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New to PVP


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Hey everyone! I am Nee-Nee, I have been playing SWTOR for about a year now. I have tried PVP and I like it but I'm still a noob at it any tips? Thanks


So many questions before I can even try to give you some tips. What class do you play? Heals, dps, tank? Are u a ranged or melee class? Most of the wzs are so different you just need to play them enough to really learn them inside out.


But for very basic tips, yes running with friends and starting a premade is a good start, being in voice comms is even better because you can really coordinate. I'd also say that you should have all your abilities keybound because your reaction time will be much better than clicking. Using a mouse helps a lot too, it's wild to me that some ppl play this game without mouse 😳

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Find friends and run premades. Ez mode and you wont have to be good.


Don't listen to this guy...fully.

-Finding friends will be beneficial. Especially they been around PvP for a while. To help learn maps, certain objs, classes, strategies, etc

-Learning other classes and their abilities. Able to act and react to the enemy. Duals are a great way to learn. Having multiple toons is another way.

-Youtube tutorial/guides. I imagine some may be a bit dated. Overall great information out there.

-Focus target is huge. Focus fire with someone on your team. Find and mark healers. If multiple healers, swap b/w heals if one has guard and/or is low hp.

-Learn your surrounding. Tunnel vision happens to the best of us.

-Learn your class in and out. Know when to use defensive and offense cds


Keep positive! There will be games that push your limits. Learn to walk away and come back later if you get frustrated. That is PvP in no matter what game you play.

Remember to have fun! Cheers! And welcome to SWTOR!

Edited by Darththirdeye
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Find friends and run premades. Ez mode and you wont have to be good.


Do the exact opposite of this, unless all you want is to be carried.

Learn you class, its strengths, and weakensses, and how to play without having trinity group comb behind you before you start grouping.

Yes, youre going to get hammered for a bit, but its the only way to learn.. you learn nothing with guard and heals behind you.

As others have siad its hard to give pointers without knowing what you play, but you gotta know your class before you can really contribute.

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Do the exact opposite of this, unless all you want is to be carried.

Learn you class, its strengths, and weakensses, and how to play without having trinity group comb behind you before you start grouping.

Yes, youre going to get hammered for a bit, but its the only way to learn.. you learn nothing with guard and heals behind you.

As others have siad its hard to give pointers without knowing what you play, but you gotta know your class before you can really contribute.


The argument then is


"Premades are worse than solo quers as they don't learn anything." There is a reason why premades run with Guard and Heals and its only to have a massive structural advantage over solo quers. Learning through misery of solo ques, man I would not want to wish that on anybody. It is a disheartening experience.


Then please elaborate why premades have higher win ratio.


Also argument that you will learn more by nature of solo ques is also pretty terrible. If he lives longer in PvP he will learn to counter other players faster. Otherwise I do not think he cal learn a whole lot when facing 2 DPS 1 tank 1 Healer premade. That will burst him from 100-0 in 1 stun.


Learning usually comes in those awesome 1 v 1 scenarios where you give everything you have and you lose. This forces you to learn how to counter another class better. Learning in 1v4 scenarios is impossible, you will always fall back to a reason of being outnumbered as the reason for loss (which in a lot of cases it is true).

Edited by ReinhartRussian
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So many questions before I can even try to give you some tips. What class do you play? Heals, dps, tank? Are u a ranged or melee class? Most of the wzs are so different you just need to play them enough to really learn them inside out.


But for very basic tips, yes running with friends and starting a premade is a good start, being in voice comms is even better because you can really coordinate. I'd also say that you should have all your abilities keybound because your reaction time will be much better than clicking. Using a mouse helps a lot too, it's wild to me that some ppl play this game without mouse 😳


I'm a sorc with the second combat style of the shadow, I play Dps and Tank, I mainly do range when I'm sorc and I do stealth attacks when I'm shadow.

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The argument then is


"Premades are worse than solo quers as they don't learn anything." There is a reason why premades run with Guard and Heals and its only to have a massive structural advantage over solo quers. Learning through misery of solo ques, man I would not want to wish that on anybody. It is a disheartening experience.


