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What Auto Roll key do?


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It corrects the attitude of your ship to the map, levels it with the "up and down" of your situation. I know that's a terrible explanation, I just don't know how to word it. Now, I'm reasonably new to GSF, but I hardly ever use it. Perhaps the vets can enlighten us a bit more.
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Eiter pretty much hit the nail on the head. Despite the fact that you’re fighting in space, there are clearly defined directions that correspond to your controls. If you wind up flying upside down, auto-roll will help prevent you from confusing your left and right directions while you’re being shot at.


Now, granted most maps have structures that you can use to orient yourself in your surroundings. The one big exception (for me, at least) is Iokath. There’s so much random crap floating around facing various directions that it’s hard to know what direction you’re going after a particularly heated exchange. So, the auto-roll comes in handy there. Otherwise, if you play the maps enough, you’ll learn which way is which on your own.

Edited by Enticy
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