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Script Objection


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My first objection to the script was turning down Akaavi as Smuggler for a romance. I was already involved with Risha, so when the first flirt opportunity arrived I chose the No response instead. However, the dialogue had me say I was not interested in a woman with horns, a bigoted insult I never intended nor meant. Bad form. My second Smuggler hated Risha but wasn't interested in any relationship. To get around being a bigot I had to do the first flirt with Akaavi. Then later there's an opportunity to call it off. It makes Akaavi upset a little, but at least I'm not a cad.


There's another scripted moment to which I object. Vette dies. You defeat Vaylin on Odessen. You enter the war room. Theron mourns Vette. If you choose the first option of saying Vette is a hero all is golden. However, if you choose the second option to acknowledge everyone who died in the battle, i.e. nameless NPCs we never see die on screen, everyone gets angry at you. Lana of all people scolds you being so callous saying they all died for you. Making it worse is when you choose the first option praising Vette as a hero Theron will respond they will honor everyone who died, which is what you wanted to do by choosing the second dialogue option.

Edited by Hadsil
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Yeah, I've never been fond of that point in the Smuggler companion stories, where you have a wheel with Flirt,Flirt,Insult on both women. In the Agent and Warrior stories, the equivalent moment (or the closest you can get to it) is applicable only if you're trying to bed both of them.
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There's another scripted moment to which I object. Vette dies. You defeat Vaylin on Odessen. You enter the war room. Theron mourns Vette. If you choose the first option of saying Vette is a hero all is golden. However, if you choose the second option to acknowledge everyone who died in the battle, i.e. nameless NPCs we never see die on screen, everyone gets angry at you. Lana of all people scolds you being so callous saying they all died for you. Making it worse is when you choose the first option praising Vette as a hero Theron will respond they will honor everyone who died, which is what you wanted to do by choosing the second dialogue option.


I agree with you on that, personally I never saved vette except once, ( my original maura from launch). I felt, although she died a hero , every other person who died were just as worthy, if not MORE so, of recognition as she was, even though we didn't know them. She was just a pirate. Sorry if I sound callous, but honestly, she may have turned her life around from spacing civilians and killing people she stole from but , honestly good soldiers etc. died as well. I defiantly preferred the second option even though we had to say the first so no one gets miserable with you -.-.

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On that note, scenes which are just out of character, in general, because there's no other options. For example, you can't break up with KotFE companions before getting back with your original flame, so the only choice is to not only cheat, but apparently flaunt your cheating around the Alliance until you handle the breakup scene. That just doesn't feel right to me, I mean, I know Lana's a Sith, but she didn't deserve that kind of betrayal. Edited by BinxyFuneral
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