Then please elaborate why premades have higher win ratio.


Also argument that you will learn more by nature of solo ques is also pretty terrible. If he lives longer in PvP he will learn to counter other players faster. Otherwise I do not think he cal learn a whole lot when facing 2 DPS 1 tank 1 Healer premade. That will burst him from 100-0 in 1 stun.


Learning usually comes in those awesome 1 v 1 scenarios where you give everything you have and you lose. This forces you to learn how to counter another class better. Learning in 1v4 scenarios is impossible, you will always fall back to a reason of being outnumbered as the reason for loss (which in a lot of cases it is true).


One has nothing to do with the other.

This person is just getting into PvP and needs to learn their class properly within that context before going straight to premades

PvP teaches you thinks PvE doesn't, you use things you never do in PvE... thats not to say either is better or worse just, different.

Anyone needs to know how to play their own class before worrying about premade and the like, at least in my opinion.

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FFS this person is asking for tips! not a fight on premades already posted on 5,000 other threads!


Someone earlier asked a couple questions, and that's a great start!


We need just a little bit of info from you before we can help too much! Besides class-bound stuff, most of what you're going to be wanting to do is trying to learn objectives. You can really help your team out while you're learning by guarding objectives and calling out incoming players while you guard. This is a great first step. If you have teams that read chat, you'll see you can have a little bit of 1 on 1 with someone before one of your teammates comes to help out.


Whatever you do, just have fun. These forums are full of angry and toxic players just screaming about their opinions.

Don't let that scare you away though. Just get thick skin and learn to laugh at them when they get all puffed up! Try looking for a guild that enjoys pvp. They can help you out a lot too.


Please don't let this off topic nonsense turn you off to having a good time PvPing. I'm, not sure what server you're on, but if i see you around in some matches ill be sure to party up with you and we can pew pew together!

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Someone earlier asked a couple questions, and that's a great start!


We need just a little bit of info from you before we can help too much! Besides class-bound stuff, most of what you're going to be wanting to do is trying to learn objectives. You can really help your team out while you're learning by guarding objectives and calling out incoming players while you guard. This is a great first step. If you have teams that read chat, you'll see you can have a little bit of 1 on 1 with someone before one of your teammates comes to help out.


Whatever you do, just have fun. These forums are full of angry and toxic players just screaming about their opinions.

Don't let that scare you away though. Just get thick skin and learn to laugh at them when they get all puffed up! Try looking for a guild that enjoys pvp




Good suggestions Mike Miller, gotta say, I enjoy the music you play while ur streaming as well 😁👍

Edited by Samcuu
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I'm really struggling in trying to figure PvP out in this game. I haven't really found my class yet I think so still messing around but I'm all dps, melee or ranged doesn't really matter.


What gets me is that some people are just so difficult to kill, it doesn't have to be a tank even. Just stand there and take everything I can throw at them and they just shrug it off and then kill me in seconds.


Granted I'm not lvl 80 yet, my merc is 75 which is the highest and the rest are lvl 50 so there's def a l2p issue involved in most situations. The merc is also the class I've had the best results with so far, it's fairly straight forward to play but it still feels like the field is very uneven.

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I'm a sorc with the second combat style of the shadow, I play Dps and Tank, I mainly do range when I'm sorc and I do stealth attacks when I'm shadow.


Ignore my previous post, Sorc is in a pretty good spot atm in general, sin dps is ok but hatred is the better one. Sin tank is pretty good atm since it's cleave meta.

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First you go on youtube and you put on 10 hours of sea shanty 2. After you done that you queue up for battlegroudns for all those 10 hours, when thats done just repeat it. And stick to one spec, if you want that to be sorc juts stick with lightning. Learn how to kite, ,never stand still always move and throw ur abitles when your moving, that means never just throw random abilties with cast time when you are getting attacked or are in a ba postiton learn how and when to use an abilty that has you stationary learn on how to postion use ur range. Thats like the most basic things you should focus on for now i think. No need to go all out advance the first you do. Edited by Mayyeman
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The poster above me is wrong, lighting is currently the harder and less forgiving sorc spec, and the rotation is also more confusing. Play madness.


