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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kai Zykken RNG protection not working


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People are still getting duplicate pieces from Kai Zykken's Unidentified Set Bonus Crate even though the items are in their inventory. We were assured this wouldn't happen since finishing sets is near impossible without RNG protection! Please add this to the known issue list!


Hi everyone,


I have two follow ups regarding Kai Zykken.


[*]A new Unidentified Set Bonus crate that will give the player a random piece of Set Bonus gear from the Spoils of War expansion.

[*]This crate will contain every Set Bonus from 6.0, regardless of where it came from. This includes the sets previously only available from Dxun or crafting.


How does the RNG protection work?

When a player opens the Unidentified Set Bonus Crate, their current discipline and the items in their equipment and inventory will be checked:

If an item exists in the player’s equipment or inventory, the RNG protection will prevent that item from dropping.

Items will only drop if they match the player’s current Discipline (or Loot Discipline if they have it set)


This duplicate protection existed in 6.0 but didn’t apply to the Set Bonuses that could be worn by any class. We’ll be extending this protection to include generic Set Bonuses as well.


Important to note with this change is that when you have acquired every item from the crate, it will no longer have anything to give you. To ensure the crate always rewards the player with something, the Taskmaster's Chestguard will remain in the crate with no duplication protection. If you start receiving duplicates of the Taskmaster's Chestguard, you’ll know you’ve collected everything from the crate.


We hope the above better explains how this system works.







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I just got a dupe of a General set I already have, I don't think the RNG Protection is in place yet, or it doesn't count the sets in your personal Cargo Hold, which would be insane because there is simply not enough space in the player's inventory to accomodate ALL general sets + class sets if you want to get only the missing pieces.


Pretty much, what the quote from the other post says, on the first day of the expansion I tried completing a Trooper set and I only got dupes, meaning that the RNG Protection is not working. Thanks again, for starting this thread, OP.


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I also got a duplicate of the Avenger's chest piece early on after 7.0 launched and have not been willing to spend more currency since.


Would also love to see clarification on the intended behavior:

* Does RNG protection apply to items in personal cargo holds?

* Does RNG protection apply to items in legacy vaults?

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thanks Damask_Rose for making this thread!


quoting myself from the thread in GD


even if you have the set equipped you can obviously get dublicate pieces - so I just wasted 2000 TFs before I stopped and checked the forum if I am the only one...


^so obviously this shouldn't happen IF RNG protection was actually working


specifically it was the Descent of the Fearless set I wore on my warrior and had all other warrior and general sets I collected that far either equipped, in the inventory or the cargo hold... still got a piece of the fearless set :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are there any news on this subject?


I'm more interested on spending my Tech Fragments on the sets I have not collected yet before they are removed from the game than spending Tech Fragments on gear that will be obsolete by the next gear upgrade (whenever it comes).


However, I cannot do it because without RNG protection it would be a waste of time and Tech Fragments.


It would be nice a yellow post telling us what to expect.:rolleyes:

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Are there any news on this subject?


I'm more interested on spending my Tech Fragments on the sets I have not collected yet before they are removed from the game than spending Tech Fragments on gear that will be obsolete by the next gear upgrade (whenever it comes).


Same here! I got the 2 implants I needed for my main but I'm holding back to gearing other toons, I also prefer getting the sets I haven't collected yet.

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To add insult to injury, I just bought another unidentified gear and it did not go to my inventory, and yes, you guessed it, it still took the 500K credits and the 1K TF.


I had nothing equipped on this toon, might be the reason why, idk.


EDIT: Turns out it's bugged to me no matter what, fully equipped or not, I'm just not receiving the items anymore! I still lose credits and TFs though....


Edited by AragarVarnus
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  • 3 weeks later...
Has anyone tried Kai with the new patch? Is he still bugged?

I bought about 15 this weekend and got 5 dupes. However, after looking at the pieces in my cargo hold, the 5 pieces I had were just shells with no mods in them. For some reason it seems to not be seeing empty shells.

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I bought about 15 this weekend and got 5 dupes. However, after looking at the pieces in my cargo hold, the 5 pieces I had were just shells with no mods in them. For some reason it seems to not be seeing empty shells.


So the protection is not working but the pieces are being placed in the inventory at least?

Last time I burned some Tech Frags in vain but at least Customer Service returned them to me.

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I bought about 15 this weekend and got 5 dupes. However, after looking at the pieces in my cargo hold, the 5 pieces I had were just shells with no mods in them. For some reason it seems to not be seeing empty shells.


I'm afraid that's not the problem. I put mods to all my gear in my inventory and I still got a duplicate Chestguard of Dying Precision. It is simply not working. :(

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I'm afraid that's not the problem. I put mods to all my gear in my inventory and I still got a duplicate Chestguard of Dying Precision. It is simply not working. :(

Yeah, it works better but it's still not right. I've now gotten four Taskmaster Chestguards in a row when there are still three pieces left I need for my sets (Rebuking Assault Boots, Murderous Revelation Gloves, Shadow Purger Boots). If the game, for some reason, thinks I have these, I'll never be able to complete these sets.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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I was finally able to complete all of the Sorc / Assassin achievements (RNG protection isn't working perfectly but probably about 90%) but there is still something weird going on. I have the achievement for The Gathering Storm (completed 1/26/2021) but I seem to no longer have the bracers. I have checked every single inventory slot on this character, cargo hold, legacy storage, and equipped and I do not have these bracers anymore. However, I cannot get them from Kai. He has now given me 9 Taskmaster Chestguards in a row so I'm guessing Kai thinks I'm done. Is he also looking at player achievements or just what is in cargo holds?


