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What USA server has better population?


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Hey just need to know what server has a better population for USA. Anyone know?


That answer is simple. The "better" population is going to be the Satele Shan server. In 6.0, Starforge had the most players (not by much), but that all changed during the covid pandemic. All of the better and more seasoned players are all on Satele Shan. And the more helpful community is on Satele Shan. Toxicity is heavy on Starforge.


You will get some people here saying Starforge, but that's just out of desperation from them, because they dont want more people to leave Starforge and join the Satele Shan, which has been the trend in 7.0. Starforge players have assumed many left because they werent happy with the 7.0 release. But in reality, they have just been coming to Satele Shan.


So in short, if you want the absolute best experience in SWTOR, come to Satele Shan. Gamers and Star Wars fans from around the world have all been coming to Satele Shan.


Satele Shan.


Satele Shan.


And Satele Shan.



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Hey just need to know what server has a better population for USA. Anyone know?

Depends on your criteria for "better". Do you mean:

* Better opportunities for RP?

* Better (more frequent, shorter delays) pops for:

*** GF FPs?

*** GF Ops?

*** Warzones?

* Friendlier?

* Something else?

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Satele Shan is the west coast server; larger percentage of players play in "prime time" for west coast. Star Forge is the east coast server. So, the player population you see depends on when you play. That has an impact on how often group finder queues "pop."


Star Forge is THE server for Role Playing even if there are RP guilds on SS.

Edited by mike_carton
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Satele Shan is the west coast server; larger percentage of players play in "prime time" for west coast. Star Forge is the east coast server. R]


Aren't both servers based the same in Austin, TX (BioWare hq) though? So like, *ping* is the same no matter what? i forget , so please correct me if i'm wrong , np

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Aren't both servers based the same in Austin, TX (BioWare hq) though? So like, *ping* is the same no matter what? i forget , so please correct me if i'm wrong , np


The OP didn't ask about ping and so I didn't talk about it or about server physical location. You're right about both of those things, as far as I know.


The SS player population is more from US Central to US Pacific time zones where as the Star Forge server has more of the US Eastern time zone players.

Edited by mike_carton
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