Use this utility tree build: https://parsely.io/parser/combat-styles/madness/MzMyMjIzMjE=


Put down phase walk, run away from phase walk, knock back your attackers on cooldown, phase walk when you're stunned or in danger (bubble if you don't have phase walk down).


Rotation is pretty simple: creeping terror affliction death field force leech force lightning demolish more force lightning until your dots are near falling off, then repeat. It's always the same rotation so you can just order your bar that way and go left to right or whatever.


Tactical: Tempest of Rho (default) or Endless Barrier (if you're dying a lot).

Legendaries: Gathering Storm, Unmatched Haste


When you're focused you need to kite (run away from attackers while healing yourself and doing damage to them.) The phrase comes from the fact that you'll be stringing them behind you like you're flying a kite. Force speed is your main tool for this but your knockback is also massively useful for the same purpose. Against ranged you can play near a pole or wall or other object and use it to break their casts and give you an advantage. Also, when you are taking damage make sure to use your static barrier, resurgence, and unnatural preservation as soon as they're available as these will increase your armor and contribute most of your self healing. Casted healing is very bad (and weak) on madness and should only be a last resort.


Also, general advice: prioritize killing people who are damaging you, or you won't live very long (on any class). When someone is fighting you, always fight back. Also, never waste time thinking about your rotation (and doing nothing while you do). If you're not sure what to do, use force lightning and use the channel time to plan your next move. Anything you do will do more damage than doing nothing, even if it's wrong.


PS: if your heart is set on playing lightning you can use this skill tree: https://parsely.io/parser/combat-styles/lightning/MjIxMTIzMjE=

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I'm really struggling in trying to figure PvP out in this game. I haven't really found my class yet I think so still messing around but I'm all dps, melee or ranged doesn't really matter.


What gets me is that some people are just so difficult to kill, it doesn't have to be a tank even. Just stand there and take everything I can throw at them and they just shrug it off and then kill me in seconds.


Granted I'm not lvl 80 yet, my merc is 75 which is the highest and the rest are lvl 50 so there's def a l2p issue involved in most situations. The merc is also the class I've had the best results with so far, it's fairly straight forward to play but it still feels like the field is very uneven.


Lowbie warzones are probably rough right now for newer players because we just jumped the lvl cap to 80. Meaning you are probably coming up against a bunch of ppl who know their class and have the best in slot gear for lvl 75 toons. Your stats are very important. If you have too much or too little crit/alacrity it's going to hamper your performance. What I'd recommend to any newcomers is checking out class guides from Vulkk. It will show you a basic rotation and show you how to gear. Sounds like ur probably hitting like a wet noodle cuz u haven't min maxed ur gear.

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Lowbie warzones are probably rough right now for newer players because we just jumped the lvl cap to 80. Meaning you are probably coming up against a bunch of ppl who know their class and have the best in slot gear for lvl 75 toons. Your stats are very important. If you have too much or too little crit/alacrity it's going to hamper your performance. What I'd recommend to any newcomers is checking out class guides from Vulkk. It will show you a basic rotation and show you how to gear. Sounds like ur probably hitting like a wet noodle cuz u haven't min maxed ur gear.


Yeah I'm not new to swtor pvp but I haven't played the game in a while and haven't pvp'd since hybrid builds were a thing back at lvl 50 so it's basically like I'm a newbie once again. I deffo hit like a wet noodle, but it's more than that. You can see 1 person standing their ground vs 3 or 4 other people sometimes, just winning the fight and that shouldn't be possible unless you have a pocket healer.


There are a lot of small things that turns into a big issue when you try to learn how to pvp in the current system. I understand it turned into this because of dwindling player numbers but frankly, there needs to be low level brackets. You can't slap a lvl 50 player with lvl 80 players in the best gear and expect the outcome to be balanced, you just can't and it makes it very unfair and yes I know, pvp isn't fair but it should be more fair than it is now.


You don't learn anything when you get stomped by people that outgear you greatly, you just don't.