EDIT: I just realized I never changed my combat style back over to Sorc (was still Assassin) so that's probably why I was not getting the bracers. I'm out of TFs at the moment but will try again later.


EDIT 2: Got enough TFs and I was able to get my last missing piece after changing back to Sorc. Now I get to move all the non-class sets over to my Maurader / Jugg and start all over agian.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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  • 2 weeks later...

I completed all of my Mercenary / Commando sets but something is really borked with my Sniper / Agent. I moved all of my Sniper / Agent sets along with all the general sets over to my Agent. I am still missing 25 Sniper / Agent pieces. Went to Kai and proceeded to get 10 Taskmaster Chestpieces and not a single other piece (tried as both a Sniper and an Agent).


Something is still really wrong with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I was having issues with my Sniper / Agent gear, I transferred all of the general sets over to my Marauder / Juggernaut and started trying to finish those. It was going fairly well until I got to two pieces left. Dashing Blademaster Chest and Dashing Blademaster Legs. The pieces are not equipped. I do not have these in my inventory. I do not have these in my cargo hold. I do not have these in my Legacy bay. The achievement for this set says I am still missing these two pieces. Yet, I cannot get them. All I get are Taskmaster's chest pieces.


I transferred this character over to the PTS and it is still broken. I bough 100 pieces from Kai on the PTS (since you have unlimited tech frags there) and all I got were Taskmaster's chest pieces.


Questions for the dev's (if they are ever going to look at this):


#1 - Why does the game think I have armor pieces when I don't actually have them?

#2 - When is the RNG protection going to be fixed properly so we can complete our sets?

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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Since I'm a glutton for punishment I did a few more hours of testing on the PTS.


I transferred my Sniper / Agent over to the PTS that was having problems finishing sets. Went to gamble with Kai and, sure enough, still only got Taskmaster chest pieces.


I then transferred a Gunslinger / Scoundrel over and went straight to Kai with zero pieces of gear. She was then able to gamble every single general set and every single Gunslinger / Scoundrel set with no duplicates (but I was getting a random Taskmaster chest piece here and there).


I decided to go back to the live server and transfer all of my general sets and Sniper / Agent sets over to this Gunslinger / Scoundrel. Sure enough, I started getting the pieces I needed.


From what I can tell, it's characters that are bugged when you cannot gamble any more sets that you need. Now I just need to start transferring all of my Juggs over to the PTS to see which of those isn't bugged so I can get the last two pieces of the Dashing Blademaster set that I need.


I don't know why the devs refuse to just put all of these pieces on a vendor and let us buy what we need instead of making us play these games with Kai.

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After all of my testing on the PTS yesterday, I was finally able to gamble all of the gear pieces (some user error some not) on the PTS with zero duplicates. However, sometimes it's very strange.


My Jugg (Primary) / Marauder could not gamble Marauder gear unless he was in a Marauder spec.


However, my Sorc (Primary) / Jugg was able to gamble Sorc gear when she was in Jugg spec.


I also confirmed that the RNG protection does not look at the Legacy bay when filtering gear.


I still don't know what was going on with my Sniper / Operative though not being able to gamble any Operative pieces even when in Operative spec.


You do still get random extra Taskmaster chestpieces when gambling but, for the most part, the RNG protection seems to be working.

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  • 1 month later...


thanks Screaming_Ziva for all the testing!


I only tried it once today again with my Marauder (I had the collected class specific sets in my cargo bay and also all collected general sets there). I still got a dublicate, though that was a piece where I only had the shell...

EDIT: tested some more (put at least one mod in each of the set pieces I have) - so the empty shell vs. mod theory doesn't seem to be taken into account - I got 2 dublicates, both were of set pieces I had in my cargo bay AND they were FULLY modded (armoring, mod, enhancement)


so NO, RNG protection is NOT WORKING AT ALL!


A confirmation of any kind from BW would be very appreciated - so to speak a "how (or how NOT) does the RNG protection with Kai Zykken work" for Dummies...

Edited by Dekibra
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Yeah, definitely not working, I got 8 !!! Taskmaster Chests in the last 12 mystery boxes I bough. I know that getting multiple of the same in a trow out of a pool of, what??, 200+ pieces is technically still random, but this so called protection is a laughable matter.
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I've been rolling for Superiority set on a Smuggler. I do not know what loot discipline this is; DPS or Heal?


Does loot discipline even matter?


I have put all my Smuggler sets in my inventory. I have rolled 64000 tech fragments so far without Superiority legs (I am 6/7). I have received 7 duplicate items out of the 64 pieces I have rolled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just burned 10k TF, against my better judgement, in the hopes that BW would have fixed this.


I've all general gear and trooper gear in my cargo hold, I've even transfered each set once at least, imagining that it would trigger some sort of check somewhere in the game to tell it I already have those sets, I'm only missing pants and boots for the Emergency Power.


Instead I got:


  1. Headgear of Dying Precision
  2. The Entertainer's Headgear
  3. Squad Leader's Body Armor
  4. Avenger's Gauntlets
  5. Belt of the Final Breath
  6. Taskmater's Chestguard
  7. Avenger's Headgear
  8. Game Plan body armor
  9. Game Plan vambracers
  10. Game Plan belt


All repeated items. I wish I could ask for the TFs back... but I know the CS person would just say nope.



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