether they are still just engaged!  It would be nice to know whether to call them husband/wife or still just boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé (I have thus far gone with the latter as IMHO if a wedding has not been acknowledged as happening in game, it hasn't happened yet), and it would be nice to hear my characters refer to them as being spouses at some point, in the same way that married class story companions often have some kind of reference to it.

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