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You don't learn anything when you get stomped by people that outgear you greatly, you just don't.


false. there is a valuable lesson to be learned from this. in case you missed it, this is what you should have learned from this; you should get to max level (lowbies has always been garbage and always will be). secondly, you should min/max your gear to put yourself in the best possible position in pvp. this has been a necessity in almost every mmo since the advent of online gaming. grinding has been a requirement to obtain higher level gear and be competetive in pvp in almost every mmo ever. at least in swtor this process is casual friendly and is relatively effortless compared to other mmos.

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false. there is a valuable lesson to be learned from this. in case you missed it, this is what you should have learned from this; you should get to max level (lowbies has always been garbage and always will be). secondly, you should min/max your gear to put yourself in the best possible position in pvp. this has been a necessity in almost every mmo since the advent of online gaming. grinding has been a requirement to obtain higher level gear and be competetive in pvp in almost every mmo ever. at least in swtor this process is casual friendly and is relatively effortless compared to other mmos.


You miss out on a big point here and that is having fun while learning. Getting stomped isn't having fun while learning. Never has, never will.


PvP is also something that you should be able to do on all levels, not just max with with optimized gear. That's what ranked pvp is for, casual pvp is just that - casual and should be available for everyone to enjoy. There's a reason every other MMO out there has level brackets, so that people can learn while leveling, figure it out as you get stronger and higher level. Not becoming overwhelmed with everything and trying to figure it out while getting globaled by premades.


But I'll humor you, please tell me what you learn during that 3 second window that you're stun locked and killed, over and over and over and over and over by a group of people that out gear you on every level.

Edited by Podrik
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You miss out on a big point here and that is having fun while learning. Getting stomped isn't having fun while learning. Never has, never will.


this is entirely a matter of opinion. some people find challenges to be more fun than tasks that are not challenging, and some people have more fun when they are not being presented with any kind of challenge. it depends entirely on the mind set of the person.


PvP is also something that you should be able to do on all levels, not just max with with optimized gear.


it IS something that you can do at all levels. the fact that you are complaining about the way it is at other levels does not prevent you from doing it. you should be able to do it, and you CAN do it. so go do it.


however, you were obviously complaining about it. so my point about pvping at max level while min/maxed being the most balanced pvp still stands. if you have a problem with balance in lowbies, then pvp at max level. if you don't want to pvp at max level with the majority of the rest of the population, then stay in lowbies and deal with it. the choice is entirely up to you.


That's what ranked pvp is for, casual pvp is just that - casual and should be available for everyone to enjoy. There's a reason every other MMO out there has level brackets, so that people can learn while leveling, figure it out as you get stronger and higher level. Not becoming overwhelmed with everything and trying to figure it out while getting globaled by premades.


warzones are not "casual" warzones are just pvp zones. in any mmo pvp you will have casuals and you will have people who are more competitive. there is nothing more to say on the matter, it is what it is.


i realize you are referring to lowbies here though, so i will address that too; same answer in regards to max level warzones. they are not "casual" they are simply pvp zones. as such there will be individuals who are casual and there will be individuals who are more competitive. there is nothing to be done on the matter. people who want to be good pvpers have every bit of right to enter pvp zones as casuals do. in fact, it could easily and logically be argued they actually have more of a right to lol.


But I'll humor you, please tell me what you learn during that 3 second window that you're stun locked and killed, over and over and over and over and over by a group of people that out gear you on every level.


well, hopefully, you learn to not get stun locked and killed over and over again. LOS, kite, use DCDs and breaker properly, etc. do what ever you need to. if you can't learn or don't like the challenge then don't do it. it's not complicated.


thankfully for pvers and rpers alike SWTOR is a WoW clone, it has a ton of pve and story content for noncompetitive people. if you don't like challenge then pvp is not for you (in any game). pvp is for people who like challenging gameplay as pvp is all about fighting against other players who can be much more unpredictable than bots, much more determined, and can possess an immense amount of skill. if you don't like the challenges of fighting other players in pvp and want to fight bots instead then go do pve content, that's exactly what it's for.

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You still miss the point by quite a big margin.


Learning how to pvp well is part of the game, I understand this but forcing low levels to play with/agains't max levels in optimized gear isn't the right way of doing it. A lot of us like to pvp while leveling to learn little by little and steadily improve as you gain levels and character power.


This is impossible in SWTOR because you can't be competitive below max level, it's just not possible. Even if you're skilled, the lack of abilities compared to those that are max level hinders you from this. This is why brackets is a thing in other mmo's.


Now you don't need to have 10-19, 20-29 etc brackets. You level too quickly in swtor for that to happen but 10-39, 40-69, 70-79 and then 80's by themselves could be a way. Probably has to tune the brackets a bit to make it work but it's just a quick list on how it could look that would serve the pvp community a lot better than having 80's stomp on people that never stood a chance due to gear and ability difference. This game used to have brackets and it was a very fun time back then, you got your *** handed to you by higher skilled people but at least they were around your level, not 40 levels above you.


Now, I don't do ranked pvp anymore - I simply don't have the time but I do enjoy casual pvp (and unranked is meant to be casual) for some fun and I don't mind losing to better player, be it better in skill or organization. What bothers me is the massive power level difference there is atm when you want to pvp at say lvl 50 for a day instead of pushing on with story missions.


I want to be able to pvp and have a good time, winning or losing doesn't matter (prefer winning ofc duh) but getting stomped, and I do mean completely stomped is neither fun or teaching me anything other than yeah, let's not do pvp until you have 306+ ilvl cuz that's the only way you'll be able to survive.


It's a dumb system and it doesn't benefit the community at all. A lot of people that are interested in pvp gets put off it because of the reasons I mentioned above and earlier and instead of trying again at max level they just leave it all together and either focus on PvE or move to another game where the pvp is more balanced along the entire leveling process.

Edited by Podrik
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You still miss the point by quite a big margin.


i did not miss anything by any margin, i literally went down the list and adressed every single question and point you wrote. you're either not reading or simply refusing to acknowledge my points. probably the latter, i'm positive you simply don't like the answers i'm giving.


Learning how to pvp well is part of the game, I understand this but forcing low levels to play with/agains't max levels in optimized gear isn't the right way of doing it.


you're not facing max level players with fully min/maxed gear in low level pvp, these are the only players you're not facing in low level pvp.


A lot of us like to pvp while leveling to learn little by little and steadily improve as you gain levels and character power


im sure some people do like that. as i already stated; low level pvp in swtor has always been terrible and unbalanced though. i simply do not see any logic in continuously complaining about something that has always been.


This is impossible in SWTOR because you can't be competitive below max level, it's just not possible.


you can be competitive below max level. for example; if you're level 75-79 in full 306 min/maxed gear, you're going to be pretty OP in low level pvp. especially if there are a lot of low level players. it's just terribly unbalanced is what you're actually trying to get at.


Even if you're skilled, the lack of abilities compared to those that are max level hinders you from this. This is why brackets is a thing in other mmo's.


again; you're not facing max level players in low level pvp. though, yes, level 73+ players do have all their skills. i know what you mean, it's terribly unbalanced. but again, to be fair, it was pretty bad even when they did have brackets lol.


Now you don't need to have 10-19, 20-29 etc brackets. You level too quickly in swtor for that to happen but 10-39, 40-69, 70-79 and then 80's by themselves could be a way. Probably has to tune the brackets a bit to make it work but it's just a quick list on how it could look that would serve the pvp community a lot better than having 80's stomp on people that never stood a chance due to gear and ability difference. This game used to have brackets and it was a very fun time back then, you got your *** handed to you by higher skilled people but at least they were around your level, not 40 levels above you.


yet AGAIN, there are NO max level players in low level pvp, lmfao. yes, the game used to have brackets but bioware did away with them due to population issues. it is what it is, you can have the unbalanced mess that low level pvp currently is, else it would not exist at all. i'm sure if they had the population to make sure bracketed low level pvp would actually pop then they wouldn't have done away with it.


Now, I don't do ranked pvp anymore - I simply don't have the time but I do enjoy casual pvp (and unranked is meant to be casual) for some fun and I don't mind losing to better player, be it better in skill or organization.


nope, completely and utterly wrong. unranked is definitively not "casual" it's just not rated. there is no such thing as "casual pvp" whatsoever, it's not even a thing. i think what you're trying to say is that unranked is less competitive than ranked, which (generally speaking) is true. however, it depends on the game too. unranked can be pretty competitive especially when you've got mutiple premades going at it, or just good pugs that are actually playing well.


What bothers me is the massive power level difference there is atm when you want to pvp at say lvl 50 for a day instead of pushing on with story missions.


already adressed this several times over. bracketed low level pvp is gone due to population issues. if you want some what balanced pvp you have one single option; pvp at max level with min/maxed gear, then you will be on equal footing with everyone else and the only disparity will be skill... and meta. low level pvp is inherently unbalanced and it's not going to change. this was the case even when there was bracketed low level pvp and it would still be the case even if they reimplemented it.


I want to be able to pvp and have a good time, winning or losing doesn't matter (prefer winning ofc duh) but getting stomped, and I do mean completely stomped is neither fun or teaching me anything other than yeah, let's not do pvp until you have 306+ ilvl cuz that's the only way you'll be able to survive.


not necessarily, i pvp on my alt account on which my best characters only have 260ish gear. i still destroy 98% of the population with maxed out gear even when 1v1ing burst specs on a dot spec; skill goes a long way. though, yes, if it is bothersome to you that you're getting destroyed by players with better gear your only recourse is to gear yourself.


it sounds like you do not enjoy being at a disadvantage, nor do you have the skill to overcome it. so why do you insist on queueing for pvp at a disadvantage? it would be one thing if you enjoyed it, but you clearly don't. if you don't like playing at a disadvantage then stop doing it. again, i would highly suggest you pvp at max level with gear to eliminate that disparity, since it seems to be exactly how you want to play. you do want it to be as balanced as possible right?


It's a dumb system and it doesn't benefit the community at all. A lot of people that are interested in pvp gets put off it because of the reasons I mentioned above and earlier and instead of trying again at max level they just leave it all together and either focus on PvE or move to another game where the pvp is more balanced along the entire leveling process.


that may be. but bracketed low level pvp is gone due to population limitations and it's not coming back.

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For you, casual PvP doesn't exist but for me - unranked = casual. Casual doesn't mean it's not competitive, that's a different thing all together. The difference in unranked and ranked for me is that unranked never ends, ranked has a ladder, it ends sometime and when it does - there is a ranking. It's unlikely that we will agree on this part so let's just let it go.


You are very hung up on this that I for some reason don't want to be competitive and that's not what I'm saying at all. If I didn't want to be competitive, would I even raise the issues I'm having? No, I would just not PvP anymore or find a game where the system I'm looking for exists but I'm here and this is where I tend to stay. PvP in this game used to be about learning vs people of equal level and gear, each time you reach a new bracket you learn how to use the new skills in an effective way - when you take that away you get the situation you have now. Hell, people don't even talk anymore in PvP and when someone does it's just to throw out insults at the own team or the premade on the other team. I get that this experience varies but that has been my experience so far in the past month or so that I've been playing.


I use the term max level quite loosely here, but like I said - if you are level 50 and decide to do some PvP, even if you are very skilled you are at a huge disadvantage when you meet someone that is level 73, even with bolster active and it shows. My point is, why even have bolster if you're still going to get **** on because you don't have the proper stats? And it's not only about getting killed in a stunlock, it's also hitting like half a wet noodle against superior geared people, even if you can balance it out with your personal skill you will lose vs a person of equal skill level if they have a few levels on you. When playing my 75 merc, I'm fine with getting my *** handed to me sometimes - I sort of expect it to happen because even as a 75 my item level isn't really up to par and I will suffer for it. That's fine but my lvl 50 shouldn't have to fight level 75's - That's all I'm saying.


Now I see a lot of people complaining about new players using master datacron to reach max level quickly and therefor not learning how to use their skills properly in PvE situations, this apply to PvP too in it's current format - Leveling to 80 and jumping into PvP without knowing how it works puts you at a great disadvantage, a disadvantage you used to be able to offset by learning a little here and there as you leveled up.

I'm still doing PvP but maybe not as much as I would like to due to the issues I'm having with the current system. I know it's not likely to change anytime soon or ever but I can still raise a discussion about it and see if there are others with a similar train of thought.

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For you, casual PvP doesn't exist but for me - unranked = casual. Casual doesn't mean it's not competitive, that's a different thing all together. The difference in unranked and ranked for me is that unranked never ends, ranked has a ladder, it ends sometime and when it does - there is a ranking. It's unlikely that we will agree on this part so let's just let it go.


again there is nothing inherently casual about unranked or pvp in general. it is only casual to you because you're a casual.


You are very hung up on this that I for some reason don't want to be competitive and that's not what I'm saying at all. If I didn't want to be competitive, would I even raise the issues I'm having? No, I would just not PvP anymore or find a game where the system I'm looking for exists but I'm here and this is where I tend to stay. PvP in this game used to be about learning vs people of equal level and gear, each time you reach a new bracket you learn how to use the new skills in an effective way - when you take that away you get the situation you have now. Hell, people don't even talk anymore in PvP and when someone does it's just to throw out insults at the own team or the premade on the other team. I get that this experience varies but that has been my experience so far in the past month or so that I've been playing..


i'm not the only one hung up on it. it is quite evident that you are determined to queue at a disadvantage (at lower levels) and then complain about it despite the fact that there are solutions to make the gameplay competitive for you. really, i do feel for you that lowbies are in such disarray, i really do. it sucks that people feel the need to fully gear level 70-79 characters to smash on low levels, when they should be playing max level warzones. these are probably mostly people who get destroyed in max level pvp (which is the most balanced) and queue for lowbies instead.


however, people are not going to stop gearing level 70 characters nor stop pvping with them, nor is bioware going to bring back brackets judging from the fact that if anything - the population has only gotten worse since they got rid of brackets, which was the whole reason they had to get rid of the brackets in the first place - lack of population.


I use the term max level quite loosely here


so anything 70+ is max level to you? because, you know, in reality, max level specically means level 80 - nothing else.


but like I said - if you are level 50 and decide to do some PvP, even if you are very skilled you are at a huge disadvantage when you meet someone that is level 73, even with bolster active and it shows. My point is, why even have bolster if you're still going to get **** on because you don't have the proper stats? And it's not only about getting killed in a stunlock, it's also hitting like half a wet noodle against superior geared people, even if you can balance it out with your personal skill you will lose vs a person of equal skill level if they have a few levels on you. When playing my 75 merc, I'm fine with getting my *** handed to me sometimes - I sort of expect it to happen because even as a 75 my item level isn't really up to par and I will suffer for it. That's fine but my lvl 50 shouldn't have to fight level 75's - That's all I'm saying.


that's right, that's how it's going to be, and it's not going to change. if you dislike it, then you can and should get to max level pvp.


Now I see a lot of people complaining about new players using master datacron to reach max level quickly and therefor not learning how to use their skills properly in PvE situations, this apply to PvP too in it's current format - Leveling to 80 and jumping into PvP without knowing how it works puts you at a great disadvantage, a disadvantage you used to be able to offset by learning a little here and there as you leveled up.

I'm still doing PvP but maybe not as much as I would like to due to the issues I'm having with the current system. I know it's not likely to change anytime soon or ever but I can still raise a discussion about it and see if there are others with a similar train of thought.


sure, but now it's the opposite. queueing at lower levels puts you at a severe disadvantage. whereas queueing at max level is as balanced and fair as can be. you choose when and where to queue, if you're queueing at lower levels and getting stomped, you're choosing to do so.


i'm sure there are a ton of people that feel the way you do about lowbie pvp. but there is no logical reason to complain about it. it was changed and we know exactly why and there really isn't anything to be done about it, unless SWTOR receives a huge population boost some how (fat chance).


in the end there is a silver lining to almost everything; these issues are currently causing stagnation issues at lower levels and made lowbies in general unbalanced. however, it also aleviated stagnation issues at max level pvp and forced a lot of people that would otherwise be hiding in lowbies to pvp at max level where they should be.

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